历史建构,historical construction
1)historical construction历史建构
1.The concept of the World"and historical construction of"rejuvenating traditional Chinese culture;“天下观”与“文化中国”的历史建构
2.On the Artistic Spirit of Mudan's Poetry and the Historical Construction of Chinese New Poem;论穆旦诗歌艺术精神与中国新诗的历史建构
3.The first part: Thehistorical construction of cultural code-it briefly reviews the image ofmother in the mainstream literature, and analyses the way of how the imageof mother has been symbolized, the author points out that as a res.第一部分简要考察了中国主流文学中母亲形象的历史建构,指出历史上的母亲书写由于受儒家思想、宗法制度及近、现代社会的政治意识形态的影响,“母性”常被置于“人性”、“女人性”之上,并通过叙事虚构得以加强。

1.The View of "Yong" in The Analects:Its Historical Construction and Modern Revelation;《论语》中的勇:历史建构与现代启示
2.Huapo Myth and Evolvement of Zhuang Nationality′s Environmental Ethics;花婆神话与壮族环境伦理的历史建构
3.The Construction of History and Constructed History--Take the holification of Liangxi Village for example历史的建构与建构的历史——以良溪“圣地化”为例
4.Deconstruction and Reconstruction:On the Outlook of History in Mao Tsetung s Poems and Ci Poetry;解构与建构——论毛泽东诗词的历史观
5.Historical Construction:Case Study of Shenyang Architecture University Construction Zone Design以历史进行建构——沈阳建筑大学建构园设计研究
6.The Possibility and the Historical Mission of Constructing Universal Ethic;构建普世伦理的可能性及其历史使命
7.On Constructive Deviation in the Historical Narrative Fiction of Alexandre Dumas;论大仲马历史叙事小说中的建构偏离
8.The Construction of Historical Setting in Ha Jin s Novel Waiting;哈金小说《等待》中历史背景的建构
9.The Historical Evolution Changes of"Risk"Research:Conversion and Construction;“风险”研究的历史嬗变:转向与建构
10.Public finance construction under China s historical and cultural background;中国历史文化背景下的公共财政构建
11.Marx s Construction of the Theory of World History;马克思“世界历史”理论体系的建构
12.Cultural Production and Construction of Ethnic Group Based on Historical Memory;基于历史记忆的文化生产与族群建构
13.On Historical Basis for the Construction of Chinese Family Novel of the 20th Century;20世纪中国家族小说建构的历史基点
14.The Building of Minzu History and the Influence of Social Factors in its Process;民族历史构建与现实社会因素(续)
15.Historical and Realistic Analyses on the Construction of an Economizing Government;建构“节约型政府”的历史与现实之辩
16.Historical Origins and Perspective of the Content-Constructing of Moral Education in University;高校德育内容建构的历史溯源与审视
17.On Cultural Origin and Historical Significance of Building Harmonious Society;构建和谐社会的文化渊源及历史意义
18.Government economical function: The historical development and the reality construction;政府经济职能:历史发展与现实建构

History Construction建构历史
1.Thucydides Rational History Construction;本文提出,尽管修昔底德力求其历史书写的真实性,并且开创了一套严谨的方法,但限于条件,他不可能像自己标榜的那样做到客观真实,其历史书写是以理性的方式建构历史。
3)construction of historical objects历史建构物
4)historical building structure历史建筑结构
5)historical constructivism历史建构主义
6)historical cultural construction历史文化建构
1.The article centres upon the historical cultural construction of New York school poetry in terms of urban,epochal and cultural construction,so as to explore a new way of thinking in this regard.从"纽约派"诗歌的历史文化建构入手,主要涉及城市建构、时代建构和文化建构三方面,为探究美国后现代诗歌与历史发展的关系提供了新的思路。
