1.We try to re-interpret the"repeated thefts"from an objective position to find out that the"frequency""of repeated thefts"refers to a series of continuous theft actions being successfully conducted based on a generalized intention.从客观立场出发,对"多次盗窃"进行重新解读,得出"多次盗窃"中的"次"是指基于一个概括的犯意,而完整实施的一系列连贯的盗窃动作;多次盗窃与数额较大之间存在内在的等价、统一关系,但无位阶关系;《解释》的第4条和第5条中第12项的"多次盗窃"意思相同,是一个点的两个面。

1.Deconstructing Classic: the Re-interpretation on "The Making of the Hero";解构经典:《钢铁是怎样炼成的》重新解读
2.Again Help to Read Derrida s Deconstruction of Thought and Theory;德里达解构思想理论旨趣的重新解读
3.Reintrepretation on Tang Dynasty Poetry;对盛唐诗歌的重新解读——读宇文所安的《盛唐诗》
4.Anti-slaughtering Leaders:Reinterpretation of Relive Ceremony of Liao Dynasty反屠王:对辽代再生仪的重新解读
5.Dreams"and "Circumstances":Re-unscramble Nahan (Shouting)and Panghuang (Hesitating)(Part I)“梦”与“境遇”:对《呐喊》、《彷徨》的重新解读(上)
6.Re-interpreting Little Women from the Perspective of Transcendentalism;从超验主义视角重新解读《小妇人》
7.Analyse Las Putin from the Angle of Ecological Criticism;从生态批评的角度重新解读拉斯普京
8.Humane Spirit:The Second Explanation to the Administrative Reconsideration Law;人文精神:对行政复议法的重新解读
9.Re-interpretation on Notes to Selected Poems in the Song Danasty from Intertextuality Theory;从互文性理论重新解读《宋诗选注》
10.The Poetry of A Doll--Reread the Play A Doll s House;诗意“玩偶”——对《玩偶之家》的重新解读
11.A Reinterpretation of Guiguzi from a Rhetorical Perspective;从西方修辞学的角度重新解读《鬼谷子》
12.Re-interpreting "Yes" and "Should" by Hume;休谟“是”与“应当”问题的重新解读
13.Political Rights--a concept need explaining anew;政治权利——一个需重新解读的概念
14.The Eternal Heart--Rethinking of Jane Eyre;永恒不变的人心——重新解读《简·爱》
15.Reinterpretation of Marx "Actual Man";重新解读马克思语境中的“现实的人”
16.A Review of Domestic and International Researches on Utopia;乌托邦研究的缘起、流变及重新解读
17.The Tribulation of Soul:Reunscrambling the Phenomenon of Zhao Shuli;心灵的苦难:重新解读“赵树理现象”
18.Re-interpretation of the “Beat Generation" As a Cultural Trend;重新解读作为文化思潮的“垮掉一代”

Redefine Rebecca from the View of Feminism重新解读丽蓓卡
3)Reinterpretations on the Concept of Urbanization重新解读城市化
4)Reinterpretation of Design Sketching重新解读设计素描
5)interpretation of new poetry新诗解读
6)Report & interpretation新闻解读
