1.The Collection and Research about Lantingxu of Song Dynasty People宋人关于《兰亭序》的收藏与研究

1.An Analysis of How Wang Xizhi's Scroipt《Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion Poems》was Obtained by the Imperial Court王羲之《兰亭序》墨迹入宫经过辨析
2.A Study on Process of Being Handed Down from Ancient Times and Related Problems of Rrubbing with KaiHuang Chronological Inscription of Preface Written at the Ochid Pavilion;《兰亭序》开皇本流传考及相关问题
3.On Calligraphic Spread of Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection by WANG Xi-zhi;浅谈王羲之《兰亭序》书法艺术的传播
4.The "Yan" of Lanting Preface and the Aesthetic Tendency in the Jin Dynasty;《兰亭序》之“妍”与晋代审美倾向
5.Study on the Block-Printing and Rubbings of “Lanting Xu” and “Huangting Jing” Excavated from Yingjing;“颖井《兰亭序》、《黄庭经》刻石”及拓本考
6.A critical study on the incredulity of Lanting Xu;关于《兰亭序》“文尚难信”之辨正
7.How to Read Lan Ting Xu : A Discuss with Shi Zhe-cun;《兰亭序》文理辩正——与施蛰存先生商榷
8.Lanting became known for Wang Xizhi and his Preface to Lanting.兰亭,因王羲之与《兰亭序》而闻名于世,书法活动长盛不衰。
9.Wang Xizhi was good at writing many calligraphy types but the xing style Lan Ting Xu (Preface to the Literary Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion) is the most representative of his works.王羲之诸体皆能。行楷《兰亭序》最具有代表性。
10.A Discussion of WANG Xi-zhi s Statement of Arousing the Inner Sentiment the Esthetic Significance of Lantingxu;试论王羲之的“兴怀”说──《兰亭序》的美学意义
11.It is said that Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty (618-907) treasured the work and had it buried in his tomb.传说唐太宗李世民对《兰亭序》十分珍爱,死时将其殉葬。
12.as mentioned earlier, Li Shimin apparently asked his officials to get the original copy of the Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection by Wang Xizhi and have it buried in his own tomb.李世民曾经派御史萧翼骗取来《兰亭序》真迹,死的时候,用它陪了葬。
13.Method of Teaching Orchid-Pavillion-Forward Running Hand;美术本科书法课程中的行书《兰亭序》教学方法研究
14.The Fashion of Wei & Jin Dynasties & Wang Xizhi s Preface of Orchid Pavilion;魏晋风度与王羲之《兰亭序》——兼论王羲之对后世书风的影响
15.The poems were collected, and Wang himself wrote the Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection in his trademark calligraphic style, a 324-character text in 28 lines.汇诗成集,羲之即兴挥毫作序,这便是有名的《兰亭序》。此帖为草稿,28行,324字。
16.Ideological Details and Literary Value of Poems Written Around Orchid Pavilion and Preface;《兰亭诗》《序》的思想底蕴及文学价值
17.Reflections on the subsistence choice and literature choice during the Jin dynasties based on a study of Jin Gu Shi Su and Lan Ting Ji Xu;从《金谷诗序》《兰亭集序》看两晋文人的生存选择与文学选择
18.A Discussion about the Long-being-neglected Value of Literary Appreciation in the Well-Known Copybook of 兰亭集序;书法名帖《兰亭集序》文学欣赏层面长期被忽视的问题讨论

Orchid Pavilion Preface兰亭集序
1.See Life Consciousness of Wei and Jin Dynasty from the Orchid Pavilion Preface从《兰亭集序》看魏晋生命意识
3)My Humble Opinion of LanTing Preface《兰亭序》刍议
4)RUAN Yuan and Preface of Lanting阮元与《兰亭序》
1.On LanTing's "Qu Shui Feast" in Japan有关兰亭“曲水之宴”在日本的概况
6)Yu He Lin Dingwu Lantingxu Tie Juan俞和《临定武兰亭序帖》卷
