1.At that time the calligraphers in Jinling played an important part in the formation and high prestige of the calligraphic works of Wumen calligraphers and the development of seal cutting.文章认为此期金陵地域书家及区域文化对吴门书家书法的形成与声名流布有过重要影响,推动了文人篆刻的发展;金陵是明代书法交流的核心场域,金陵书法见证了明代书法的盛衰变迁;《金陵名贤帖》第一次以刻帖形式汇集地域书家书作,开地域刻帖之先河。

1.Historically Suzhou was also known as Wumen, and this painting school was named the Wumen Painting School.苏州史称"吴门",作为有共同地区特征的画家群形成了吴门画派。
2.The Preliminary Study of the Family Wumen Yuan Collection and Engraver of Books and the Contact with Wumen Literature in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期吴门袁氏家族刻书藏书事业及其与吴门艺文关系初探
3.Unburdening the Heart in Tiny Space--On the Four WU families and Paintings on Folding Fans;咫尺之境 抒怀千里——吴门四家与折扇画
4.Paintings of Wumen Gate: of the Same of Thing and Self;吴门绘画:物我同一的“有我之境”
5.On Wumen Comic Talk --A Commentary on the Phenomenon of Suzhou Farce Troupe;论吴门滑稽——兼论“苏州滑稽剧团现象”
6.On the Cultural Path and Historical Position of Wumen Painting School;吴门画派的文脉延续及其历史地位研究
7.During the reigns of Emperors Longqing, Wanli and Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty (1567-1644), the Wu Painting School flourished.明代隆庆、万历及崇祯(1567-1644)时期,是吴门画派最盛的时期。
8.Shen Zhou was its most influential painter; other famous members were Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin and Qiu Ying.吴门画派的领袖沈周,其他著名画家有文征明、唐寅,再加上仇英。
9.My window frames the snow-crowned western mountain scene; my door oft bids farewell to eastward-going ships.窗含西岭千秋雪,门泊东吴万里船
10.He knew that this was a good way of bringing the violent, refractory Wu Sun-fu to heel.他知道用这法门可以折服那刚愎狠辣的吴荪甫。
11.The Cultural Evolution of the "First Portal of the Yangtze River":History,Phase and Orientation;“长江第一门户”吴淞的文化成长:历程、阶段及取向
12.Geognosy significance,protection and utilization of marine erosion physiognomy of Wuguan Xiamen厦门吴冠海蚀地貌的地学意义及利用探讨
13.He threaded his way in through the main entrance as if in a dream and went straight over to the notice-board to find the number of his broker, Lu Kuang-shih.像做梦似的,吴荪甫挤进了交易所大门,直找经纪人陆匡时的“号头”。
14.Near the gate Tu Wei-yueh found Tseng Chia-chu standing on a bench with Wu Wei-cheng and Ma Ching-shan standing in front of him;那边近厂门一条凳子上站着曾家驹,前面是吴为成和马景山;
15.As Dr. Ting hurried off, Wu Sun-fu came in from the drawing-room to thank the mourners for coming.丁医生匆匆走后,前边门里却是吴荪甫来了,他特来向众人道谢。
16.Just as he was going to speak, however, there was suddenly a tap on the door.可是吴荪甫正待发言,那边门上忽然来了笃笃的两下轻叩。
17."Open it, quick! I want to see Landlord Wu! " She stopped knocking.石青嫂子歇手不打门了,却生气地说:“快开开,我要去看吴大老爷
18.Li Yu-ting broke off when the door from the next room opened and Mrs. Wu Sun-fu came out.李玉亭这句话没有完,小客厅的门开了,出来的是吴少奶奶。

the Four WU families吴门四家
1.Unburdening the Heart in Tiny Space——On the Four WU families and Paintings on Folding Fans;咫尺之境 抒怀千里——吴门四家与折扇画
3)Paintings of Wumen Gate吴门绘画
1.Paintings of Wumen Gate: of the Same of Thing and Self;吴门绘画:物我同一的“有我之境”
4)Qi's case侨居吴门
5)Wumen comic talk吴门滑稽
6)Wumen Yuan吴门袁氏
1.The Preliminary Study of the Family Wumen Yuan Collection and Engraver of Books and the Contact with Wumen Literature in Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期吴门袁氏家族刻书藏书事业及其与吴门艺文关系初探

吴门1.汉冀县城门名。在今甘肃甘谷县。 2.指春秋吴都阊门(一作昌门)。 3.指苏州或苏州一带。为春秋吴国故地,故称。 4.见"吴门派"。