
1.Sidney's Poet Perspective--On Reading An Apology for Poetry锡德尼的诗人观——读锡德尼《为诗辩护》有感
2.Aesthetic Viewpoints in GUO Mo-ruo s Earlier Periodand Shelley s A Defence of Poetry;郭沫若早期美学观与雪莱《为诗辩护》
3.A discussion about the misconstruction of Zhang Han poems in Sikutiyao;《四库全书总目提要》误评张含诗辩
4.Literature and Virtue in Sidney's Apology for Poetry锡德尼《诗辩》中的文学美德功能(英文)
5.The Poetic Theory "Tang Better than Song" Questioned A Case Study of Cang Lang Shi Hua;诗之“尊唐抑宋”辩——从《沧浪诗话》说起
6.From the Criticism of Su Zhe about The Preface to The Book of Songs to Examine His Thinking about The Book of Songs;从苏辙对《毛诗序》的辩驳论其诗学思想
7.My View on “Poems Expressing Ambitions” --A Moral Proposition of Chinese Poetry;“诗言志”也辩——中国诗学的一个人格命题
8.William Blake s Dialectics and Its Expression in Some of His Poems;布莱克的辩证观与体现其辩证观的若干诗作
9.A Critical Discussion on the Notion of "Non-fiction" in Stephen Owen s Study on Chinese Poetics;辩诗:论宇文所安中国诗学研究之非虚构观
10.The Poetic Revelation of Art Dialectics A Study of Philosophical Beauty of Mao Tsetung s Poetry;艺术辩证法的诗意显现——毛泽东诗词哲意美试论
11.Depressed Female Secretary--Argument for the Despicability in Ten Poems on Lyrics by Xue Tao;幽怨愁伤“女校书”——薛涛《十离诗》“诗格卑下”辩
12.Yuanhaowen "30 Poems of Poetry" Different Solution to Repertoire;元好问《论诗绝句三十首》异解辑辩
13.Distinguishing Between Poem and Picture--Enlightenment of Lessing’s "Laocoon";诗画之辩——莱辛《拉奥孔》的启示
14.The Consanguinity Unable to Cut Off --In Defense of the Tradition of New Poetry;不能割断的血缘——为新诗传统问题一辩
15.A Gist of a Narration About the Artistic Achievement of Han Meng School of Poetry Being Argued in the 20~(th) Century;20世纪韩孟诗派艺术成就论辩述要
16.Discussion on the knotty problems in Preface to the 2nd Part of Shi Pin (Ⅰ);《诗品下·序》疑难问题辩说(上)
17.On Zhu Zi - qing s poetic theory;朱自清诗论:辩证性与“集成”性的统一
18.The Dialectical Relation between " Falseness" and "Trueness" in the Poetical Artistic Conception;诗歌意境“虚”与“实”的辩证关系

Shi Yuan Bian Ti诗源辩体
3)A Defence of Poetry《为诗辩护》
1.A Brief Discussion of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s A Defence of Poetry;浅谈雪莱的《为诗辩护》
2.Aesthetic Viewpoints in GUO Mo-ruo s Earlier Periodand Shelley s A Defence of Poetry;郭沫若早期美学观与雪莱《为诗辩护》
4)dialectical poetics辩证诗学
1.The dialectical poetics of twentieth century American poet Robert Frost are best embodied in his two theories:"poetry is metaphor" and "sound of sense".弗洛斯特的辩证诗学集中地体现为他的两个理论:“诗歌是隐喻”和“意义之音”。
5)Was Wang wei a pure buddhist-poet?王维诗佛辩
6)Middle English Debate Poetry中古英语辩论诗

拗体诗1.亦省称"拗体"。 2.格律诗的一种变体。指诗人刻意求奇,特地变更诗格用拗句写成的诗。这类诗的特点是生涩瘦硬﹑崛奇古拙﹑富于气势。