真实自我,real self
1)real self真实自我
1.Setting real self as the theoretical starting point previously,Horney accomplished the reasoning about the reality of real self by elaborating the model of self-actualization.霍妮以真实自我的理论预设为起点,通过对真实自我健康成长过程的自我实现模式的分析,完成了真实自我实在性的论证。
2.Horney s neurosis theory is about the unhealthy development of becoming alienated from real self which is the foundation of her neurosis theory.霍妮神经症理论是对真实自我异化成长模式的探索,真实自我是霍妮神经症理论的逻辑起点。

1.To expose feeling is to risk exposing your true self.要显露真感情,就得冒着暴露你真实自我的危险。
2.So shed the mask and give people the real thing.所以应该摘下面具,展现真实自我
3.Seeking for True Self-identity--A Post-Structuralist Interpretation of Characters in the Scarlet Letter;探求真实自我——用后结构主义阐释《红字》中的人物
4.I will tell apart just the truth.我会尽力表现给你看只有真实的自我.
5.The real in us is silent; the acquired is talkative.真实的自我沉默不语,后天的自我却喋喋不休。
6.Mr. Li himself tells us the truth .李先生自己亲口把事实真相告诉我们。
7.Engaged in unblinking self-analysis.进行清醒真实的自我剖析
8.Sandy Rideout, co-author of the book Totally Me,桑迪?利德奥是《真实自 我》的作者之一,
9.His spiteful remark revealed his true self.他恶意的言词揭露出他真实的自我。
10.To the Real Life: Study on Chinese Self-documentary通往真实的自我—中国私纪录片研究
11.The natural reigning beauty, and honest and sincere intension both come from my true self, from my firm and persistent natural disposition.自然的天姿,敦厚的内涵,都是来自真实的自我,来自坚毅的秉性。
12.As an artist, I want it to come from a truthful place.作为一个艺术家, 我希望这出自于真实的地方
13.In truth, I found myself incorrigible with respect to order.真的,我发现自己在“秩序”方面实在积习难改。
14.Peace... in being accepted for who you really are.平和:真实的自我被完全接受时的平静心态。
15.A ture friend ia somebody who can make us do what we can.真正的朋友能帮助我们实现自己的潜能.
16.Process Is Truer Than Conclusion--Hegel s Theory of Self-awareness;过程比结论更真实——黑格尔的自我意识理论
17.China s Genuine Domestic Savings and Natural Capital Losses (1970-1998);我国真实国民储蓄与自然资产损失(1970—1998)
18.An authentic ascension means that it is mine and is based upon true transcendence of karmic-based patterning.一个真正的提升意味着属于自我的、业力模式的真实超越。

Actual Self-Concept真实自我概念
3)Ideal of actual self-concept理想真实自我
4)Inauthentic Self-presentation不真实的自我呈现
5)the True Self-feelings自我真情
6)authentic self本真自我
1.Heidegger holds that for the most part Dasein hides itself in the mode of inauthenticity, thus, it has lost its authentic self in the "They".海德格尔认为,“此在”很大程度上隐匿的存在于其非本真的样式,因此其本真自我已迷失于“众人”之中。

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