
1.He was a sketcher and a copper-plate engraver.他也是杰出的素描家和铜版画家
2.Picture in poems. Ching dynasty, kuang-hsu11 th year edition, painter Ma-Tao drafts for painting. Delicate collection1 set in2 divisions.藏品描述:诗中画清光绪十一年版画家马涛之画稿.精致收藏品.一套2册.
3.Elegant and Smart,Appreciation for Painter Yi-Yang’s Newly-Made "Teana" Series千载吟唱·优雅灵动——版画家易阳新作《天籁》系列赏析
4.original engraving, print and lithograph原版画、印刷画和平版画
5.Anastatic printing: A relief printing process used by artists to produce prints.艺术凸版:艺术家用用板画的凸版印刷方法
6.The Study of Etching Subjects of English Painter William Hogarth;英国画家威廉·荷加斯的铜版画创作题材研究
7.an artist who designs and makes prints.设计和制作版画的艺术家。
8.Little Painter Editorial Department of China Hubei Fine Arts Press:湖北美术出版社《小画家》编辑部
9.Investigation and Thought of New Year Woodcut made in Yangjiabu,Weifang对潍坊杨家埠木版年画的调查及思考
10.The printing are performed by the artist himself and he signed each print and marked down the sequence against the quantity printed.版画是由画家亲自印制,并在每张画上签名,写上印次和印数。
11.The page content itself is the copyright of Mary Meng-Yu Lin, who also owns the domain name, and the artwork is the copyright of the artists named in the Gallery.网页本身的内容和区域名称的版权属于林孟瑀﹐而展览里的图画的版权属于该画的画家。
12.The Protection and Development of Folk Art of the Yangjiabu Wood Engraving Picture in Weifang;潍坊杨家埠木版年画民间工艺的保护与开发
13.Study and Application of Yangjiabu Woodprint New Year Pictures' Lines and Colors杨家埠木版年画线条和色彩研究及运用初探
14.The Research of the Yangjiabu Woodcut New Year Pictures on the Bases of Creative Industries创意产业视野下的杨家埠木版年画研究
15.On the Survival of the State of Contemporary Artists and My Prints Creation论当代艺术家的生存状态与我的版画创作
16.etchings, woodcuts, lithographs;蚀刻、木刻、平版画;
17.someone who sells etchings and engravings etc..卖蚀刻画和版画等的人。
18.Daguerre:French artist and inventor of the daguerreotype process for obtaining positive photographic prints."达盖尔:法国艺术家和发明家,发明了银版摄影术,能洗出照片的正画."

The Yangjiabu Woodcut New Year Pictures杨家埠木版年画
1.The Yangjiabu Woodcut New Year Pictures,which is listed among "The Three Famous Towns of China",is blooming during the Ming(1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties,which witnessed Humanities life,customs,aesthetic feelings of that time.杨家埠木版年画作为我国的三大画市之一繁荣于明清之际,见证了那个时代的人文生活、风俗习惯、审美情怀……然而社会的变迁、人们生活方式的改变、战争的破坏、文革的摧残……种种因素导致这种民族民间文化艺术形式日渐式微、陷入困境,而突如其来的经济危机更使其雪上加霜。
3)contemporary artist YI-Yang当代版画家易阳
4)Study of Yangjiabu Woodprint New Year Pictures杨家埠木版年画考
5)Layout designing画版
1.Discussion about The Territorial Character of Art Development for Ming Dynasty Print;明代版画艺术发展的区域性特征分析
2.On the Application of Piane Composition to Contemporary Print-Making;当代版画创作中平面构成的运用
3.Modern Printing and Print Technique Artistic Creation Space;现代印刷与版画技法的艺术创造空间

“自然保护区的春天”(版画)“自然保护区的春天”(版画)  纂 “白份了一长本一三门:券气”(沁己)作者:康绍牲