1.Vigorousness and Elegance——On th Style of Zhou Bangyan s Poems;浑厚和雅清真词——周邦彦词艺术风格论

1.His voice had a rich melodic quality.他的音色浑厚而优美.
2.His voice boomed out, reaching the back of the hall.他的浑厚嗓音响彻大厅。
3.The notes of the air throbbed deep and full.乐声听上去幽深而浑厚
4.A thick robe of it swept from hill to hill.那就象浑厚的罩袍笼罩着群山。
5.He has a nice voice, she thought. Deep and smooth.他的嗓音很好,低音浑厚,她想。
6.I think their voices are vigorous and deep.我觉得他们的声音很浑厚,很低沉。
7.The sound produced by the bell is deep, and its echo spreads as far as 15 kilometres.钟声浑厚, 回声悠长,远播15公里。
8.Don't you love his deep, rich voice?你难道不喜欢他低沉、浑厚的嗓音吗?
9.Vigorousness and Elegance--On th Style of Zhou Bangyan s Poems;浑厚和雅清真词——周邦彦词艺术风格论
10.sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal; the sounding cataract haunted me like a passion- Wordsworth.浑厚的铜管声和清脆的铙钹声;奔腾浑厚的瀑布声如激情般萦绕于怀-沃兹沃斯。
11.The voice was rich, lordly and Harvardish.这声音浑厚,威严,俨然是哈佛出身的气派。
12.The body is poet's he, its poetry influence vigorous, the mind are general.身为诗人的他,其诗歌势力浑厚,胸怀广大。
13.His voice was deep and resonant, with an air of authority.他的嗓音浑厚低沉,有一种格外威严的风采。
14.He talked very quickly, with a flow of easy words and in a deep, resonant voice.他说得很快,既流畅又浅显易懂。嗓音洪亮浑厚
15.Chinese waltz in the simple and honest style Chinese ink controlling feature of landscape painting by Huang Binhong浑厚华滋民族性——黄宾虹山水画用墨特色
16.Every morning I can hear a rich voice of the baritone.每天早晨,我都能听到男中音浑厚的声音。
17.On the Open-mindedness Doctrine of Master Wei Zhuangqu;心道天地与浑厚生意:魏庄渠先生的大心说
18.As he had grown extremely fond of London, he cursed the flatness of exile.由于他对伦敦已经产生了浑厚的感情,他诅咒这不可抗拒的流亡。

integrating and deep of the style & features气象浑厚
3)simple and honest flourish浑厚华滋
4)moisten and thick华滋浑厚
5)(of handwriting) bold and vigorous strokes笔力浑厚
6)Dignified yellow earth plateau浑厚的黄土高原

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