情感内涵,emotional connotation
1)emotional connotation情感内涵
1.The full length dialogue programme Face to Face of Yueyang TV station, by means of seeking the emotional theme of real life, and writing and directing deliberately, explored the emotional connotation of people, and obtained general approval and commendation of audiences.岳阳电视台大型谈话节目《当面锣对面鼓》通过寻找现实生活中的情感题材和精心编导,充分挖掘了大众诉求的情感内涵,得到广大观众的认同和赞许。
2.Its emotional connotation is mainly reflected in three aspects: bitter hatred and loathing for cooupt political system; sorrow at and anger over abnormality of nationality; longing for and sentimental attachment to hometown and childhood.20世纪20年代的乡土小说创作异常繁荣,其情感内涵主要体现在三个方面:对腐败的政治制度的痛恨与憎恶,对国民性变态的悲哀与愤怒,对故乡与童年的思念与眷恋。
3.It matches its emotional connotation and demonstrates its use for reference of traditional Chinese poems and breakthrough in art.其与情感内涵相适应,在艺术上表现出对中国诗歌传统自觉的借鉴与突破。

1.Emotion & Charateristic Interpretation of Meditation Religieuse Composed by Jules Massenet;《沉思》情感内涵与技术形态对应分析
2.A Study of the Evolution of Emotional Connotation of Ancient Poetry about Zhao Jun论古代昭君题材诗歌情感内涵的演变
3.Village Snares of Love--Mr.Zhang Changhuai s Emotional Connotations;一张乡村情网——张长怀先生散文的情感内涵
4.Sentiment and Terror: The Strongest Feelings of Human Spirit;感伤与恐怖:人类最真实的情感体验——试析哥特式小说的情感内涵
5.The Comparison of Peoples Feelings on Animals in English and Chinese Proverbs;动物在英汉两种谚语中体现的情感内涵之比较
6.The emotional conveyance and aesthetic consciousness in the unitopic Ci poetry of the Song Dynasty;两宋咏物联章词的情感内涵和审美特征
7.Emotional Connotation of China s Local Novels in the Twenties;中国20世纪20年代乡土小说的情感内涵
9.Machaut's Messe de Notre Dame:Emotional Connotations and the Worship for the Virgin Mary in the Late Middle Ages《圣母弥撒》的情感内涵与中世纪晚期的圣母崇拜
10.He brought amazing emotional substance and a cynical reality to the movie.他将震撼人心的情感内涵及玩世不恭的真实写融入到影片中去。
11.Depression and Generosity of Concerning about His country and Missing His Hometown--On the emotional connotation of Yu Jia ao from the triple roles of Fan zhongyan;忧国思乡 悲凉慷慨——试从范仲淹的三重身份看《渔家傲》的情感内涵
12.The sentimental connotation and the performance hints of Beethoven spiano sonata in C minor;贝多芬~#C小调钢琴奏鸣曲的情感内涵与演奏提示
13.Emotion of Land, Sense of Darkness, Spirit of Tragedy: Discussion of Emotional Meaning and Aesthetic Spirit of HaiZi's Lyric Poetry土地情怀·黑夜意识·悲剧精神——论海子抒情诗歌的情感内涵和审美精神
14.Hatred of Niulang and Zhinv,!Love in "Queqiao Xian": on the Emotional Connotations and Aesthetical Effectiveness in "Queqiao Xian";牛郎织女恨 《鹊桥仙》中情——宋代《鹊桥仙》七夕相会词的情感内涵及审美效应
15.THE SENTIMENTAL RECOLLECTION AND SELF-PURSUIT--A Comparison of Emotion Connotation in Daorinatenggeli s and Ye Sai-ning s Poetry;感伤之回忆与自我追寻——道日那腾格里与叶赛宁诗歌情感内涵之比较
16.Chinese television drama of plebeian relating with its special emotion content acts an important role in the Chinese television drama fields.平民化”电视剧以其独特的情感内涵,在中国电视领域扮演着重要的角色。
17.Substantial Content and Emotional Central Theme of Fan Image;宋词中的“扇”意象及其内涵与情感基调
18.On the Aesthetic Connotation of Bian Cheng as a Song of Sensibility;论《边城》作为情感之歌的美学内涵

emotional implication情感内涵
1.The studies are mostly concerned with reasons for the frequent use of the image of willows,the emotional implication of the image,an individual poet or the image of willows in different periods.20多年来,研究者们关于柳意象的研究集中体现在柳意象频繁出现的原因,柳意象的情感内涵,个体诗人和不同时期诗词中柳意象的探讨。
3)emotional quality and connota tion情感质量与内涵
4)abundant feelings and connotations多重感情内涵
5)emotional epitome情感涵括
1.Artistic abstraction, a kind of perceptual "emotional epitome" or "experience generalization", is derived by artists and writers by virtue of a "intuitive and audio-visual" aesthetic judgement and directly based on the illusion of external substance, key formal elements or the internal emotional life and life experience of artists and writers.艺术的抽象是艺术家、作家凭借着一种具有“知性直观”的审美判断力,直接由外物的幻觉表象、形式要素或内在的情感生活、生命经验,提纯出的一种不脱离感性存在的“情感涵括”或“经验的一般”。
6)different emotions情感蕴涵

互换权的市场特征、内涵及定价互换权的市场特征、内涵及定价  另外,互换权是一种场外交易工具。因此,这种期权的执行价格、到期日、规模和结构都可以进行调整,以满足个别客户的特别需要。实际使用中,美式期权和欧式期权均可。欧式期权只能在合约规定的最后期限执行。美式期权可以在期权有效期内的任何时候执行。通常使用欧式期权。 一般而言,一个典型的互换权的选择期限低于l年,而互换期限在3年至10年之间,名义数额在,沉幻万美元至1亿美元。出价和要价的利率差通常在1%范围内浮动。 例如:A向B购买一个欧式支付方互换权,选择期限为3个月,互换期限为5年,名义金额为5(XX)万美元,年利率为7 .5%,采取现金结算方式。A购买这个期权的成本费用为70个基点(即35万美元)。 如果3个月内,现行5年期互换市场利率为8.0%,那么,A的收益为5(X) 745.25美元。 A的收益可以按公式表示:(Rm一RS)·P代表收益; N(1+Rm)·A,一C其中: Rtn代表市场利率; RS代表执行利率; N代表互换期限; A’代表名义金额; C代表购买该期权的成本。 至于互换权的定价,就像其他任何一种期权一样,其价值和价格都可以定义为到期时的期权预期价值的现值。互换权预期价值取决于现行的和远期的互换价格、执行价格、期限、运用期权的成本及市场波动性(Volatility)。前四者是众所周知的,而且易于确定,然而,市场波动性却必须由进行互换交易的定价人员自己确定,其难度较大。 互换权的价格和市场波动性成正比。市场波动性越大,其项下资产的价格变动机会也越大(在土例中是利率变动),执行互换权的可能性也越大,从而,互换权的价格就越高。 有许多种定量模型可以用于互换权的定价,其中,M~模型以及布莱克一斯科尔斯模型是被大多数市场参与者普遍运用的。【互换权的市场特征、内涵及定价】现:互换权市场的交易活跃,并且在几种主要乡上均是如此。比较活跃的利率互换市场的续货币都有互换权交易。据欧洲经纪商(IB诚ers)对世界主要的互换权交易商的调i互换权货币分类的大致情况如下图。 互换权的内涵究竟是什么呢?互换权轰种权力,而不是一种义务。互换权就是使舅买者可以作为利率互换交易中固定利率的丈方或者接受方进行互换的一种权力。