
1.Hunter lab colour difference equation亨特Lab色差公式
2.Beard-Hunter protective system比尔德-亨特保护系统
3.Hunter is infirm of purpose.亨特为人优柔寡断。
4.Mr. Hunt was given an Irishman's promotion last year.亨特先生去年被降级了
5.The servant announced Mr. and Mrs. Hunter.仆人通报亨特夫妇驾到。
6.Mr Hunter, the forward, futures and option markets for foreign exchange belong to the innovation of the financial market,亨特先生,远期外汇市
7.I decided to have both her and Hunter see a psychiatrist.我决定带她和亨特去看神经科医生。
8.Elizabeth Hunter looked as good as naked.伊丽莎白·亨特看上去仿佛一丝不挂。
9.Mr. Hunter is very much interested in collecting antiques.亨特先生对收藏古董非常感兴趣。
10.Gray and Hunter were the first to come forward.格雷和亨特首先站了出来。
11.He said,"Hunter, your steel will be in tomorrow."他说:“亨特,你需要的钢材明天可以送到。”
12.Hunter, serve out a round of brandy to all hands.'亨特,给所有的人倒点白兰地。”
13.Sir Basil Hunter laughed, it sounded fatty.巴兹尔·亨特爵士笑了,笑得很不爽脆。
14.Henry had a real thing about airplanes.亨利特别喜欢飞机。
15.Gretel wept, saying to Hansel.格莱特哭着对亨舍儿说:
16.HUNJA, Robert Rufus罗伯特·鲁弗斯·亨贾
17.Exile and Aesthetics --Nabokov and Humbert Humbert;流亡与自由审美──纳博科夫与亨伯特·亨伯特
18.then it turned eastward, and kept by the river until it reached the Humboldt Range, nearly at the extreme eastern limit of Nevada.位于内华达州东部边缘的亨博尔特山脉,是亨博尔特河的发源地。

Hunter whiteness亨特白度
1.Study on the relationship of content percentage of initial power and Hunter whiteness of mixed power;混合粉中原料粉含量与混合粉的亨特白度关系分析
3)Henry Ford亨利.福特
1.Nabokov has successfuly molded character image Humbert,and he molded to the Humbert image has the profound implication.纳博科夫以第一人称记叙了一个中年男子亨伯特。
2.Nabokov s naming of the protagonists Humbert Humbert and Clare Quilty highlights the fact that Quilty is the alter ego of Humbert and his presence serves as nothing short of an irony and a revelation of the latter.作者纳博科夫对主人公亨伯特·亨伯特和克莱尔·奎尔蒂的命名方式的规律说明:奎尔蒂是亨伯特的另一个自我,他的存在是对主人公的讽刺和揭示。
1.The Analysis of Prelude and Fugue on Hindemith s Ludus Tonalis;亨德米特《调性游戏》前奏曲与赋格分析
6)Hunter color亨特色度
