基础素描,basic sketch
1)basic sketch基础素描
1.Starting with the introduction of design thinking of sketch,this paper analyzes the applied principle and the effects of design considerations and the way of thinking in the basic sketch and the innovation of industrial design.本文从基础素描的设计性思维导入入手 ,分析了设计性思维活动在基础素描中的应用原理及设计性基础素描思维方式对工业设计创新的影响和作用。
2.Sketch in drawing arts is called basic sketch and that in design arts is called design sketch.绘画艺术中的素描称为基础素描,设计艺术中的素描称为设计素描。
3.The present endeavor is to make an analysis of the current situation of basic sketch teaching as well as the problems found in it, trying to pave the way for cul.基础素描教学是培养学生造型能力的基本功,它为培养合格的美术教育人才奠定了坚实的基础。

1.The New Type of Teaching Aid in the Basic Sketch;基础素描的新型教具——框架式几何形体
2.Some Mistakes in the Foundation Sketch Teaching at Present in Our Country;谈我国当前基础素描教学中的几个误区
3.Discussion about the teaching method of drawing as a basic course in the specialty of design;浅谈基础素描在艺术设计专业中的教学方法
4.On the teaching of basic sketches in the arts education specialty;美术教育专业基础素描教学研究──静物·石膏像写生
5.Creative Sketch:The Bridge From Basis to Design;创意素描:从基础到设计的思维桥梁
6.Drawing As Basic Language Of Teachability作为绘画语言的素描——析素描作为基础性语言的可传授性
7.The Indispensable Sketch Style in basic designing teaching -- Image-Designing Sketch;设计基础教学中不可缺少的素描样式——意象设计素描
8.Base and Innovation--There Reconsiderovtion about the Meaning of Sketch Teaching as the Basic Teaching;基础与创新——对素描教学作为基础教学的含义的再认识
9.When Should the Design Pencil Sketch Cut In During the Basic Design Education?试论设计基础教育中设计素描切入的时机
10.The Thinking about Sketch as the Fundamental Training of Chinese Painting s Configuration;对素描作为中国画造型基础训练的思考
11.The Contiast and Analysis to The Drawing Primary Teaching;对非美术专业素描基础教学的比较与分析
12.Basic training and artistic expressions in the teaching of sketches;浅谈素描教学中的基础训练与艺术表现
13.The Reform of Drawing Teaching of The Students Who Study Chinese Painting;高校中国画专业素描基础课教学改革初探
14.Art Majors and Solid Drawing Mold Foundation;美术专业学生应具备坚实的素描造型基础
15.A Research on The Blending"Sketch" with "Colouring" in Basic Design Teaching设计基础教学中素描与色彩互融性教学研究
16."In Holding Dual-Purpose": Sketch-based Teaching in Colleges and Universities“执两用中”在高校素描基础教学中的运用
17.On the Basic Teaching of Local Normal College Sketching Course地方高师院校素描课程基础教学之思考
18.As the foundation of the plastic arts,the sketch should serve each drawing subject.素描作为造型艺术的基础,应是为各画科服务的。 国画专业的素描教学要利用明暗,但不唯明暗;

foundational sketch基础性素描
3)basic sketch teaching基础素描教学
1.Through a study of basic sketch teaching,we pointed outthat there are some mistakes in architectural education now.通过对现行建筑学基础素描教学误区的分析,提出对建筑学教育中基础素描教学思想的重构。
4)foundation course of sketch素描基础课程
5)drawing mold foundation素描造型基础
6)Sketch-based teaching素描基础教学

经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)经济基础(见经济基础与上层建筑)economical basis  J ingji Jiehu经济基础与上层建筑。(eeonomiealbasis)见经济基础