1.One of the most pervasive and enduring motives for artistic creativity must surely be the desire to express the sense of grandeur and sublime awe evoked by the overwhelming powers of Nature.從米開朗基羅到維米爾,從畢加索到弗洛依德,從懷素到顏真卿,從范寬到龔賢,我們均可以說,他們的作品都——呈現了氣勢磅礴的,英雄、豪邁的爆發性能量——一種宇宙般的雄渾、浩瀚與博大。
1.Discovery, characteristics and significance of the Nyixung skarn iron-copper field in Coqên County, Tibet;西藏措勤县尼雄矽卡岩型铁铜矿田的发现及地质特征与找矿意义
3)male flower雄花
1.Dynamic changes of secondary metabolites in Eucommia ulmoides male flower;杜仲雄花中次生代谢物合成积累的动态变化
2.A simple and rapid high performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of geniposidic acid and chlorogenic acid in the male flowers and related products of Eucommia ulmoides.建立了利用反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC)同时测定杜仲雄花及其产品中京尼平苷酸和绿原酸的方法。
3.The study concluded with some new findings on the quantity of male flowers and the seeds resulted from the female flowers.通过观察9个黑杨派(Populus aigeirosDuby Section)无性系雌雄花的形态和结构及发育过程、果实及种子的形态和结构特征,播种试验种子发芽率,并进行比较分析发现:雄性无性系I-102(Populus×euramericana‘102/74’)、T26(Populus deltoides‘S307-26’)、T66(Populus deltoides‘PE-19-66’)和中菏1号(Populusdeltoides‘Zhonghe 1’)的成熟雄花序雄花可达80~100朵,每一雄花有雄蕊可达60~100枚,花粉量多,生活力高,是4个有性生殖能力强的无性系。

1.The corn has begun to tassel.玉米开始长出穗状雄花
2.The insects carry reproductive material called pollen from the male to the female flowers.昆虫带着叫做花粉的生殖原料从雄花到雌花。
3.genus of tropical American orchids having showy male and female flowers usually on separate inflorescences.热带美洲兰花的一个属,有雌雄花分离的艳丽花。
4.Plant monoecious: staminate flowers on obovoid or club-shaped stiff spikes, 1.5-2 cm long; pistilate flowers in a dense globose head.雌雄同株:雄花序倒卵形或棒状,长1.5-2厘米;雌花序圆头状。
5.One factor within the crown of monoecious species is the proximity of male and female flowers.雌雄同株树种的树冠内的一个因素,就是雄花和雌花很接近。
6.Characterized by species in which the male and female reproductive organs occur on different individuals; sexually distinct.雌雄异株的雌花和雄花生在不同的个体上;性区别的
7.extrorse anthers.花药外倾的雄蕊花粉囊
8.A plant having only staminate flowers.雄性植物只具有雄性花的植物
9.Having both stamens and pistils in the same flower; monoclinous.雌雄同株的雄蕊和雌蕊在同一朵花上的;雌雄同花的
10.Denoting a single flower that contains functional staminate and pistillate structures; perfect.雌雄同体的一朵花具有官能雄蕊和雌蕊结构的;雌雄蕊同花的
11.The thread in the corolla is the short filament of a degenerated stamen.花冠筒内丝状物为退化雄蕊的短花丝。
12.The pollen-bearing part of the stamen.花药雄蕊中有花粉的部分
13.The stalk that bears the anther in a stamen.花丝在雄蕊里产生花药的柄
14.Filament 1.The stalk of the stamen bearing the anther in angiosperms.花丝:1.被子植物中,雄蕊支撑花药的柄。
15.Bearing male and female flowers.具两性花的有雄性和雌性花的
16.Reading history in flowers;花间咏史亦自雄——论《花间集》咏史词
17.Androecium The collective name in higher plants for the male parts of a plant, i.e. the STAMENS. It is denoted in the floral formula by a letter A.雄蕊群:一朵花中雄蕊的总称,由多数或一定数目的雄蕊所组成。在花程式中用A代表雄蕊群。
18.Having all principal parts, namely, the sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil or pistils. Used of a flower.完整的花的具有全部基本器官的,即:花萼、花瓣、雄蕊和雌蕊。用于花卉

1.Discovery, characteristics and significance of the Nyixung skarn iron-copper field in Coqên County, Tibet;西藏措勤县尼雄矽卡岩型铁铜矿田的发现及地质特征与找矿意义
3)male flower雄花
1.Dynamic changes of secondary metabolites in Eucommia ulmoides male flower;杜仲雄花中次生代谢物合成积累的动态变化
2.A simple and rapid high performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of geniposidic acid and chlorogenic acid in the male flowers and related products of Eucommia ulmoides.建立了利用反相高效液相色谱法(RP-HPLC)同时测定杜仲雄花及其产品中京尼平苷酸和绿原酸的方法。
3.The study concluded with some new findings on the quantity of male flowers and the seeds resulted from the female flowers.通过观察9个黑杨派(Populus aigeirosDuby Section)无性系雌雄花的形态和结构及发育过程、果实及种子的形态和结构特征,播种试验种子发芽率,并进行比较分析发现:雄性无性系I-102(Populus×euramericana‘102/74’)、T26(Populus deltoides‘S307-26’)、T66(Populus deltoides‘PE-19-66’)和中菏1号(Populusdeltoides‘Zhonghe 1’)的成熟雄花序雄花可达80~100朵,每一雄花有雄蕊可达60~100枚,花粉量多,生活力高,是4个有性生殖能力强的无性系。
1.Study on the reproductive toxicity of subacute cadmium exposure in male Rana nigromaculata;亚急性镉暴露对雄性黑斑蛙生殖毒性的研究
2.Research Progress of Cadmium Toxicity on Male Reproduction;镉的雄性生殖毒性研究进展
3.Nitric oxide and nitric oxide synthase related to male reproduction;一氧化氮和一氧化氮合酶对雄性生殖系统的作用
1.Geological characteristics of Maxiong gold deposit in northwest Guangxi and ore prospecting indicators;桂西北马雄金矿地质特征及找矿标志
1.Microscopic Raman Imaging Spectra of Realgar and Light-Induced Degradation Products in Realgar;光诱导雄黄矿物同质异象变化的显微成像拉曼散射研究
2.A survey of application of traditional Chinese medicine realgar and its safety;传统中药雄黄应用概况及其安全性
3.Effects of Realgar and prescriptions containing Realgar on inflammatory mediators IL-1β,IL-6,TNF-α and NO;雄黄及含雄黄复方对炎症介质IL-1β、IL-6、TNF-α和NO的影响
