1.Having referenced the calligraphers and the authentic works of calligraphy of Jinhua,from Tang Dynasty to Qing Dynasty,the author briefly sketches the development of ancient calligraphy in Jinhua in the paper.本文稽考了金华历代书家和书迹,上自唐朝,下至清末。

1.A collector of books.书籍收藏者(藏书家
2.On Tian Jiaying--A Scholar and Bibliophile;十年京兆一书生——记藏书家田家英
3.He's something of a book collector.他可说是位藏书家
4.The bookstore is well stocked up with all kinds of books.这家书店书的种类繁多。
5.At Southern Dynasties,calligrapher Wang Seng-qian also was a calligrphic theorist.王僧虔,南朝齐书法家,也是书法理论家。
6.He is appointe secretary-general of Calligrapher` s Association and SEC of CCP group of chinese Calligrapher` s Association.现为中国书法家协会分党组书记、国书法家协会秘书长。
7.Every American bookshop has shelves and shelves of self-help books.每家美国书店都有几书架的自我帮助类书藉。
8.A room in a private home for such a collection.书屋,书斋私人家中放置这种藏书的屋子
9.Let the Wind of Reading Blown into of Thousands of Families--Report of the Reading Holiday Held by Humen Library让读书之风吹进千万家——虎门图书馆读书节侧记
10.Chinese Calligraphers' Association of Hong Kong香港中国书法家协会
11.statement of applicant's family background申请人家庭状况申报书
12.There is a bookstore at the crossroads.十字路口处有一家书店。
13.National Library of Australia澳大利亚国家图书馆
14.Nobody ever troubled the bookshelves.家里的人从来不挨书架。
15.statement of sponsor's family background保证人家庭状况申报书
16.Carrfour also sells books and CDs.“家乐福”还卖书和cd唱片,
17.a shallow writer, argument, conversation, book浅薄的作家、 议论、 交谈、 书.
18.He poked about in a second-hand bookstore.他逛了一家旧书店。

letters home家书
1.By reading his letters home,we can vividly apperceive Mr.文章通过对梁先生家书的解读,可以真切感知其八十余年的人生冷暖,可以更好地理解梁实秋先生的真正心境。
2.Zhu Yi-zun s letters home, collected by Tang Chang-ru and recently postscripted by Qi Gong in 1980, have never been published, but are of important value as historical documents.朱彝尊家书 ,为唐长孺先生收藏 ,由启功先生题跋 ,具有重要的文献价值 ,却从未发表。
3)book collector藏书家
1.Most of the books were handed down through book collectors in Changshu.常熟赵氏为文献世家,藏书楼有园林之胜,藏书多为常熟藏书家递藏。
2.The book collectors have their own book_collecting theories and the catalogues of collected books have their obvious characteristics.常熟为中国私家藏书中心地之一,藏书家有藏书理论,藏书目录特色明显。
3.This paper introduces the features of today’s folk book collection in Jiangsu represented by the book collectors of Jiangsu elected by Nanjing Library in 2007, aiming at offering reference to make further understanding of today’s folk book collection in Jiangsu and its influence.介绍了以南京图书馆2007"江苏藏书家"为代表的当代江苏民间藏书之特点,旨在为了解当代江苏民间藏书的现状以及影响提供参考。
4)Private book collection私家藏书
1.The Prosperity and Reason of the Private Book Collections during Wei-Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties;魏晋南北朝私家藏书兴盛原因初探
1.Hui Dong,the bibliophile and emendator of Qing Dynasty;清代吴地藏书家校勘学家惠栋
2.Discussion on the achievements of ancient bibliophiles in Suzhou who preserved and passed down the ancient books by copying and transcribing books;古代苏州藏书家以抄书、刻书保存流传典籍的功绩
3.On Tian Jiaying——A Scholar and Bibliophile;十年京兆一书生——记藏书家田家英
6)Rural Library农家书屋
1.College Library and the Project of Rural Library——Our Practice and Exploration of Participant in the Project of Rural Library;高校图书馆与“农家书屋”工程——我馆参加“农家书屋”建设的实践与探索
2.Study on the Construction and Development of "Rural library"“农家书屋”建设及发展探讨
3.The Existing Problems and Countermeasures in the Development of the Rural Library in Lianyungang连云港市“农家书屋”建设中存在的问题与对策

书家1.书法家,善书者。 2.侍书家的省称。侍奉帝王﹑掌管文书的官员。