1.On the Interpreting Rules of Poetic Quality of Xiang-yu;论“象喻”的诗性阐释方式

1.On Figurative Meanings of Images in Zhouyi -Taking the Hexagram of Gou as an Example;《周易》象喻发微──以《姤》为例
2.A Study of Polysemy in English Based on Metaphor and Metonymy;隐喻、转喻机制下的英语一词多义现象
3.Cognition from “Head”-- Research on Polysemy with Metonymy and Metaphor;从“头”认知——转喻、隐喻与一词多义现象研究
4.Transfer of the vehicle's image in translation从认知角度看隐喻翻译中的喻体意象转换
5.Continuum of Metonymy and Metaphor and Cognitive Study of Polysemy转喻与隐喻的连续体现象与多义词的认知研究
6.How does the writer use imagery, symbol and metaphor?这位作者如何使用意象、象征与比喻?
7.On the Image of Shelley s “Ode to the West Wind”;妙音神思,喻言万象——《西风颂》意象赏析
8.Visual Angle, Imagination, Metaphor and Symbolization--TheImpressionoftheNovelTheFrontierTown;视角·意象·隐喻象征——《边城》细读札记
9.Diagrammatic Iconicity and Metaphorical Iconicity in Language;语言符号的图表象似性与隐喻象似性
10.Symbol: Sign and Metaphor --Discussion of the poetic origin of symbol of ontology;象征:符号与隐喻——象征本体论诗学探源
11.Interpretation of Metaphorical Images in Madam Bovary;《包法利夫人》中的隐喻象征意象阐释
12.Metaphorical Iconicity or Iconic Metaphor:A Cognitive Analysis of Swan and Shadow隐喻象似还是象似隐喻——基于《天鹅与倒影》的认知分析
13.I seem to be floundering in a sea of metaphor.我好象在一大堆比喻里挣扎。
14.The implication in poem Li Sao is full of meanings.《离骚》的隐喻象征的意义蕴涵丰富。
15.The Symbol Model and Bible Allusion on the Sound and the Fury论《喧哗与骚动》的象征模式和圣经隐喻
16.Grammatical Metaphor in EST Texts and Its E-C Translation;科技英语中的语法隐喻现象及其汉译
17.Metaphor of Natural Image: Re-examination of Hawthorne s Attitudes Toward Sins Through Natural Image;自然意象之隐喻:霍桑罪恶观再解读
18.Blended Space Approach to Metaphorical Images in Pound s Ripostes;庞德《回击》中隐喻意象的合成空间阐释

metaphorical iconicity隐喻象似
1.The Principles in language iconicity such as imagic iconicity,diagrammatic iconicity and metaphorical iconicity are embodied in many aspects in newspaper headlines,such as the sentence structure,rhetorical device,font size as well as type setting.象似性理论的主要原则(映像象似、拟象象似和隐喻象似等)在新闻标题的句子结构、修辞、字体、排版等方面都有体现。
3)same images with opposite metaphors象同喻反
4)metaphor image隐喻意象
1.The court-style poems reflect the psychological features of boudoirs by means of time image,space image and metaphor image,etc.宫体诗通过对时间意象、空间意象、隐喻意象的截取,以体物寓情的手法表现深闺女性的心理。
5)abstract source抽象喻体
6)imagery tradition象喻传统

象喻【象喻】 (譬喻)涅槃经六、以象喻佛性,盲人譬无明之众生,说众盲摸象之肢体,为种种之解。曰:“象喻佛性,盲喻一切无明众生。”广弘明集二十曰:“手擎四钵,始乎鹿野之教。身卧双林,终于象喻之说。”