人品,moral quality
1)moral quality人品
1.Always belonging to the new type of youth and life-long opposition faction: an exploration into Chen Duxiu s personality and moral quality;永远的新青年,终身的反对派——陈独秀的个性与人品探析
2.A Comparative Study on Cai Xiang and Cai Jing from the Angle of History of Calligraphy——And a discussion about caligraphist s moral quality and calligraphy taste;书法史视角下蔡襄与蔡京的比较研究——兼论书家的人品与书品
3.The advocacy of unifying poetic quality,literary quality and moral quality is a reflection of the pursuit of the Chinese literary critics of the ideal of literature and the beauty of morality.主张诗品、文品与人品的统一是中国文学批评追求文学理想人格之美的集中反映。

1.Moral Quality、Poetic Quality、Artistic Quality---On Wang Mian s Moral Quality and Poetic and Artistic Creation;人品、诗品、画品——论王冕的人品及其诗画创作
2.Painting--Moral Character--Rediscussion of Relationship Between Moral Character and Painting Quality;画即是人——人品画品关系的再探讨
3.The Study of Pan Yue's Character and His Work Character从“知人论世”看潘岳的人品及文品
4.Such behaviour was characteristic of Einstein.这样的品行反映了爱因斯坦的人品
5.Buying agent [commodities]采购代理人 [商品]
6.junk dealer废旧品[船具]商人
7.Something made or produced by a workman.作品,工艺品由工人制造或生产的物品
8.Everyone in his family has a craze for Chinese food他家人人酷爱中国食品
9.Commodity broker商品买卖介绍人、经纪人
10.Everyone extols his noble qualities.人人称颂他的崇高品德。
11.Everyone in his family had a craze for Chinese food.他家人人酷爱中国食品。
12.superB products for ordinary persons超人产品,常人使用。
13.certify to a person's character保证某人的人格 [品德]
14.Some take the drug by mouth, others shoot it up.有些人口服毒品,另一些人则注射毒品。
15.A person employed to display merchandise, such as clothing or cosmetics.商品模特被雇做展示商品如衣服或化妆品的人
16.The Human Oriented Design Study--From the appearance design to the spirit design;产品设计的人性化探索——从产品造“型”到产品造“神”
17.Are the products used as components?您的产品是否用作别人产品的零部件?
18.meet interesting people and taste delicious food.遇到有趣的人和品尝美味的食品。

1.CHEN Du-xiu s Personality and Character;陈独秀的个性与人品探析
2.His character as well as his artistry has been suffering deprecia-tion and even total repudiation.由人品到书品予以一贬再贬,甚至全盘否定。
3.Rich in political skills,he displayed character and integrity.张九龄是张说政治事业和文化事业的接班人,人品正直,又富有政治才干。
1.Liu Xizai kept Confucian belief in his whole life and he put special emphasis on the cultivation of personality.他在《艺概》中,把人品摆在了第一位,并明确提出了"诗品出于人品"这一论诗范畴。
2.In this paper the writer has described the historical environment in the mid stage of the Ming Dynasty in which there were various complicated social contradictions deepening, examined Ren Han s personality and its effect on his academic ideas, analysed his research on Yijing and The Theory of Governing the Statc and Serving the People and commented on his academic achievements and influence.论文简述了任瀚所处明中叶后社会各种矛盾复杂多变、日益加深的历史环境 ,考察了任瀚的人品及其对学术思想的影响 ,论析了任瀚的易学研究与经济实学 ,对任瀚在学术上取得的成就和影响予以评
4)moral character人品
1.This article attempts to deal with the moral character and environment with regard to tea sampling and explore their connotations as well as implications.文章就其中的人品与环境分别作了论述,以探究其所含意蕴与所具意义。
2.This paper comments on the exposition of the relationship between moral character and painting quality,makes an analysis of the historic cases in psychological method and finally comes to the conclusion.人品与画品分属不同范畴,有各自的内涵。
3.Wu Wenying presented ci poem to them, so his moral character called in question.为此 ,梦窗人品受到质疑。
5)personal character人品
1.The traditional saying of personal character determining the art quality guides artistic criticism to artists’ personality criticism.中国传统书画批评中,非常重视艺术主体的道德和精神境界,人品决定艺品的传统理论命题,无疑将艺术批评导向艺术家的人格批评。
2.His personal character was like the nature of plum flower, and his excellent artistical talents gained wide pra.其如梅品般的人品及杰出的艺术才华,赢得了同时人的广泛赞誉。
3.Ever since Tang Dynasty, verse critics approved his key function in the development of modern-style verses in Tang Dynasty, while called his personal character in question: on one hand they affirmed that Sone Zhiwen had ill moral character and they sighed with regret on the gap between his achievement on verse and his personal character; on the other hand they were unab.宋之问是初唐武后时期有代表性的台阁文人,为律诗的定型作出了重要贡献,自唐以降历代诗评家充分肯定了他在唐代近体诗演变过程中的关键作用,但对其人品的评论,情形就大不相同:一方面肯定他是一位无行文人,其人品确实“不足为人道”,慨叹其诗品与人品之相悖,命运之悲惨;另一方面对某些具体问题,各执己见,各陈其说,莫衷一是。
6)a poet's moral quality诗人人品

人品人品  【人品】人品是信用卡公司向会员提供信用时的判断准则之一,是征信工作的重要条件。这个词也意味着“有无偿还的意思”,是对会员偿还能力的定性分析项目。