金农,Jin Nong
1)Jin Nong金农
1.The Originality and It s Causes of Plums by Jin Nong;金农梅花之创意及其形成原因
2.As one of“Eight Yang Zhou Eccentrics”,Jin Nong is one of the most excellent painters in Qing dynasty.金农是清代中叶的著名画家,以其鲜明的个性和独特的创作成就著称于世,被列名于“扬州八怪”,这是众所周知的。
2)Rural Finance农村金融
1.Systemic Analysis of Rural Finance;浅析我国农村金融系统及改革
2.Analysis about the Diversity Demand and Delamination Supply Behavior Choice of Rural Finance;对农村金融的差异需求与分层供给行为选择的模型分析——基于机制设计理论的视角
3.The Development of Rural Finance and Fiscal Policies Support;略论农村金融发展的财政政策支持

1.Rural Financing Demand:Rural Financing and Informal Lending:A Case Study of Qianwei County;农村资金需求:农村金融与民间融资——四川犍为县农村融资个案研究
2.We should improve financial services in rural areas.改善农村金融服务。
3.Chinese Rural Financial Demand and Financial Support System Research;我国农村金融需求和农村金融支持体系研究
4.The feasibility analysis of the informal rural finance perfecting the formal rural finance;试论农村非正规金融完善农村金融的可行性
5.Country Finance Reformation from the Perspective of Country Financial Demanding;从农村金融需求的视角看农村金融改革
6.Improve the Rural Financial System to Promote a Healthy Rural Financial Ecology完善农村金融体系 促进良性农村金融生态
7.On Financial Restraint and Financial System Innovation of Rural Finance in Our Country;论我国农村金融抑制与金融制度创新
8.Construction of the Rural Financial System under the Financial Restraint金融抑制背景下农村金融体系的构建
9.Innovate the Rural Financial System and Establish a Modern Financial System创新农村金融体制 建立现代金融制度
10.Give Play to Rural Financial Function, Bring about an Advance in Rural Economy发挥农村金融作用促进农村经济发展
11.Function of Rural Financial in the New Countryside-construction;试论农村金融在新农村建设中的作用
12.Shangxi new countryside construction and finance system selection;陕西新农村建设与农村金融制度选择
13.Construction of new county and systematic reform of county economy;新农村建设与农村金融的系统化改革
14.On countryside finance system s perfection with new countryside construction;论新农村建设下农村金融体系的完善
15.Coordination between Commercial Finance and Policy-based Finance in the Rural Financial System;农村金融体系中商业金融与政策金融的协调
16.Financial Gap,Non-regular Finance and Rural Financial System Vicissitude金融缺口、非正规金融与农村金融制度变迁
17.Financial Gap, Informal Finance and the Rural Financial System Reform;金融缺口、非正规金融与农村金融制度改革——沈阳农村民间借贷研究
18.Farmer s Financial Demand and Rural Financial Supply in Western China: A Survey of Rural Finance in Village Caiyuan & Zhigou;西部地区农户金融需求与农村金融供给——菜园村与纸沟村农村金融调查报告

Rural Finance农村金融
1.Systemic Analysis of Rural Finance;浅析我国农村金融系统及改革
2.Analysis about the Diversity Demand and Delamination Supply Behavior Choice of Rural Finance;对农村金融的差异需求与分层供给行为选择的模型分析——基于机制设计理论的视角
3.The Development of Rural Finance and Fiscal Policies Support;略论农村金融发展的财政政策支持
3)Jin Nong project金农工程
1.Demonstration Report on Using 32% Golden-NLF WP Control Rice Field Weeds;32%金农立富可湿粉防除水稻田杂草示范总结
5)the rural finance农村金融
1.And it will be difficult to protect the rural finance under the position of the state law.明确民间金融的地位,规范农村民间金融,改善农村金融领域中二元结构的紧张与对立状况,改造农村信用合作社,强化对民间金融的监管,继续支持农村小额信贷机构发展,建立农村民间金触机构存款保险制度等,有利于农村民间金融市场的规范发展,为社会主义新农村建设提供金融服务。
6)rural financial农村金融
1.Research on the problem of Chinese rural financial system;关于完善我国农村金融体系的几点思考
2.Benefit Game:A Logic Function Requirement for the Reconstruction of Rural Financial Institution System;利益博弈:功能视角的农村金融组织体系重构的逻辑依据
3.HT6FⅠThe individual reasonable behavior of the government,financial institution,rural economic individual causes the collective non-reasonable behavior ness “Nash equilibrium”——rural financial.政府、金融机构、农村经济个体三者从个体理性出发的博弈行为所导致的结果是集体的非理性“纳什均衡”——农村金融困境。
