1.The Three Stages of Miró's Artistic Thought米罗艺术思想的三个阶段

1.MacDONALD-BLANCO, Ramiro拉米罗·麦克唐纳-布兰科
2.DEROGAN, Dmytro Victorovych德米特罗·维克托罗维奇·德罗甘
3.nedocromil sodium奈多罗米钠(料多克罗钠,尼多克罗钠)
4.in the manner of Michelangelo.以米开朗基罗风格的。
5.Oh, Romilayu, don't be down on me.呀,罗米拉尤,别埋怨我。
6.Sanpaolo Imi S.P.A.意大利圣保罗意米银行
7.Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome马罗多-拉米二氏症候羣
8.Did you ever hear of Michael Angelo?你听说过米开朗基罗吗?
9.Prometheus Bound《被缚的普罗米修斯》
10.Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯
11.Romeo and Juliet effect罗米欧与朱丽叶效应
12.We travelled to Rome by Milan and Florence.我们途经米兰和佛罗伦萨到达罗马.
13.The Dravidian language of the Tamil.泰米尔语泰米尔人所讲的达罗毗荼语
14.Rodin is the most famous sculptor since Michelangelo: people love Rodin, while Michelangelo is merely respected.罗丹是自米开朗基罗之后最著名的雕刻家:人们热爱罗丹,对米开朗基罗则只是尊敬。
15."Shallum his son, Mibsam his son, Mishma his son."扫罗的儿子是沙龙。沙龙的儿子是米比衫。米比衫的儿子是米施玛。
16.The reports from Rome disagree with those from Milan.罗马的报道与米兰的不符.
17."Every time Roy and Sammy come to Guangzhou, they want to paint the town red."罗伊和萨米每次来广州都痛饮狂欢
18."and when Saul sent men to take David, she said, He is ill."扫罗打发人去捉拿大卫,米甲说,他病了。

4)Clomiphene[英]['kl?m?fi:n][美]['klɑm?fin, 'klom?-]克罗米芬
1.The clinical observation of the curative effect of polycystic ovarian syndrome treated by the Bazhenyimu tablets combined with clomiphene八珍益母片与克罗米芬联合治疗多囊卵巢综合征的临床观察
2.Objective To explore the efficacy of drug combination of clomiphene(CL),human menopausal gonadotropin(HMG) and human chorionic gonadotropin(HCG) in treating infertilitas feminis with dyshormonism.目的探讨克罗米芬(CL)、人绝经期促性腺激素(HMG)、人绒毛膜促性腺素(HCG)联合应用治疗内分泌功能障碍所致卵泡发育不良型不孕不育的疗效。
3.And serum INH_B,ACT_A,FS level in the research group were tested fore-and-after taking clomiphene(on the 3rd and 10th day of menstrual cycle).ELISA法检测对照组月经第3天血清INHB、ACTA、FS水平;同法测定研究组服用克罗米芬(CC)前后(月经第3、10天)血清中INHB、ACTA、FS的水平,并用B超跟踪监测排卵情况,根据有无排卵再将研究组分成卵巢储备功能良好组及不良组,分析比较各激素水平与卵巢功能的关联性。
5)Clomiphene[英]['kl?m?fi:n][美]['klɑm?fin, 'klom?-]克罗米酚
1.Chinese Medicine and Clomiphene Treat Dysfunctional Ovulatory Acyesis;中药加克罗米酚治疗排卵功能障碍性不孕的临床观察
2.Effects of Estrogen, Clomiphene on Behavior, Electroencephalogram and Cell Damage of Epileptic Rast;雌激素和克罗米酚对致痫大鼠行为学、脑电图和海马神经元损伤的影响
3.Ultrasonographic Observation of Ovulation Facilitated with Acupuncture plus Clomiphene in 36 Patients;针刺联合克罗米酚促排卵36例超声观察
1.The study of treatment with compoud acupuncture-metformin on the outcome of ovulation induction with chloramiphene in the patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome;针灸联合二甲双胍对多囊卵巢综合征患者应用克罗米酚促排卵疗效观察
2.The Effect of Chloramiphene Combined the Traditional Chinese Medicine on Endometrium and Pregnancy Rate;克罗米酚配合中药对子宫内膜及妊娠率的影响
