1.As one kind of independent expression,XiaoPinHua,which combine the features of caricatures and traditional Chinese paintings,provides a new field for the innovation in college moral education.漫画和国画相结合的小品画作为一种独立的语言形式,为高校思想品德教育方式创新提供新的空间。

1.XIAOPINHUA & the Innovation of College Moral Education;小品画与高校思想品德教育方式创新
2.an exhibition of pictures or objects viewed through a small hole or magnifying glass.透过一个小孔或放大镜看的图画或物品的展览。
3.The novelist only gave a thumbnail sketch of his characters.这位小说家对他作品中的人物只作简略的勾画。
4.Impressionist painters, works, exhibitions印象派画家、 作品、 画展.
5.They encourage the children to paint pictures.他们鼓励小孩子画画。
6.Large-sized and Small-sized Paintings, Famous and Ordinary Painters;大画小画和大画家小画家——与刘文西先生商榷
7.I showed Tony my latest painting but he just curled his lip and said a child could do better.我给托尼看了我最新的一幅绘画作品,但他只是撇撇嘴说小孩都会比我画得好。
8.A Fine Engraving upon a Little Piece of Ivory--On Characterization in Emma by Jane Austen方寸象牙上的精美雕刻品——论简·奥斯丁小说《爱玛》的人物刻画
9.A Brief Review on Freehand Brushwork Description of Landscape Painting in Yuan Dynasty Based on the Four Painting Masters;小议元代山水画的写意精神——以元四家的作品为例
10.Art Is Derived From Connotation And Elegance--A study of The king and The bird;用“内蕴”与“品位”见证艺术——评法国动画片《国王与小鸟》
11.Work in the graphic or plastic arts, especially small handmade decorative or artistic objects.艺术制品书画或塑造艺术品,尤指手工制作的小巧的装饰或艺术制品
12.Moral Quality、Poetic Quality、Artistic Quality---On Wang Mian s Moral Quality and Poetic and Artistic Creation;人品、诗品、画品——论王冕的人品及其诗画创作
13.Painting--Moral Character--Rediscussion of Relationship Between Moral Character and Painting Quality;画即是人——人品画品关系的再探讨
14.Cdq art the studio primarily display the metals to carve, the miniature space that handicraft product, painting is main.蔡德全工作室主要以展示小型金属雕塑、金属实用艺术品、绘画作品为主的微型空间。
15.The painting is a copy of one in the museum.这幅画是博物馆中的一幅画的复制品。
16.his painting sets the benchmark of quality.她的画成为衡量绘画品质的标准。
17.This picture is not really by Picasso. It is a forgery.这张画并非毕加索画的,是伪造品。
18.This picture is a copy. The original painting is in a museum.这画是复制品,原画藏在一个博物馆里。

sketch delicate paintings工笔小品画
4)Hua Pin画品
1.A stylistic comparison between Shi Pin and Hua Pin;《诗品》与《画品》的文体学比较
5)little artist《小小画家》
6)characters of the personality and painting人品与画品
