1.The Call of Sentiments in Loneliness——Comments on Jimmy′s Cartoons in Brief;孤独中的真情呼唤——简评幾米漫画

1.The Call of Sentiments in Loneliness--Comments on Jimmy′s Cartoons in Brief;孤独中的真情呼唤——简评幾米漫画
2.Liu Zhiji’s Memoir spirit in Yi Gu and Huo Jing从《疑古》、《惑经》看刘知幾的实录精神
3.The Literary Fate and Historical Significance of Ji Association in Song-jiang During the Transitional Period of Ming and Qing Dynasty;明清之际松江幾社的文学命运与文学史意义
4.He has several bottles more than the duty- free allowance and so he was charged duty.他携带的瓶數較免税品限额超出了好幾瓶,因此他被徵繳關税。
5.Talk about Zhang Xue-cheng(章学诚),Liu Zhi-ji(刘知幾)and Zheng Qiao(郑樵) --the readingnote of mr.Zhang Shun-hui(张舜徽) s Comment on Wen Shi Tong Yi(《文史通义》);论章学诚与刘知幾、謎浴琳潘椿障壬段氖吠ㄒ迤揭椤酚械
6."Corn," cried the raven. "Corn, corn."“玉米,”乌鸦叫道。“玉米,玉米。”
7.rice, corn and wheat.大米,玉米和小麦。
8.It is 2,189 metres high,海拔2,189米,
9.The highboard are 3 metres, 5 metres 7.5 metres, and 10 metres high.跳台分3米、5米、7.5米和10米高的跳台。
10.Mangoes and rice, mangoes and rice,芒果和米饭,芒果和米饭。
11.The carpet be 6 metre in length and 4 metre in breadth .这地毯是6米长4米宽。
12.dumplings and rice. dumplings and rice.饺子和米饭,饺子和米饭。
13.cm in thickness/a thickness of cm厚4 厘米[4 厘米的厚度]
14.One NM is one-1 billionth meter.一纳米是十亿分之一米。
15.Hamito-Semitic languages含米特-闪米特诸语言
16.Micrometre: One-thousandth of a millimeter.微米:百万分之一米。
17.corn silker玉米穗丝机, 玉米除须机
18.Maiga: Its area was 610m ~ 190m.麦加:面积是610米X190米。

Ji Association幾社
1.The Literary Fate and Historical Significance of Ji Association in Song-jiang During the Transitional Period of Ming and Qing Dynasty;明清之际松江幾社的文学命运与文学史意义
3)Liu Zhiji刘知幾
1.Liu Zhiji’s Memoir spirit in Yi Gu and Huo Jing从《疑古》、《惑经》看刘知幾的实录精神
2.Liu Zhiji, one historian of Tan Dynasty, paid much attention to the language of historical works in Shi Tong.唐刘知幾在《史通》中对史著文辞有充分关注。
4)the stochastic geometry Brownian motion model幾何布朗運動隨機模型
1.Determination on Multiple Trace Elements in Rice by ICP-AES;ICP-AES测定米中多种微量元素
2.Determination of Beryllium in Rice and Flour by Platform Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry Using a Slurry Technique;米面悬浮进样平台石墨炉原子吸收法测定铍
3.Different Angle,Different View-A comparison of A Camel of Xiangzi and Rice based on a new-historical view;横看成岭侧成峰——新历史主义视野下《骆驼祥子》和《米》的比较研究

曾幾(1084~1166)  南宋诗人。字吉甫。自号茶山居士。其先赣州(今属江西)人,后徒河南洛阳。在吏部考试,列优等,赐太学上舍出身,为校书郎。后出任应天府(今属河南)少尹,庭无留讼。高宗朝,历官江西、浙西提刑,后因得罪秦桧被免职。任广西运判,固辞。侨居上饶(今属江西)茶山寺。秦桧死,再起为浙西提刑,知台州(今属浙江)。后任秘书少监,奉旨修《神宗宝训》,书成,权礼部侍郎。孝宗隆兴二年(1164)辞官。    曾幾学识渊博,为人正直,勤于政事。他的学生陆游替他作《墓志铭》,称他"治经学道之余,发于文章,雅正纯粹,而诗尤工,以杜甫、黄庭坚为宗。"陆游又在《追怀曾文清公呈赵教授近尝示诗》中称他"律令合时方帖妥,工夫深处却平夷。"魏庆之《诗人玉屑》说他学于韩驹,所以后人也把他列入江西诗派。    曾幾诗多属抒情遣兴、唱酬题赠之作,风格闲雅清淡。五、七律讲究对仗自然,气韵疏畅。古诗如《赠空上人》、《东轩小室即事五首》、《春晴》,近体诗如《南山除夜》、《南归题扬州竹西亭》、《雪晴》等,均见功力。《寓居吴兴》、《食淮白鱼》等,于写景咏物之中流露出渴望收复中原之情;《苏秀道中大雨》写秋雨给农家带来的喜悦,也是比较优秀的作品。    所著《易释象》及文集已佚。《四库全书》有《茶山集》8卷,系从《永乐大典》中辑录。有武英殿聚珍版本,商务印书馆《丛书集成》初编本。