空间语言,space language
1)space language空间语言
1.This article builds a space situation of harmony attractions art and forms its special space language through analyzing on at- traction space object order and the way of making attraction.本文通过对景观空间、景物序列、组景手法分析,营造一个和谐景观艺术空间形态,形成景观设计特有的空间语言
2.The purpose of this thesis is to awaken readers to the importance of understanding space language in intercultural communication.本文主要从办公室及家庭房间安排、个人空间、对待拥挤的态度以及交际中文化期待的不同反应等几方面阐述了东西方空间语言的文化差异以及在跨文化交际中出现的种种问题 ,探究了这些差异的深层原因 ,以期使读者意识到在跨文化交际中了解空间语言的重要

1.Metaphor of Space: Interpretation of the Metaphorical Meaning of the Space in Francis Bacon’s Paintings空间的隐喻——解读弗朗西斯·培根绘画的空间语言
2.Spatial Language: Backing of the Development and Appeal of the Human Body Information;空间语言——人体信息生发与诉求的依托
3.Differences in Space Culture of Environment Language and Foreign Language Teaching;环境语言的空间文化差异与外语教学
4.A Cognitive Explanation of Spatial Relations and Their Linguistic Expressions;空间关系及其语言表达的认知语言学阐释
5.Comment on Zhu Min-qing s "Multidimensional Interspaces of Literature Parole";特色鲜明的文学言语多维空间研究——评祝敏青《文学言语的多维空间》
6.A Corpus-based Study of Chinese Space Semantic Primitives "Li" and "Limian" in Natural Semantic Metalanguage Approach;基于语料库的自然语言元语言汉语空间语义基元“里”和“里面”的研究
7.Spatial and Non-spatial Senses of Zai: A Study within the Cognitive Linguistic Framework;“在”字空间意义与非空间意义的认知语言学研究
8.The People s View of Space and Time behind the Temporal Expressions in Chinese;汉语语言形式中的民族时空观——汉语时间表达中的空间隐喻
9.a programming language whose expressions are assembled in more than one dimension.一种表达法多于一维空间的程序语言。
10.Research and Implementation of MAPGIS7.0 Spatial Query Language GSQL;MAPGIS7.0空间查询语言GSQL的研究与实现
11.An Exploration into the Spatial Formal Language in Western Contemporary Painting;对西方现代绘画空间形式语言的思考
12.Poetic Space:On Heidegger s Truth View of Language;诗性空间:论海德格尔的语言真理观
13.A Cognitive Linguistic Analysis of the Spatial Meanings of li,zhong and nei;“里”“中”“内”空间意义的认知语言学考察
14.The Significance of Space:Dialects and New Poems in Salvation Context;空间的意义:救亡语境下的方言与新诗
15.The Decline of Language Common Ground and the Pure Literature Crisis;当前语言空间的萎缩与纯文学的危机
16.The Cognitive Mechanism and Linguistic Forms of Events' Indicative Space事件指示空间的认知机制及语言形式
17.An Aesthetic Analysis on the Environment and Formaic Language of KTV SpaceKTV空间形式语言与环境美学分析
18.Distributed geographic structure query language DGSQL分布式空间结构化查询语言DGSQL

verbal space言语空间
1.Research on the force schema in metaphorical grammaticalization indicates that it has been extended from physical spaces to mental spaces and to verbal spaces.对隐喻语法化进程中的力图式扩展机制和演变过程进行分析,并着重探究其物理空间图式→心理空间图式→言语空间图式的演变过程,将有助于构建力图式空间扩展机制的完整图式。
2.Research on the force schema in Ba-sentence metaphorical grammaticalization indicates that it has been extended from physical spaces to mental spaces and to verbal spaces.基于"把"字句结构充分的描写,着重分析"把"字句语法化进程即人们认知中的力图式的扩展和演变过程,也是物理空间图式→心理空间图式→言语空间图式的演变过程,以期构建力图式空间扩展过程的完整图式。
3)language space语言空间
1.The author maintains that the varieties of language and the private language space should be re- spected, the difference of language roles recognized, the rights of using respective languages and charac- ters protected, and the multi-dimensional function and the value of language understood.作者认为,现代文明社会应尊重语言生活方式的层次性和个人的语言空间,承认语言角色的差异性和保护正当的语文权益,正确理解语言的多方面功能和价值。
4)space linguistics空间语言学
1.It is based on the psychology, environmental science, space linguistics to analyze the relationship between the architectural culture, environment, symbols and the people s physiology and psychology; to research the space characteristic and the developmental trend of modern office space; to discuss the design .在利用人的心理学环境学、空间语言学等理论来分析和研究建筑文化、环境、符号和人的生理、心理之间的关系,分析现代办公建筑的空间特性和发展方向,论述现代办公建筑的公共交流空间设计方法。
5)spatial query language空间查询语言
1.Research an Design of Spatial Query Language GSQL and It s Interpreter;空间查询语言GSQL及其解释器的研究与设计
2.Featufre-based Spatial Query Language;基于特征的空间查询语言
3.So it is essential to use formal methods to identify and define a complete and mutually exclusive topological relationship set that can be embedded in spatial query languages.因此定义一个完备、互斥且可以嵌入到空间查询语言中的命名拓扑关系集合有着非常重要的意义。
6)spatial data manipulation language空间操纵语言

BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC语言(见程序设计语言)BASIC  吕AS{CBASICyLJy〔1下〕语言(BASIC)见程序设计语言。