1.The Modern Interpretation on the Image of Vimaiakirti in Book of Vimaiakirti;《维摩诘经》之维摩诘形象的现代解读

1.On the Misreading of the Illustrations of Vimalakirtinirdea-sūtra in Mogao Grottoes Based on Vimalakirtinirdea-sūtra;莫高窟《维摩诘经变》对《维摩诘经》的“误读”
2.The Modern Interpretation on the Image of Vimaiakirti in Book of Vimaiakirti;《维摩诘经》之维摩诘形象的现代解读
3.The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra and Wang Wei s Buddhist Aesthetic Ideology;《维摩诘经》与王维的佛教美学思想
4.Discussion to Correction and Interpretation to Dunhuang bianwen--Weimojie Jing Jiangjingwen;《敦煌变文校注·维摩诘经讲经文》商榷
5.Study of the Characteristics of "Inconceivableness" in the Yimalakirti Sutra;《维摩诘经》中“不可思议”的性质研究
6.The Influences of Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra on Chinese Traditional Culture;《维摩诘经》对中国传统文化影响举要
7.Study on "yunhe" in the two Vimalakirti Sutra;两部《维摩诘经》“云何”历时研究
8.Bhavana-punya and Bhavana-prajna:Significance of "Offerings of the Dharma in Vimalakirti-Nivdesa Sutra";福慧双修——论《维摩诘经·法供养品》的意义
9.A Textual Research on The Inscription for The Vimalakīrti-nirdesa:Center on S.2838 Dunhuang MS;敦煌遗书S.2838《维摩诘经》的题记研究
10.Discussion to The Correction and Interpretat on to Dunhuang Bianwen: Weimojiejing Jiangjingwen;《敦煌变文校注·维摩诘经讲经文》商补
11.Comment on the Nirvana Thought of Vimalakirti Sutra从《维摩诘经》看大乘佛教的涅槃观
12.Why the Translation of Vimalakirtinirdesa-sutra by Kumarajive Is More Popular than the Others ;《维摩诘经》的鸠摩罗什译本流行的原因分析
13.Artistic Expressive Force of Weimojie’s Emotion in Cave 220 in Mogao Grottoes, Dunhuang论敦煌莫高窟第220窟维摩诘情感的艺术表现
14.Vimalakirtinirdesasutra and the development of the methods of observing the physical world of the scenic poems in the middle ancient times of China;《维摩诘经》与中古山水诗观物方式的演进
15.Different Translations of WEIMOJIEJING and Their Contribution to the Development of Chinese Lexics;同经异译的《维摩诘经》及其对汉语词汇发展的贡献
16.View on the Same Buddhist Sutra,Different Translations and the Imprortant Position in the Development of Chinese Vocabulary from Weimojiejing;从《维摩诘经》管窥同经异译在词汇发展中的重要地位
17.From Vimalakirtinirdesa to Hinayana Buddhism;《维摩诘经》以不二法门对小乘佛教基本概念的会通
18.When he finally added the eye lines, the Buddha seemed to come alive,等到最后,这个年青人为维摩诘点上眼珠的时候,画上的人物就像活了一样,

1.Different Translations of WEIMOJIEJING and Their Contribution to the Development of Chinese Lexics;同经异译的《维摩诘经》及其对汉语词汇发展的贡献
2.View on the Same Buddhist Sutra,Different Translations and the Imprortant Position in the Development of Chinese Vocabulary from Weimojiejing;从《维摩诘经》管窥同经异译在词汇发展中的重要地位
1.Why the Translation of Vimalakirtinirdesa-sutra by Kumarajive Is More Popular than the Others ;《维摩诘经》的鸠摩罗什译本流行的原因分析
2.These works embody the Buddhists philosophicalideas of the Chan sect, Hua-yan School, Vimalakirtinirdesa-sutra and Summarized Chinese edition ofMahajnaparamita, which reflect a certain degree of Buddhists philosophy impact on Meng Jiao.诗人孟郊与佛僧的交游赠答诗较多,这类作品渗透了一些禅宗、华严宗以及《维摩诘经》、《小品般若》的佛教哲学思想,反映出佛教哲学对孟郊的一定影响。
4)illustrations of Vimalakirtinirdea-sūtra《维摩诘经变》
1.The illustrations of Vimalakirtinirdea-sūtra were based on Vimalakirtinirdea-sūtra,but the illustrations did not always tally with the Vimalakirtinirdea-sūtra scripture,because of the differences between Chinese culture and Indian culture and the changes of aesthetic standards of the times.敦煌莫高窟壁画《维摩诘经变》是根据《维摩诘经》绘制的,但在画师将佛经文本"具象化"的过程中,由于文化差异、时代审美等方面的原因,制作出来的经变与佛经存在着不少的出入。
5)Weimojie in Cave 220第220窟维摩诘
6)The Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra《注维摩诘所说经》

维摩诘【维摩诘】 (人名)菩萨名。略云维摩。其义为净名。净者清净无垢之谓。名者名声远布之谓。唐诗人王维字摩诘。即以此菩萨之名为其名字也。(参见:维摩)