1.The Difference in the Beauty of Emptiness between Zen and Taoism;浅析王维、李白之诗对禅宗与道家"空灵之美"追求的差异

1.The Difference in the Beauty of Emptiness between Zen and Taoism;浅析王维、李白之诗对禅宗与道家"空灵之美"追求的差异
2.The Beauty of Emptiness and Smartness Of WanShu Garden──On the Beauty of the Summer Resort;万树园之空灵美──避暑山庄审美谈
3.Emptiness and Intelligence On the Aesthetic Attributes of Jia Pingwa s Writings(I);冲虚与空灵──贾平凹作品美质论之一
4.As compared with the lingering charm(韵)of the Chinese aesthetics, Benjamin's theory of aurar is rather "practical" and decorous but void of very much space for further thought and the lasting appeal of the Chinese genre.与中国美学之“韵”比较,本杰明的韵论“务实”而厚重,没有中国式的空灵与优美。
5.Pure Beauty of Spirituality:Qingwen s Inner Beauty;本色纯真的性灵之美——谈晴雯的内在美
6.What special powers do our minds have?三度空间之外是否还有灵异的世界?
7.On The Hours;《岁月如歌》——跨越时空的心灵之约
8.His journey to South America was a source of fresh ideas and inspiration.他的南美之行是新意念和灵感的泉源。
9.For those who admire artistry with agility您所期盼的灵动之美,就在眼前。
10.The Nimble and Resourceful Picture Sentiment--life aesthetics of Depiction of painting by Wang wei;灵动的画之情——王微《叙画》的生命美学
11.A Soul's Journey of the ABC Daughters in The Joy Luck Club《喜福会》中美国华裔女儿的灵魂之旅
12.The Relationship between Beauty and Psyche in The Portrait of Dorian Gray《道连·葛雷的画像》中美与灵魂之关系
13.Imaginative,Indirect,Fresh and Beautiful--a basic research on aesthetics of Su Shi s love ci;空灵蕴藉 婉转清丽——苏轼爱情词审美浅探
14.The Spirit Cross thing Time and Space--A Brief View on the Aesthetic Value of Andersen Firy Tales;穿越时空的精灵——浅谈安徒生童话的审美价值
15.Freedom of Soul: Characteristic of Appreciation of the Beauty of Art of Blank in Educational Process心灵的自由:教育过程中“空白”艺术的审美特质
16.Poetic Aesthetics--Analysis on the Poetic Image诗意空间灵动中的审美蕴藉——再说诗歌意象
17.The Same Response of Souls in Different Times-Comparison Between The Cresent Moon and The Water of Turbulent Waves;跨越时空的心灵震颤——从《月牙儿》到《沧浪之水》
18.The Land of Nothing in Taoism and Heidegger s Room of the Soul;道家的游无何有之乡和海德格尔的心灵空间

Beautiful Clear and Spacious Images空灵美
1.The Beautiful Clear and Spacious Images in Wangwei’s Idyls;王维山水田园诗的空灵美
3)beauty of space空间之美
1.It is composed of such aspects as "beauty of nature","beauty of movement","beauty of space" and "beauty of artistic conception".从中国古代哲学“虚与实”的视角分析了中国文士园林的美学特征 ;运用了一些哲学与美学的观点对已经熟知的园林进行了美学特征的分析 ,并从“自然之美”、“运动之美”、“空间之美”和“意境之美”四个方面进行了论证与阐释 ,证明了“虚与实”对中国古典园林的重要影响和意义 ;试图透过中国古典园林表面的形式美 ,发现其内质的
4)Beauty of "Silence"空寂之美
5)Beauty of Silence and Clearness空寂清妙之美
1.Though elusive ideal condition in Chinese ancient poetry can be found in.我国古代诗词中的空灵意境虽然可以在儒道中寻到其根,但佛教思想对中国士大夫的创作无疑产生了重要影响,佛教思想对诗词中的空灵意境也起了助进作用。
