1.Comparison between Gong Xian's and Claude Monet's Landscape Picture龚贤山水画与莫奈风景画之比较

1.B. Monet: WaterliliesB.莫奈:《睡莲》
2.the subtle interplay of colours in Monet's painting莫奈绘画中的色彩的相互掩映
3.I went to the art gallery to see the Monet Exhibition.我去艺术画廊看了莫奈的画展。
4.Dr. Marette had been put in prison for no good reason.莫奈特医生被关进监狱是没有什么正当理由的。(:莫奈特医生莫明其妙地被关进了监狱。
5.It lay in the Place Edgar Quinet, squat against the wind, like a dead mule.风穿过莫奈街呼啸而来,像胡乱飘扬的白发。
6.Monet depicted his water garden as the earthly paradise he had himself created.莫奈把他的水上花园变成了画中的人间天堂。
7.There is a famous painting of sunrise by Monet in this gallery.这个美术馆里有一幅有名的莫奈的日出画。
8.We have a fine collection of Manets and Rnoirs.我们有莫奈和雷诺阿的一系列精美馆藏。
9.One of the pieces was painted by Claude Monet in 1897.其中一幅是克劳德·莫奈在1897所创作的作品。
10.Among his cohorts were the now-famous artists Degas, Monet and Cezanne.与他趣味相投的朋友包括现在声名卓著的艺术家德迦、莫奈和塞尚。
11.An Oriental Ambiance Created by Light and Colors,the Aesthetic Features of the Water Lilies Murals by Monet光与色创造的东方意境——论莫奈《睡莲》组画的审美特征
12.There he was influenced by the French school of painters, including Van Gogh, Ma-tisse, Monet, Gauguin and Vlaminck.在那里,他深受包括凡高、马蒂斯、莫奈、高更来弗拉曼克在内的法国流派画家们的影响。
13.In the gallery of western art, you'll have the chance to appreciate the works of Monet, Renoir, Gauguin, Van Gogh, etc.在西方艺术画廊里,您有机会欣赏到莫奈、雷诺阿、高更和梵高等人的作品。
14.entropy of a transformation柯尔莫哥洛夫-希奈不变量
15.Can I speak to Ned Mosby, please ?能不能请奈德.莫斯比听电话?
16.Observing the Therapeutic Effect of Treating Mild and Moderate Asthma with Inhaling Budesonide Alone or Inhaling Budesonide Combining Formoterol;单独吸入布地奈德与联合吸入布地奈德福莫特罗治疗轻中度哮喘的疗效观察
17."Alas, my friends," replied M. Morrel, with a mournful shake of his head, "the thing has assumed a more serious aspect than I expected."“唉,诸位,”莫雷尔先生无奈地摇摇头说,“事情比我们预料的要严重得多。”
18.While Nemor was still a knight, he has been taken prisoner by Demons and subjected to most cruel torture.当奈莫还是一位骑士时,他曾被恶魔囚禁并受到残酷的拷问。

