1.The forefather and contemporary exponents of Teng-style butterfly painting滕派蝶画的始祖和当代传人

1.The earliest ancestor.始祖,祖先最早的祖先
2.China discovers archaeopteryx fossils中国发现始祖鸟化石
3.What's the humane primogenitor? The humane primogenitor is the spirit of ethnic ancestor and culture creator.人文始祖是民族的始祖神和文化创造神。
4."Huangdi" is the primogenitor of Chinese culture. He is also the ancestor of the nation of Chinese.黄帝既是"中华民族人文初祖、文明始祖",亦堪称"中华民族祖先"。
5.According to another report, Chinese scientists have temporarily named this type of archaeopteryx fossil "the Divine Land Archaeopteryx".另据悉,中国科学家将这类始祖鸟化石暂定名为“神州始祖鸟”。
6."Your first father was a sinner, and your guides have gone against my word."你的始祖犯罪,你的师傅违背我。
7.δ Assay of Plastic-adherent Cells for Evaluating Bone Marrow Primitive Progenitor塑料粘附δ实验检测骨髓原始祖细胞
8.Your first father sinned; your spokesmen rebelled against me.你的始祖犯罪、的师傅违背我。
9."Your first forefather sinned, And your spokesmen have transgressed against Me.赛43:27你的始祖犯罪、你的师傅违背我。
10.This is the only picture extant of a stereognathus.这是仅存的一幅始祖鸟画像。
11.According to the Bible, Adam was the first man.据《圣经》记载,亚当是人类始祖
12.A primitive or ancestral form or species.原形一种原先或始祖性的形态或物种
13.One, he said, had been written by Abraham, the Jewish patriarch.他说,有一张是犹太始祖亚伯拉罕写的。
14.The Goddess Temple of Niuheliang and the Head Sculpture of the Goddess;中国女始祖神——牛河梁女神头像研究
15.On the Ancestors of Paddy Rice-Cultivating Natives in the Pearl River Valley;珠江流域原住稻作民族人文始祖论考
16.Cultural Interpretation of Primogenitor s Image in the Book of Songs;《诗经》中氏族始祖母形象的文化阐释
17.Knowing Mother not Father and the Myths of “ Gan- Sheng”of Shang- Zhou s Primogenitors;“知母不知父”与商周始祖的感生神话
18.ancestor of all Dances: Primitive Dance万舞之祖:原始舞蹈

4)primitive ancestor原始祖先
1.A method for studying the genetic contributions of primitive ancestors to their offspring group was described.以已继代选育 10个世代的“苏钟 系”猪为研究对象 ,根据有关资料分类、统计其原始祖先到达后代群体的所有通径线数 ,探讨猪原始祖先对后代群体的遗传贡献。
5)the Primogenitor of Khitan契丹始祖
1.A Study on the Story of the Primogenitor of Khitan—Jishou Khan;契丹始祖奇首可汗事迹考
1.In the Book of Songs,there are multiple primogenitor s images in Huaxia nations.《诗经》中有诸位华夏民族的始祖母形象,她们的婚姻状况真实地反映了远古的杂婚和对偶婚制。

始祖马始祖马(Hyracotherium)  脊椎动物,古哺乳类,奇蹄目,马科。体大如狐,背部弯曲,身体灵活,前足4指,后足3趾。臼齿齿冠低,以细嫩的树叶为食,是马类的最早祖先,故称为始祖马。它的形态与最早的貘很近。始祖马生活在距今约5000万年以前的温暖、潮湿的草丛和灌木林中。化石发现于北美洲和欧洲新生代第三纪早期地层中。