2)Aesthetic accomplishment审美修养
1.Only by possessing good aesthetic accomplishment,exceptional insight and expert observation ability can a photographer find beauty and create beauty.摄影者必须具有良好的审美修养,独具慧眼,才能发现美和创造美。

1.Integration of Professional Ability and Political Integrity with Aesthetic:On Aesthetic Training in Higher Education;德才兼“美”——浅谈高等教育中的审美修养
2.Investigation on Nurses' Identification with Qualities Required for Professional Aesthetic Cultivation临床护士对职业审美修养具备条件的认知调查
3.Further Understanding on Hippcrates’s Mots:questioning closely & pondering upon the relationship between medicine and aesthetics;对希波克拉底警句的深层解读——审美修养是从医之必需
4.Confucius Cultivativation of Life in AccomplishingMorals by being Happy and Realm of Aesthetic Appreciation;孔子乐以成德的人生修养与审美境界
5.Get students to discover and appreciate beauty. Raise their sense of art.让学生发现美、赏美、养学生的审美情趣。
6.Proper Beauty": the Example and the Highest Form of Rhetoric Beauty Appreciation;“得体美”——修辞审美的最高准则与境界
7.The Music Aesthetic Education of Middle School and the Training of Studendts Aesthetic Ability;中学音乐审美教育与学生审美能力的培养
8.On the Editor s Cultivation of Aesthetic Attainment for Journals of Educational Theories;教育理论刊物编辑的审美素养及培养
9.On the Cultivation of Aesthetic Consciousness in the Art Education of Infant浅谈幼儿美术教育中审美意识的培养
10.Developing Students Aesthetic Ability in Fine Arts Education of Higher Learning Institutions;高校美术教育与大学生审美能力培养
11.Developing the Aesthetic Tradition and Enhancing University Students Aesthetic Cultivation;发扬美育传统 提升大学生审美素养
12.College Students Quality of Aethetic Education is Enhanced in the Process of Body-building Exercises;在健美操教学中培养学生的审美素质
13.Students Aesthetic Judgement Trained by Callisthenic Course;论健美操教学对学生审美能力的培养
14.On the Cultivation of Aesthetic Judgement in Primary School Education of Fine Arts;浅议小学美术教育中审美能力的培养
15.Construction and Cultivation of Aesthetic Ability in Architectural Art Courses建筑学美术课审美能力的构建与培养
16.The Re-creative Functions of the Fuzzy Rhetoric Aesthetics;模糊修辞审美的再造性功能及其成因
17.The rhetoric art and the aesthetic implication of the two-part allegorical sayings in Chuxiong;楚雄歇后语的修辞艺术及其审美意蕴
18.On Confucius Aesthetic Standards of Music;以美养善 美善合一——谈孔子的音乐审美观

Aesthetic accomplishment审美修养
1.Only by possessing good aesthetic accomplishment,exceptional insight and expert observation ability can a photographer find beauty and create beauty.摄影者必须具有良好的审美修养,独具慧眼,才能发现美和创造美。
3)aesthetic cultivation审美修养
1.How to watch and appreciate sports games,the cultivation of appreciating sports games and so on,can make us obtain enjoyment of beauty and raise our aesthetic cultivation.怎样观赏体育比赛和观赏体育比赛的修养等使我们在观赏体育比赛时获得美的享受,提高自己的审美修养。
4)aesthetic accomplishment美学修养
1.It s significant for women secretaries to augment their aesthetic accomplishment for its a good influence on modern official documents, routine disposal, decision assistance and social behaviour.现代女秘书的美学修养指女秘书的心理素质、思想修养和工作能力的美的体现。
5)self-cultivation aesthetics修养美学
1.As the by_product of self_cutivation,self-cultivation aesthetics mainly focus on special inner aesthetic,a kind of aesthetic phenomenon without object.作为修养学副产品的修养美学,主要面对的是脱离审美对象的内审美这一特殊现象。
6)artistic accomplishments艺术修养
1.The teaching of architectural render should be reformed under new situation The teaching should give the first place to pen render, sketch, and improve the artistic accomplishments of students The author raises relevant teaching metho教学应以钢笔表现、快速表现和提高学生艺术修养为主,并提出了相应的教学方法。
