孙过庭,Sun Guoting
1)Sun Guoting孙过庭
1.Study on Sun Guoting s Calligraphy Aesthetics Thoughts;孙过庭书法美学思想简论
2.As for the contributions ever made to the tradition of Chinese ancient calligraphy, Sun Guoting was lavish with his praise for such calligraphists as: Zhong You, Zhang zhi, Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi, putting forward his theory concerning the origin of calligraphy: plain in ancient style and elegant in modern style.孙过庭的《书谱》在书法源流上对钟繇、张芝、二王等大加赞赏,提出“古质今妍”的源流论;在书法艺术的特点上比较详细地分析了真、草、行等书体的特点,提出“各有攸宜”的书体论;对书法创作的条件提出五乖、五合的理论;对书法创作的学习提出“学古通今”观;对书法创作的经验及审美提出“古不乖时、今不同弊、违而不犯、和而不同”观。

1.An analysis of thought reflected in Sun Guoting’s Principles of Calligraphy;略论孙过庭《书谱》的书学思想精髓
2.On Yu youren and Sun guoting’s Contributions to the Sign System of Cursive Hand略论孙过庭与于佑任对草书符号系统的贡献
3.Book Charts, composed by Sun Guoting, fully inherited the Confucian arts idea.儒家的艺术观在孙过庭的《书谱》里得到了比较完整的继承。
4.to have a family and grandchildren.拥有一个家庭和孙子们。
5.They set up a family trust for their grandchildren.他们为其孙子孙女成立了家庭托拉斯。
6.On the Effect of Grandparents-and-Grandchild Relationshipin the Education of Infants;论祖孙关系在幼儿家庭教育中的作用
7.the process of generating offspring.产生子孙或后代的过程。
8.The family was that of Henry Ford, his son, his grandsons, and now his great-grandsons.而这个家庭就是亨利·福特、他的儿子、孙子以及现在他的重孙们。
9.All the family attended the baptism of the first grandchild.家庭所有成员都参加了第一个孙子的洗礼仪式。
10.The sins of the fathers shall be visited upon the children.祖先的罪过将会罚在子孙的身上。
11.I have gone through quite a number of Books on Sun published in China.我翻阅过好多中国研究孙中山的书。
12.Who told you you were a prince?谁告诉过你,你是一位王孙公子来着?
13.Grandparents often fuss over their grandchildren祖父母对孙儿女总是过分钟爱。
14.Miss Sun, would you like me to come back and help you across?"孙小姐,要不要我回来搀你过桥?”
15.Research on Xia Suntong's Contribution in Compiling the History Draft of Qing Dynasty夏孙桐对《清史稿》撰述经过的研究
16.In the large Kao family, he was the eldest son of an eldest son;觉新在这一房里是长子,在这个大家庭里又是长房的长孙。
17.The direct reason for this was that Sun Quan did not determine the empress for a long time, which led to 搕he tangled relation in the back palace?之所以如此,直接原因在于孙权长期不立后,“嫡庶不分,闺庭错乱”。
18.According to an unwritten rule in old families, grandparents were expected to pay for the grandson's wet nurse.依照旧家庭的不成文法,孙子的乳母应当由祖父母出钱雇的。

Sun Guoting Shupujuan Shang Juan孙过庭《书谱卷上》卷
3)Guo Ting Lu《过庭录》
1.Task of Rectification of the Ancient Book—Guo Ting Lu;《过庭录》古籍整理工作论析
4)Sun Lin孙
5)SHUN Shi孙
6)Over-education In family家庭过度教育
