1.A Study of Han Gan's Painting:Zhaoyebaitu浅谈韩干的《照夜白图》
2)Nyctocalos brunfelsiiflora照夜白
1.Three compounds were isolated from the 95% ethanol extract of the aerial parts of Nyctocalos brunfelsiiflora for the first time.从照夜白地上部分的95%乙醇提取物中首次分离得到了3个化合物,采用波谱方法或与已知品对照的手段,鉴定为Mellein(Ⅰ)、β-谷甾醇(Ⅱ)和山萘酚-7-甲氧基-4′-O-β-D-葡糖苷(Ⅲ)。

1."He painted the late Emperor's luminous white horse. For ten days the thunder flew over Dragon Lake,"曾貌先帝照夜白, 龙池十日飞霹雳,
2.It is day on the lighted side. It is night on the dark side of the earth. Almost every part of the earth turns from day to night during every 24 hours.照亮的一面是白昼,暗的一面就是黑夜在24小时当中,地球的每部分进行着白昼和黑夜的交替。
3.Watching Wen in her sleep, Zhe stays wide awake that night. He knows that Wen will be the one if things go on like this.看着纹熟睡的脸,哲一夜未眠。他明白,照此下去,纹肯定难逃一劫。
4."and you went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, and in a pillar of fire by night, to give them light on the way they were to go."并且白昼用云柱引导他们,黑夜用火柱照亮他们当行的路。
5.The night burst into thundering red day.霹雳一声,黑夜爆烈而成为雷声隆隆红光普照的白昼。
6."The heat in the day. The cool evenings.“白天热,夜里凉。
7.They cared for the child night and day.他们日夜照顾这个孩子。
8.She watched over him and waited on him day and night.她日夜照看、服侍他。
9.Everything was lit up at night.夜晚华灯普照,一片通明。
10.Later, fireworks light the midnight sky.入夜,烟花将照亮整个午夜的天空。
11.There was a positive correlation between protein content and average daily temperature and average sunshine time during heading to maturation, but a negative correlation existed between protein content and average diurnal variation of temperature in this period.蛋白质含量与抽穗-成熟期间的平均日均温和平均日照时数呈正相关,与平均昼夜温差呈负相关。
12.Under a bland, equinoctial sky, the morning light lay evenly over the white concrete outside the entrance to the planetarium.在温和、昼夜平分时的天空下,晨曦淡然地照耀在天文馆人口处外面的白色混凝土上。
13.At night, when all the windows are lit up, the hardness of the daytime is softened.夜晚,当千家万户的窗子被灯光照亮之时,白天那种硬邦邦的感觉就缓和下来了。
14.low-level lighting syste低照度照明系统(夜间通道
15.American nocturnal goatsucker with gray-and-white plumage.北美洲灰白色羽毛夜间活动的夜鹰。
16."He worked in the daytime, and at night he went to night school.“他白天上班,晚上上夜校。
17.Peter is on the day shift and I am on the night shift.彼得上白班,我上夜班。
18.Man's hairs have grown white in a single night.人的头发有一夜变白的。

Nyctocalos brunfelsiiflora照夜白
1.Three compounds were isolated from the 95% ethanol extract of the aerial parts of Nyctocalos brunfelsiiflora for the first time.从照夜白地上部分的95%乙醇提取物中首次分离得到了3个化合物,采用波谱方法或与已知品对照的手段,鉴定为Mellein(Ⅰ)、β-谷甾醇(Ⅱ)和山萘酚-7-甲氧基-4′-O-β-D-葡糖苷(Ⅲ)。
3)artwork master照相底图;黑白图
4)white night白夜
5)night scene lighting夜景照明
1.This paper analyses the night scene lighting, the artistic expression of its environment and the problems to be solved in future development.分析了夜景照明及其环境艺术表现,以及今后发展中需要解决的问
6)nightscape lighting夜景照明
1.Design and practice of urban nightscape lighting take Xi an for example;以西安城区为例谈城市夜景照明的设计与实践
2.Discussion on urban night planning: a case study of Guangzhou nightscape lighting planning;“城市夜规划”初探——“广州城市夜景照明体系规划研究”引发的思考
3.This article describes the design and effect of the nightscape lighting for Beijing Vision-International Plaza which is integrated with its architecture and surrounding environment.本文从北京威新国际大厦的建筑和周边环境入手,详细介绍了其夜景照明设计的设计思路、照明效果及设计中的一些突破点。
