1.Concerning the systemization of cursive hand signs,The contributions of Sunguoting and Yuyouren couldn’t be forgotten.草书符号的系统化,孙过庭与于佑任功不可没。

1.On Yu youren and Sun guoting’s Contributions to the Sign System of Cursive Hand略论孙过庭与于佑任对草书符号系统的贡献
2.It seemed like providence that he had escaped from the earthquake.地震中,他幸免于难,像是上天佑之。
3.Send Thy Guardian Angel to guard and protect me from all evil.差遣你的护守天使,守卫护佑我免于一切凶恶。
4.I put all my hope in thee, O Mother of God.我将一切的希望都寄托于你,上帝之母啊,请庇佑我于你的之下。
5.As for us, when Providence intervenes and strikes, we let it work.至于我们,在上天不佑、降以大祸时,我们只能听其自然。
6.Bertha was a humble worshipper offering incense and devoutly grateful to the deity that forbore to crush her.伯莎是个谦卑的崇拜者,她供香感谢这保佑她免于毁灭的神明。
7.which were depicted as "Huwu"(western regions' dance) by Du You of the Tang Dynasty.让人看后随即联想起唐·杜佑《通典》关于“胡舞”的描述;
8.Originally the pledge did not include the words "under God"; Congress added the phrase in 1954.最初的誓词不包括“上帝保佑美国”,这一句是国会于1954年加上去的。
9.It is an energy that promises good luck for the family whose ancestor is buried there.这是一种力量,它能保佑祖先埋于此地的家庭好运.
10.The Balinese entrust everything in life to divine providence.巴厘人,一切托佑。
11.God bless you, and God bless America."愿上帝保佑你们!愿上帝保佑美国!
12.God bless you all, and God bless America.愿上帝保佑大家!愿上帝保佑美国!
13.She hastily prayed that Melanie wouldn't die and broke into feverish small talk, hardly aware of what she said.于是她赶快祈祷,求上帝保佑媚兰不死,并且又热切地胡扯起来,连自己也不知在说些什么。
14.At the top of Egyptian society was Pharaoh, a divine king who after death joined the pantheon of gods that watched over Egypt.法老处于社会的最上层,具有神圣的地位,他死后会跻身丁庇佑埃及的众神之殿。
15.Crusoe thanks Providence that his life has been spared and that he now has a chance for survival on the island.鲁滨逊感激上帝保佑他幸免于难,并为他提供了在这荒岛上生存下去的机会。
16.impose a task upon, assign a responsibility to.加强任务于,分配责任于。
17.May God bless the victims, their families, and America.愿上帝保佑遇难者,保佑他们的家人,保佑我们的美国。
18.May God keep you from harm!上帝保佑你免受伤害!

yu you-ren于右任
1.A Tentative Study on the Artistic Origin of Yu You-ren s Poems;试论于右任诗歌的艺术渊源
3)Yu Youren于右任
1.Textual Research and Explanation of Yu Youren s Letter——An Analysis on the Main Reason for Failure of the Shaanxi Jingguo Army;于右任函札残篇考释——兼论陕西靖国军失败之主因
2.Yu Youren and the Mobilization of Public Opinion During the Xinhai Revolution;于右任与辛亥革命时期的舆论动员
4)To be negligent of duties怠于任事
5)Fulfill one's duties faithfully and energetically勇于任事
6)Qu You瞿佑
1.Research on the Newly Discovered Poetic Studies of Miaojiyintang by Qu You;新发现瞿佑《妙集吟堂诗话》考索
2.Reconsideration on Qu You and His Jiandeng Xinhua;文章憎命达:再议瞿佑及其《剪灯新话》的遭遇
