
1.apache dance巴黎下层社会狂乱的双人舞
2.The solo dance, pas de deux and the group dance were all brilliant.无论是揭示人物内心世界的独舞、双人舞和动人心魄的群舞,都很有光彩。
3.You wanted to dance and I gave you the opportunity. This march is the last figure of the reel, isn't it?"你既然要跳舞,我才给了你这个机会,这是双人舞最末一种舞步的进行曲吧,是不是?"
4.Bin did reverse light stands the image in the center of the stage, along with the couple dance entering, the spotlight follow the dancer, and the light of Bin's area disappear.[ 阿炳的逆光站立形象在舞台的中心,随着双人舞蹈的进入,追光跟随舞者,阿炳的区域光关掉。
5.The colorful folk dances and in particular the pas de deux of the princess and Tibetan king shows both softness and hardness of the couple in characters,其中公主与藏王的两段双人舞刚柔相济,和谐悠雅;更有色彩斑烂的民族舞蹈相陪衬,
6.I'm going to bid you in for the next reel--and the next and the next."下一场双人舞我还要投你的标,还有再下一场,再下一常"
7.They solaced their wretchedness, however, by duets after supper(Jane Austen)然而,在晚餐后的双人舞表演时他们忘掉了他们的悲伤(简 奥斯汀)
8.Dancing in couples returned in the 1970s and 1980s with@disco@ music.随着二十世纪七八十年代迪斯科音乐的流行,双人舞再次兴起。
9.A lively swing dance for couples.林德舞双人跳的活泼摇摆舞
10.the twinkle of the dancers' feet跳舞的人双脚的轻快移动.
11.I like watching couples skating most of all for the harmonious and graceful dance movements.我最喜欢看双人溜冰和谐优美的舞姿。
12.A loving relationship encourages and supports both people.爱是纽带和鼓舞着维系双方当事人。
13.The speaker emphasized what he was saying by waving his hands.发言人挥舞双手强调他所说的。
14.Analysis on Factors Affecting College Duo Latin Dance Teaching and Experimental Research into the Solo Latin Dance Teaching影响高校双人拉丁舞教学因素分析及单人拉丁舞教学实验研究
15.It was a double barrier he knocked down: a white man dancing like a black man, and a white man dancing almost like a woman, like a burlesque queen.他突破了双重藩篱:他是舞技宛如黑人的白人,而且是舞技宛如女人、宛如脱衣舞后的白种男人。
16.A lively round dance originating in Bohemia and performed by couples.波尔卡舞源于波西米亚并由双人来表演的一种活泼的绕圈舞蹈
17.Usually the dancers are in pairs, and the number is limited.表演为双人对舞的形式,参加者人数有限。
18.The performance, also done by pairs of dancers, presents the skill of squatting jump and spinning.其表演以双人对舞为主、跳蹲与旋转的技艺;

Put Your Hands Up In The Air!挥舞双手!
3)flourish a pair of swords手舞双刀
4)music & dance of the Hu胡人乐舞
5)Dian's music and dancing滇人乐舞
6)solo dance单人舞

双人舞  舞蹈样式之一。①由两位演员表演的、结构完整的、有独立主题的舞蹈作品,如中国舞蹈《再见吧!妈妈》、《飞天》、《怀念战友》。它们都有独立的主题、内容、情节(或情绪和意境)。②舞剧或大型舞蹈中的双人舞,是用来塑造主要人物,揭示其内心世界和推动情节发展的重要手段,如中国舞剧《鱼美人》中鱼美人和猎人的双人舞;芭蕾《奥涅金》中塔吉雅娜和奥涅金的 3段双人舞。双人舞要求结构精巧、形象生动,演员除要求具备独舞演员的条件外,还要求具有较高的合作意识,表演时能默契配合。