
1.She told us a sad and mild story.她给我们讲了一个凄婉的故事。
2.Sad and Mild Charms --Lyrical features of language in "Shangshi;凄婉的魅力——《伤逝》语言的抒情特色
3.swan's song告别演出(源于天鹅将死时凄婉的鸣叫声)
4.Suddenly Lin Pei-shan broke into a dreamy rendering of the melancholy popular song Romona;忽然林佩珊曼声唱着凄婉的时行小曲《雷梦娜》;
5.March in Small Town: A Touching and Tangled up Elegy;一曲凄婉缠绵的悲歌——萧红小说《小城三月》解读
6.A Deep,Mournful and Agreeable Beauty--Feeling of the love words of Nalanxingde;幽艳哀断 凄婉深沉的美——读纳兰性德爱情词有感
7.Female Characters in Bai Xianyong s Novels;女性命运的凄婉悲歌——白先勇小说女性形象简论
8.Arousing Wind Icing Fire--On the Touching Love Story in the Thorn Birds by Colleen McCullough;撩人的风 冰包的火——论《荆棘鸟》中凄婉的情爱故事
9.A Study on the Sixth Version of Wen Tingyun s Geng Lou Zi;沉郁凄婉,浓淡相间——温庭筠《更漏子》之六文本解读
10.A Sad and Moving Deep Hatred:Three Different Understandings of Wang Anyis Novel of Chang Hen Ge;凄婉缠绵长恨歌——对王安忆《长恨歌》的三种解读
11.Research on the Forming Reasons of Plaintive Poetry Style of Nalanxingde;浅析纳兰性德哀郁凄婉词风的形成原因
12.The Heroes in XU’s Early Short Stories;深沉真挚 凄婉动人——许地山前期小说人物论
13.A Sad Melody, A Deep Lament --On the Tragedy Complex Emotion of Nine songs;凄婉的悲歌 悠深的感喟——论《九歌》的悲剧情结
14.Since he felt the wording of the letter was sad and entreating enough to move a heart of stone, he was quite unprepared for the express letter which came from his father. It gave him a severe scolding:他自以为这信措词凄婉,打得动铁石心肠。 谁知道父亲信来痛骂一顿:
15.From the direction of the pond came the dreamy strains of Lin Pei-shan's melancholy Romona.那边池子旁四个人中的林佩珊却又曼声唱那支凄婉的小曲了。
16."life singing":sad style tells us the love story through life and death.《生之欢歌》:凄婉的风格讲述了爱能穿越生死的故事。
17.Pure and sincere love,miserable and tragic life--Disordered life as viewed from Tess tragedy;至真至诚的爱情,凄婉悲惨的一生——从苔丝的悲剧看错乱的人生
18.a representative of the romantic school, Li Qingzhao wrote euphemistic and graceful poems.李清照的词婉丽凄美, 是婉约派词的代表人物。

mild and exquisite婉丽凄清
4)desolate melancholy幽郁凄婉
1.Hence his literary works displayed either sad loneliness in waiting for new important appointment or desolate melancholy in facing life s mystery.尽管他在这四年的仕宦生涯中仍持守“辅时及物”之道,但终因长期的弃置使他内心几近绝望,故其创作风格既表现了犹待时用中的孤峭哀怨,又展现了人生大迷惘中的幽郁凄婉,这两种浓烈的悲剧性体验,使其人格和作品具有重要的悲剧美学价值。
5)grievous and indignant凄婉抒愤
1.His persistent and sentimental mentalities,particular creating style,and modes of expressing the emotion are all reflected in his poems of demotion,which are frank and sincere,grievous and indignant.他执着恋阙的心态和特有的创作风格及情感表现方式,体现出贬谪经历在其诗歌创作中打下的深刻烙印:率意直露、凄婉抒愤。
6)Cold, cold are the wind and the rain.风雨凄凄。
