商业插画,commercial illustration
1)commercial illustration商业插画
1.The representation style of commercial illustration in packaging design was discussed based on the introduction of commercial illustration concept,representation form,and image characteristics.在介绍商业插画的概念、表现形式及形象特征的基础上,探讨了商业插画在包装设计中的表现风格,简要分析了抽象、绘画、民间艺术等表现形式在包装设计中的运用和效果,对提高包装作品的艺术魅力和实用价值具有重要意义。
2.However,one of the vital components of the creative industries,commercial illustrations,has seldom heen attached enough importance to.我国目前有关文化创意产业的研究,较多的集中于宏观层面,近年来,已有研究者试图以宏观理论研究的成果来解决微观应用研究中的难题,但作为创意产业重要的组成部分——商业插画,却鲜有人论及。
3.As one of mass media, commercial illustration in China nowadays is the product of the time and it is in accordance with economic development.作为大众文化传播的表现形式之一,中国当代商业插画是顺应时代发展需要的产物。

1.Domestic Cartoon Image of the Commercial Illustration Industry Chain Research对国内卡通形象商业插画产业链的研究
2.The Affect about the Color of Roylichestan in Pop Art to Commercial Illustration;罗伊·李奇登斯坦的波普艺术中色彩元素对商业插画的影响
3.Promote Commercial Illustrator in the Performance of Visual Tension Should be Humane Care and Ethical Standards商业插画中视觉张力表现应该具有人文关怀和道德尺度
4.printed book[ whether of not illustrated (excl. atlases, trade catalogues, cusec books and children's picture books)]参考书[不论是否有插图(不包括地图册、商业目录、乐曲集和儿童图画书)]
5.Sometimes he painted commercial posters.有时他会画商业广告。
6.Commercial Behavior of Modern Caricature from the Angle of Commercial Painting;从商业绘画的角度看现代漫画的商业属性
7.B&W illustrations based on The seven deadly sins, “Gluttony, Sloth, Pride, Wrath, Envy, Lust and Greed”.插画课作业,画主题为天主教七大死罪的插画,“暴食,懒惰,骄傲,愤怒,嫉妒,淫欲,贪婪”。
8.Kenny Wong is the founder of “kennyswork” and a member of “Iron Brother” and Hong Kong professional illustrator association.创立人,“铁人兄弟”成员,香港专业插画师协会会员。
9.A Study of an Educational Mode on the Program of the Art of Illustration in Digital Age;数码时代高职插画艺术专业教学模式的研究
10.An illustrated periodical.画报,画刊有插图的杂志
11.pen-and-ink drawings, sketches, illustrations, etc钢笔画的画、 素描、 插图等.
12.commercial breakph.1. 插播商业广告的间歇
13.Simple Analysis of the Influence Factor on the Change and Development of the Commercial Illustration;浅析商业插图变化与发展的影响因素
14.The Contradiction between the Industrialization and Localization of Xiamen Oil Paining Industry厦门商业油画的产业化与地域化之悖
15.Connection of Picture Story Books with Serial Pictures, Comic Strips and Illustrations;图画故事书与插图、漫画、连环画之关系
16.Online previews that show the small business clip art.显示小型商业剪贴画的在线预览。
17.a medium (art or business) that disseminates moving pictures.传播活动画面的一种媒介(艺术或商业)。
18.A successful businesswoman, career, plan获得成功的女商人、事业、计画

Cartoon image commercial illustration卡通形象商业插画
3)business illustration visual tension商业插画视觉张力
4)commercial painting商业绘画
1.As a practical arts form recently rising in China, the commercial painting involves many fields, such as publishing, printing, advertisement design, cartoon industry, etc.商业绘画是商品经济环境下,绘画艺术与商业的结合。
2.The commercial painting is a big category, in which covers the small partial popular classified researches relatively are more.商业绘画是一个大的范畴,其中涵盖的小部分热门分类研究相对较多,但把其统一在商业绘画大概念中钻研理论并指导实践,在中国相关的研究是可数的,这里所涉及的探索总体发展状态之研究只是商业绘画冰山之一隅,虽然只是宏观的分析,却能理清纷繁的思路,不为众多分类所绕,看清商业绘画整体的发展态势,这对我们了解商业绘画发展的脉络,坚定商业绘画发展信心,保持商业绘画继续发展的良好状态都是及其必要的。
5)commercial album商业画册
1.Graphic Design is a highly interdisciplinary applications,when the designers face all types of commercial album design projects,designers should be flexible layout principle applied to the design of commercial album to a certain theory as foundation and standards,give full consideration to market demand,the design of both artistry and practicality of the commercial album.平面设计是一门应用性很强的学科,当设计师面对各种类型的商业画册设计项目时,设计师应灵活的将版式设计的原理运用到商业画册的设计中,以一定的理论作为基础和标准,充分考虑市场需求,设计出兼顾艺术性和实用性的商业画册。
6)Commercial illustrations商业插图

外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利外部监事不得泄露商业银行商业秘密的权利:独立董事、外部监事除依法律规定外,不得泄露与任职商业银行有关的商业秘密。---------------《股份制商业银行独立董事和外部监事制度指引》 第29条