1.It has been well over 1,500 years since picture-mounting appeared in China, which creates a famous style called " songxuan Hezhuang".书画装裱在中国已有一千五百多年的历史,并创造了至今不衰的"宋宣和装"品式。

1.Dimensional stability of the paintings mounting material-Xuan paper;书画装裱材料——宣纸形稳定性的研究
2.The Evolvement an Renovation of Traditional Mounting Art of Paintings and Calligraphy;传统书画装裱艺术的形成发展与革新
3.Interpreting Aesthetic Features of Language Construction of Mounting Chinese Calligraphy and Painting;解读中国书画装裱构成语言的审美特征
4.Evaluative Testing of the Prevention of Microbes Using Different Mounting and Binding Materials for Works of Calligraphy and Painting不同添加成分对书画装裱浆糊抑菌效果的评价试验
5.Framed Chinese calligraphy and painting restoration and building a knowledge-based system implementation中国书画文物修复装裱知识系统构筑及实现
6.put(a picture,photograph,etc)on a new mount重新装裱(画片、照片等).
7.She was mounting a picture when I came back.我回来时,她在装裱图画。
8.The precious little picture is framed now and hangs in my study.那张珍贵的小图画现在已经裱糊装帧挂在我的书房里。
9.The Feasible Research in the Application of Amylase in the Course of Rev ealing Paper from the Back of the Chinese Painting淀粉酶在书画揭裱技术中应用的可行性研究
10.Application of starch adhesive in mounting process of traditional Chinese painting and calligraphy;淀粉胶粘剂在传统书画修裱工艺中的应用
11.Effect of additive Chinese medicine on viscosity of adhesive for mounting of painting and calligraphy添加中药对书画修裱胶粘剂黏度影响的研究
12.A border, such as a mat, that is used to frame or mount a picture.框边,衬边用来给画装框或裱帖画的边,如画片的闪光金边
13.For instance, a painting with an inferior frame often has a direct and negative impact on the viewers' opinion of the artwork.比如一幅画作,镜框装裱的优劣往往会直接影响赏画人的观感。
14.He mounted the picture upon silken cloth.他把那幅画裱在绢上。
15.Would you like to have them mounted?您想把他们装裱起来吗?
16.The painting is usually mounted on thick paper.绘画作品一般用厚纸托裱在画的背后。
17.Decoration and Painting --Discussion of Chang Shuhong’s Decorative Art Ideas;装饰与绘画——常书鸿装饰艺术思想探议
18.A study on the characters of antifungus and insectproof adhesive SDK used for mounting;防霉防蛀装裱粘合剂SDK的性能研究

Mounting Study of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy书画装裱研究
3)repair of painting and calligraphy and file protection书画修裱
1.The adhesive for repair of painting and calligraphy and file protection,called paste,has been used for a long time in China.书画修裱胶粘剂(浆糊)在我国使用已千年之久。
4)painting mounting字画装裱
1.This paper describes the art of mounting Tangkar, from this one can figure out the importance of mounting to Tangkar drawing and the characteristics.本文通过对唐卡绘画装裱艺术进行了论述,从而可以看到装裱对唐卡绘画的重要性和装裱的民族特色,使其精美的艺术特色得以展现,在中国民族艺术的舞台上大放光彩。
6)upholstery twill silk for picture mounting裱画绫
