1.How to teach elementary points about delicate-strokes-portrait shapes? The answer lies in the integration of Chinese freehand brushwork painting with western sketch painting.当代中国工笔人物画造型基础教学的切入点———应把中国画的写意艺术与西方的写生方法结合起来,做到神形兼备,并突出"尚意"的重要性。

1.A Rough Study on Civilian Tendency about the Chinese Gongbi Paintings of Song Dynasty;浅析宋代工笔人物画中的平民化趋势
2.Consistent Cultivation of Mind Makes Miracle--Meticulous Painting of Figures;耕心一贯化出神——工笔人物画线描谈
3.On the Display of Freehand Brushwork in the Elaborate-style Figure Painting;浅议“写意性”在工笔人物画中的表现
4.The Artistic Charm of the Lines--Views on the Line in Paintings About Person with Writing Brush;线条的魅力——谈工笔人物画中的线
5.The Culture Linguistic Context of the Traditional Brush Stroke Figural Painting;传统工笔人物画兴衰的文化语境解读
6.On the Diversity of Contemporary Meticulous Portraits in an Artistic Language论当代工笔人物画艺术语言的多样性
7.An Analysis of the Factors Influencing the Creation of Modern Fine Brush Figure Painting试析影响当代工笔人物画创作的因素
8.His figure paintings, meticulously executed, are bright in color, accurate in portrayal, and vivid in expression.他的工笔人物造型准确,形神兼备,色彩明艳绚烂,
9.The Characteristic and Modern Development of Traditional Realistic Painting s Line Drawing;论传统工笔人物画线的特性及现代发展
10.The Traditional Exquisite Brush Portrait with Breaks Through Puzzled by the Globalization Linguistic Environment;论全球化语境下传统工笔人物画的困惑与突围
11.On the Necessity of Pluralistic Development of Contemporary Chinese Meticulous Brushwork Figure Painting;论当代中国工笔人物画多元发展之必然性
12.Analysis of Brush Stroke Figural Painting under the Contemporary Plural Culture Linguistic Context;当代多元文化语境下的工笔人物画解读
13.Talking about the West Modeling Concept Has the Influence on the Modern Chinese Realistic Painting.;浅谈西方造型观念对当代工笔人物画之影响
14.The development of creative thought --About the innovation of fine brushwork;创造性思维的培养——浅谈工笔人物教学改革
15.The Development of Freehand Brushwork of Meticulous Figure Painting in Modern Transformation论工笔人物画在现代转型中的写意性发展
16.The Analysis about Two Creative Trends of Contemporary Brushworks试析当代中国工笔人物画创作的两种趋势
17.Some Ideas about the Development of Styles and Techniques of Traditional Chinese Meticulous Drawing of Figures浅谈中国传统工笔人物画风格及技法的演变
18.Brief Discussion on Decorative Language Application and Expansion in Modern Brush Stroke Figural Painting;浅析装饰语汇在当代工笔人物画中的应用与拓展

realistic figure painting工笔人物画
1.This paper carries out an intensive research and comparison from such aspects of conception,modeling,lines,coloring composition and painting style,based on a great deal of excellent ancient and contemporary realistic figure paintings.本文对古今工笔人物画力作,从造型、用线、敷色以及绘画的装饰风格诸方面进行了深入细致的实例比较研究,以期为现代工笔人物画对古代传统的传承与创新梳理出一条较为清晰具体的脉络,从而为其进一步发展提供出更为广阔深远的历史背景与未来前景。
2.Beginning with the all-around observation of traditional Chinese realistic figure paintings of Tang Dynasty, which is the flourishing period of ancient figure paintings, this paper introduces a meditation of modern figure paintings and gives a picture of the original relation between traditional and modern paintings.本文从对古代人物画发展的盛期——唐代工笔人物画的全方位考察入手,引发出对现代工笔人物画振兴的思考,阐述了传统与现代的渊源关系,并着重以艺术语言的比较为构架,运用大量古今工笔人物画力作,从题材立意、造型、用线、赋色、构图以及绘画风格诸方面进行了深入细致的实例比较研究。
3)brush stroke figural painting工笔人物画
1.Brief Discussion on Decorative Language Application and Expansion in Modern Brush Stroke Figural Painting;浅析装饰语汇在当代工笔人物画中的应用与拓展
2.Analysis of Brush Stroke Figural Painting under the Contemporary Plural Culture Linguistic Context;当代多元文化语境下的工笔人物画解读
3.The essay studies the rise and decline course of China s brush stroke figural painting and relevant culture background, and relatively starts with the vertical vein of thought and figure painting and crosswise of the culture linguistic context of Chinese realistic painting of each developing stage of the historical growth and decline.工笔人物画是中国画乃至中国文化的重要组成部分,研究中国工笔人物画的兴衰历程,从工笔人物画历史消长的纵向脉络以及各个发展阶段工笔人物画与文化语境的横向比较入手,探讨工笔人物画与所处时代文化语境的关系,找出其兴衰的文化根源,为当代多元文化语境下的工笔人物画创作提供借鉴。
4)traditional meticulous figure painting传统工笔人物画
1.It is very rewarding to modern meticulous figure painting to study the structure of ancient traditional meticulous figure painting.学习研究中国古代传统工笔人物画的色彩结构,对发展现代工笔人物画有极为重要的意义。
5)Chinese figure painting in meticulous style中国工笔人物画
1.Since the introduction of Western painting techniques ,Chinese figure painting in meticulous style painters who generally improve the ability of shape, color, composition and also constitute a new expansion.本文尝试系统的梳理画论及分析优秀中国工笔人物画作品,并加以归纳,通过(一)工笔,写意,写意画这三个概念的界定;(二)传统工笔人物画写意性的具体体现;(三)写意性在当代工笔人物画中的体现;(四)减弱写意性的探索型画家,这四个部分论述了中国工笔人物画的写意性。
6)Realistic Brushwork Figure Painting写实工笔人物画
