
1.On the Relationship between ErYa and MaoZhuan;疑析《尔雅》与《毛诗诂训传》的关系
2.Recording and Collation of the Dunhuang Version of Exegesis of The Book of Songs;敦煌本《毛诗诂训传》的著录与整理研究
3.Interpretation of the Glosses "Going Against the Current" and "Going With the Current" in The Book of Songs;《诗经·蒹葭》“遡洄”“遡游”诂训
4.Interpreters of Ancient Chinese Poems and their Limitation;诂诗与诂诗者的局限——由“大漠孤烟直”想到的
5.Chinese-Tibetan Comparison and Chinese Exegetics;汉藏比较与训诂学——《诗经·大雅·生民》训诂举隅
6.Comparative Study on the Exegesis of the "Mao Shi Gu Xun Zhuan","Mao Shi Jian" and "Shi ji Zhuan";《毛诗故训传》、《毛诗笺》与《诗集传》训诂比较研究
7."Yiyinizhi" and "No Thorough Interpretation for Poetry" under the Perspective of Hermeneutics;解释学视野中的“以意逆志”和“诗无达诂”
8.Comparison between the Exegesis of Maozhuan and Zhengjian;《毛传》、《郑笺》对《诗经》训诂之比较
9.Paraphrase of the Meanings of Chinese Character "High" in Poems of the Tang Dynasty;唐诗中的“高”义解诂—兼训“高秋”、“高风”、“高兴”
10.The Right Explanation of the Expression Zhonggou in Caltrop Growing in the Wall of The Book of Songs;《诗经·鄘风·墙有茨》“中冓”正诂
11.Review and prospect for the critical interpretation of variants of The Book of Songs;《诗经》异文训诂研究的回顾与前瞻
12.Explanation of the View that With the Poems Withered away , the Spring and Autumn Annals Came Into Being;孟子“《诗》亡然后《春秋》作”重诂
13.The two explaining method of the debatable verse;中国古诗鉴赏中的“达诂”与“坐实”
14.Study on Wang Fu zhi's(王夫之) Exegetical Achievement in Shi Jing Bai Shu(诗经稗疏)王夫之《诗经稗疏》的训诂成就管窥
15.A Brief Introduction to the Terms and the Contents in the Interpretation of Gufeng;浅析《诗经·小雅·谷风》注疏中的训诂用语和训诂内容
16.Discussion on Selected Articles in Ancient Chinese --Analysis on the Notes Book of Odes;《古代汉语》文选训诂商兑——对《诗经》几条注释的考析
17.The cxplanations of the poems-commenting of Confucius;上海博物馆藏《战国楚竹书(一)·孔子诗论》解诂(一)
18.Critical significance of literary interpretation in ancient China;中国古代阐释的批评学意义——“诗无达诂”说研究

poem explanation诂诗
3)different interpretations of a poem诗有达诂
5)Mao Edition of the Book of Songs with Commentary《毛诗诂训传》
1.On the interpretation of tautology in Mao Edition of the Book of Songs with Commentary;《毛诗诂训传》解释重言说
6)Offer some doubts about the exegetical studies of"the Book of Songs"《诗经》训诂献疑

雅诂1.犹训诂。 2.指训诂著作。