日神精神,Apollo spirit
1)Apollo spirit日神精神
1.Two most important categories of Nietzsche s aesthetic and literature thoughts are Dionysus spirit and Apollo spirit.酒神精神与日神精神是尼采美学和文艺思想中两个最重要的范畴。
2.Goethe s works is imbued with the tragic spirit of Dionysus Carnival, but most importantly is his pursuit of the solumn and quiet Apollo spirit,.希腊精神一方面是对自由主义的酒神精神的崇尚,另一方面是对宁静和平的日神精神的向往,另外还有对理性主义和逻格斯的尊敬与恪守。
3.Wine God spirit is an important concept in philosophy theory of Nietzsche,this article begin with the definition of Wine God spirit,analyze the relationship between Wine God spirit and Apollo spirit,and demonstrate the effect of Wine God spirit in Nietzsche\'s thought.酒神精神是尼采哲学思想中的重要概念,本文从酒神精神的概念出发、对酒神精神与日神精神的关系进行分析,疏导了酒神精神是如何影响着的尼采的哲学思想的,并且从尼采自身洋溢的酒神精神的光辉对酒神精神进行阐述与褒扬,从当代视角对酒神的合理性及其缺陷进行评论。

1.On the Phoebus(the God of the Sun) and Bacchus(the God of wine) Spirit in the Poem Lisao论日神精神和酒神精神在《离骚》中的显现
2.The Revelry of Dithyramb s Spirit and The Rules of Sun God s Spirit--A Kind of Expound of Mallarme s L Apres-midi d um faune;“酒神精神”的狂欢和“日神精神”的规约——马拉美《牧神午后》的阐释一种
3.Comments on Mallarme s The Herd God s Afternoon;“牧神精神”的狂欢和“日神精神”的规约——评析马拉美的《牧神的午后》
4.Eulogy of Daydreams--Interpretation of the Apollo Spirit and the Dionysos Spirit in the Iceman Cometh白日梦的颂歌——解读《送冰的人来了》中的日神精神和酒神精神
5.Distinction and Cognition of Wine God Spirit and Apollo Spirit酒神精神与日神精神辨识——从尼采的有关阐释“接着讲”
6.Spirits of patriotism, ethos, devotion and struggle consist of the basic connotation of the spirit of China's Resistance War Against Japanese Invasion.爱国主义精神、族精神、献精神、争精神是抗日战争精神的基本内涵。
7.The Spirit of Dionysus and the dream of Apollo--the exploration of Li Jianwu s dramatic spirit;酒神精神与日神梦幻——李健吾戏剧精神探魅
8.The Spirit of Apollo and Dionysus in "Martin Eden"“马丁·伊登”形象中的“日神”与“酒神”精神
9.Comic and Tragic Spirit in ?The Decameron?《十日谈》中的喜剧精神与悲剧精神
10.child psychiatric day centre儿童精神科日间中心
11.The Psychopathology of Everyday Life日常生活中的精神病理学
12.The spirit of the festival lingers on.这个节日的精神依然没有消逝。
13.The spiritual life of the disabled in China has become rich and varied.中国残疾人的精神生活日益丰富多样。
14.The number of psychiatric day hospital places was increased to 679.精神科日间医院名额增至679个。
15.I feed too much on the inward sources.我终日跟精神世界打交道。
16.Comparison Study in Applied Scope of Compensation for Mental Distress between China and Japan;中日精神损害赔偿适用范围比较研究
17.On the Tragic Spirit in the Japanese Literature of "Die for Love";日本“情死”文学作品中的悲剧精神
18.The Spiritual Quality of Doctor Zhivago;论《日瓦戈医生》的“精神性”特征

Apollonian spirit日神精神
1.In this article,the author attempts to illustrate that Gatsby,who mingles Dionysiac spirit with Apollonian spirit,is a mixture of sense and passion,by analyzing Fitzgerald s novel The Great Gatsby through Nietzsche s Tragic Theory,and to explain Gatsby s tragedy is evidently unavoidable in the tragic society,therefore,a new approach could be offered to help people appreciate Gatsby s tragedy.本文运用尼采的悲剧学说对菲茨杰拉德的小说《了不起的盖茨比》中的主人公盖茨进行分析,旨在阐明盖茨比集日神精神和酒神精神于一体,是理智和激情的混合体,在社会悲剧大背景中注定他的个人遭遇是无法避免的,由此为人们理解其悲剧性提供一个新的途径。
2.In his autobiographical novel Tender Is the Night, Fitzgerald portrays the protagonist Dick as a tragic figure with dual personality struggling between the Apollonian spirit and Dionysian spirit.本文运用尼采悲剧理论中的两个核心概念即日神精神(Apollonian spirit)和酒神精神(Dionysian spirit),同时借鉴朱光潜对日神精神和酒神精神的阐释,探讨《夜色温柔》中男主人公迪克挣扎于日神精神和酒神精神之间的双重人格,并探索其坎坷的悲剧人生历程。
3)Apollonian and Dionysian spirits日神和酒神精神
4)Japanese spirit日本精神
5)spirit of Apollo日神阿波罗精神
6)Diary of Mental Disease《精神病日记》
1.The Creative Thinking System of Fan Zhongwei s Series of Poems Diary of Mental Disease;樊忠慰组诗《精神病日记》的创作思维系统

日游神1.旧历书所载凶神名。元代《授时历》即有此名目。相传以癸巳至戊申十六日在房内东西南北中五方﹐己酉至壬辰四十四日出游。人宜避忌游神所在之方。见《协纪辨方书.义例.日游神》。 2.指奔走钻营的人,含讽刺意。