
1.Drawing and painting In the art room:在画室里素描绘画。
2.We have Art in the art room.我们在画室里上艺术课。
3.We have Art in the art room and Music in the music room.我们在画室上艺术课在乐室上音乐课。
4.A workshop or studio, especially for an artist or a designer.工作室,画室,雕塑室工作间或摄影室,尤指艺术家或设计者的
5.Upstairs he had a studio where he painted a little.他在楼上有一个画室,有时在那里作一点画。
6.It was hot in the studio, and drops of sweat stood on her forehead.画室里很热,她的额头渗出了汗珠。
7.The studio was filled with the rich odour of roses.画室里充满了馥郁的玫瑰花的芬芳。
8.LOGO! Application of Lighting Installation Control in Painting Classrooms;LOGO!在画室照明控制系统中的应用
9.They hung the pictures up on the reading-room那幅画挂在阅览室里。
10.mural paintings on tomb of Wei and Jin Dynasties in Jiayu Pass嘉峪关魏晋墓室壁画
11.Discussion of The Artistic Ideas of Stone Reliefs In Coffin Chamber In The Northern And Southern Dynasties论南北朝墓室画像砖与画像石的艺术思想
12.Well known grotto murals, tomb paintings, stone carvings, brick carvings and lacquer paintings were produced during that period,这一时期的石窟壁画、墓室壁画、石刻、砖刻以及漆画等都已蔚然可观,
13.Other Interests: Sketching, painting, photography, develop films in dark room其他兴趣:素描、绘画、摄影、暗室冲印
14.Elino's drawings were affixed to the walls of their sitting room.埃莉诺的绘画则挂到了起居室的墙上。
15."...Han Gan, your follower, has likewise grown proficient At representing horses in all their attitudes; "弟子韩干早入室, 亦能画马穷殊相;
16.The oil painting tones in nicely with the general decor.这幅油画与室内的总装饰非常协调。
17.Her bedroom is hung with posters of the pop stars.她的卧室里挂着一些明星的画像。
18.Brighten up your bedroom with a few posters.挂几张印刷画让你的寝室亮丽生色。

Painting classroom lighting画室照明
3)Tomb chamber drawing墓室绘画
4)tomb illustrations墓室画像
1.The paper examines tomb paintings in five different regions (Yundai, Luoyang,Yecheng-Jinyang, Guanzhong and Qing-Qi) and analyses the regional differences in tomb illustrations in the Northern Dynasties, drawing on a synthesis of history, art and culture to discuss the interaction and evolu.以石质葬具画像和墓室壁画为主体的北朝墓室画像,在画像形式、布局和内容上都因政治格局的变化而有明显的区域性变动。
5)mural frescos墓室壁画
1.With consulting the historical literatures, this dissertation probes into the contents of the mural frescos.第二章对全国范围内的宋代壁画墓进行了分区研究,打破今天的行政区划,尝试按照宋代的区域规划将壁画墓分为以河南为中心的中原地区:河北、陕西、山西北部边防地带;福建以尤溪为中心的地区三个部分,并从经济、文化、墓室壁画的历史渊源以及宋代以生者的吉凶为主的丧葬观念等几个方面入手,探讨宋代墓室壁画出现的背景以及不同地域墓室壁画图像配置规律、内容的异同等。

画室  一般指画家或雕塑家工作的场所。与此有关,美术家教学的场所也称画室。国外一些美术家自立门户收徒传艺,也多自名画室。一些高等美术院校也以著名美术家为核心而分设画室,以便不同流派、风格的艺术家更好地按各自的设想或体系传授思想和技艺。中国中央美术学院也采用画室制。