1.And the failure of his reform,caused by his blindly fogyism,enlightens people that the innovative though and ability is the precondition of social reform.王莽改制是顺应历史潮流的举动,但其改制理论利用的不是儒家思想中勇于创新的一面,而是其守旧、复古的一面;他在政治、经济方面的改制实践中一味地“慕古法”,而不思进取。

1.hidebound views, bureaucrats守旧的观点、 官僚
2.conventional remark,attitude,etc因循守旧的言语、态度等.
3.She is very conservative and does not like modern fashions.她很守旧,不喜欢时髦。
4.You're not up for anything conventional...你不喜欢守旧的仪式。
5.he usually behaves rather conventionally.他通常表现得有点守旧
6.teach an old dog new tricks使守旧的人接受新事物。
7.an old timer[美]老资格, 老手, 守旧的人
8.] squaresville &|[俚]古板守旧的(圈子)
9.Don't let yourself get into a groove, young man.年轻人,你不可以因循守旧,墨守成规。
10.It's hard for him to get out of the groove他很难改变因循守旧的习惯。
11.We ought to have enterprising spirits and not to follow the beaten track.我们要有进取精神,不能因循守旧
12.He was a conservative military thinker.他是位因循守旧的军事思想家。
13.I'm afraid you will think I'm conservative.我想你会认为我是很守旧的。
14.She's a woman of the old school, very hard to deal with.她是个守旧妇女, 很难对付。
15.The church has become more liberal in this century.本世纪教会变得不那么守旧了。
16.I can't stick them at any price, they are such frumps.我无论如何受不了她们,她们太守旧
17.Some people still cling to the old customs and beliefs.有些人仍然墨守旧习惯和信仰。
18.He is old-fashioned and rather limited in his social ideas.他有点守旧,思想观念有些局限。

the conservative thought守旧思想
1.vocabulary and grammar of British English and American English, we reveal that the conservatism of American English is an objective fact.通过对英国英语和美国英语在语音、词汇和语法上的比较研究,揭示了美国英语守旧性的客观存在,并指出了研究美国英语守旧性的重要性。

守旧  见门帘台帐。