王羲之,Wang Xizhi
1)Wang Xizhi王羲之
1.An Interview in the Deep Corner of History——On A Biography of Wang Xizhi by Xu Bin;历史深处的访问——徐斌教授《王羲之传》读后
2.Wang Xizhi and Yiheming(Lament for crane)——the reexamination of the author of Yiheming;王羲之与瘗鹤铭——《瘗鹤铭》作者归属的重新审视
3.On Wang Xizhi s Inditing Aesthetic Thought;论王羲之的创作美学思想

1.Wang Xizhi is the grand master and founder of " Cao Shu "王羲之是"草书"的鼻祖。
2.Wang Xizhi was the grand master and founder of " Cao Shu" .王羲之是“草书”的鼻祖。
3.Study on Name of Son Named after Father s in Sin-Tibetan Language Family王献之、王羲之子不避父名渊源考
4.The Fashion of Wei & Jin Dynasties & Wang Xizhi s Preface of Orchid Pavilion;魏晋风度与王羲之《兰亭序》——兼论王羲之对后世书风的影响
5.Both were devotees of Wang Xizhi.他们两个都是王羲之的崇拜者。
6.According to one, it was Wang Xizhi, the supreme calligrapher of China, that did the inscription.有人说,这是书圣王羲之手笔。
7.Zhong You and Wang Xizhi were representative calligraphers of the time.代表书家是钟繇和王羲之
8.Original examples of Wang Xizhi's handwriting are rarely seen today.王羲之作品的真迹已难得见,
9.Wang Xizhi was a native of Linyi, Shandong Province.王羲之,琅琊临沂(今山东临沂)人,
10.An Analysis of How Wang Xizhi's Scroipt《Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion Poems》was Obtained by the Imperial Court王羲之《兰亭序》墨迹入宫经过辨析
11.On Calligraphic Spread of Preface to the Orchid Pavilion Collection by WANG Xi-zhi;浅谈王羲之《兰亭序》书法艺术的传播
12.almost all calligraphy works of the early Tang Dynasty were influenced by Wang Xizhi.所以,唐初的书坛自然为王羲之书风所笼罩。
13.Wang Xizhi was good at writing many calligraphy types but the xing style Lan Ting Xu (Preface to the Literary Gathering at the Orchid Pavilion) is the most representative of his works.王羲之诸体皆能。行楷《兰亭序》最具有代表性。
14.Wang Xizhi, who lived in the Eastern Jin dynasty, was best known.生活在东晋的王羲之,是最著名的书法家。
15.Li Shimin regarded Wang's calligraphy work as perfect.李世民对王羲之书法认为已经达到了"尽善尽美"。
16.An Interview in the Deep Corner of History--On A Biography of Wang Xizhi by Xu Bin;历史深处的访问——徐斌教授《王羲之传》读后
17.Wang Xizhi and Yiheming(Lament for crane)--the reexamination of the author of Yiheming;王羲之与瘗鹤铭——《瘗鹤铭》作者归属的重新审视
18.A Discussion of WANG Xi-zhi s Statement of Arousing the Inner Sentiment the Esthetic Significance of Lantingxu;试论王羲之的“兴怀”说──《兰亭序》的美学意义

WANG Xi-zhi王羲之
1.The Design of Former Resi-dence of WANG Xi-zhi(WANG Xi-zhi Memorial Park)in Linyi,Shandong Province;山东临沂王羲之故居(暨王羲之纪念公园)设计
2.The Research into Wang Xi-zhi s Characters and His Oath of Resignation by Grave;王羲之的性格与“誓墓辞官”考订
3.Study of the People ,Calligraphy and Literary Style of the Jin Dynasty through Wang Xi-zhi and his Lanting Anthology;简淡玄远 萧散疏朗——从王羲之《兰亭集序》看晋人晋字晋文章
3)Collection of Wang Xizhi王羲之集
4)Wang Xi-zhi's handwriting王羲之书法
5)Research into Wangxizhi s Epistolary Essays王羲之尺牍研究
6)Wang Xizhi and Nanjing王羲之与南京
