
1.The Comparison Between Two Poems in Music;《琵琶行》与《李凭箜篌引》音乐描写比较
2.Research Musical Culture Spread from the Relationship of Konghou & Religionary从箜篌与宗教的关系管窥音乐文化传播
3.In February and March people go to the Gaoliang (Sorghum) Bridge to admire the early green grass,to the Wanliu Garden to listen to the larks and play the konghou (a stringed instrument), or offer incense at the Zhuozhou Temple.二三月高梁桥踏青,万柳堂听莺,弄箜篌,涿州庙进香迎驾。
4.Tonight, let's enjoy together the harp solo by the young performer Li Yange: Clear and Bright Upper River Picture.今晚,让我们一起欣赏青年演奏家李彦歌的箜篌独奏:《清明上河图》。
5.At the mention of the harp, everyone knows it is the oldest plucked-string instrument in China with the history of over2000 years.说起箜篌,大家都知道它是中国最古老的弹拨乐器,流传至今已有两千多年的历史了。
6.When Hsieh-ch'üan saw Fang Hung-chien was a little better, he said with a smile, "Spitting by the railing no one knows its fragrance.Here you haven't even finished eating and you're already in a hurry to give a return dinner!斜川看鸿渐好了些,笑说:“‘凭阑一吐,不觉箜篌’,怎么饭没吃完,已经忙着还席了!
7.That dress sets well.那件衣服很合篌身。
8.He shows great ardor, ardour for fame.他对名誉篌表示出热切的渴。
9.Analysis of Genetic Diversity of Phyllostachys Nidularia;篌竹(phyllostachys nidularia)遗传多样性研究

The origin of Ghongqa (zither)箜篌渊源
3)Wo Kong Hou卧箜篌
1.Wo Kong Hou is classfied as a sort of Chordophones with a long history.卧箜篌是我国一种历史悠久的弦鸣弹拨乐器,其形制类似于我国琴瑟,所不同的是卧箜篌琴体上具有数弦通用的通品装置,类似琵琶。
4)Konghou Ying箜篌引
1.This paper selects two Guzheng music—"The Daydream of Mountains" and"Konghou Ying", which were composed by Mr.本文选择庄曜先生在20世纪90年代所作的两首古筝曲——《山的遐想》和《箜篌引》,对其创作背景、创作意图、创作手法和创作特色做分析和解读,并总结演奏经验,以指导实践中,在尊重作品的基础上,充分挖掘演奏者的二度创造能力,更好地演绎这两首乐曲。
5)LEE Ping's Kunghouyin《李凭箜篌引》
6)Phyllostachys nidularia Munro篌竹
1.Life Table Analysis of Phyllostachys nidularia Munro Clone Population;篌竹无性系种群生命表分析
2.A Study on Growth Regularity of Phyllostachys nidularia Munro in Shooting Period;篌竹出笋成竹生长规律研究
3.Phyllostachys nidularia Munro is a plant with high economic and ecological value.篌竹(Phyllostachys nidularia Munro)属竹亚科刚竹属中小型竹种。
