张萱,Zhang Xuan
1)Zhang Xuan张萱
1.The Scholar Zhang Xuan and his Xiyuan Records;晚明学人张萱及其《西园闻见录》
2.Proposing a Question to "Xi Yuan Wen Jian Lu" of Zhang Xuan;张萱《西园闻见录》举疑
3.Zhang Xuan Zhou Fang of the Ladies in the art of painting unique, Zhang Xuan characteristics and works of art, "Zhou-like" formation.张萱周昉的仕女画在艺术上的独到之处,张萱作品的艺术特点和"周家样"的形成。

1.There were two important portrait painters in the mid-Tang Dynasty, Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang.唐代中期,先后产生了两位重要的人物画家张萱和周舫。
2.Zhang Xuan was a painter of the imperial court who was adept at drawing ladies, infants, horses and saddles.张萱是开元年间的画官,擅长画贵族妇女、婴儿、鞍马。
3.Study the Features and Value of Art of Figure Painting in the Tang Dynasty from Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang and Their Paintings从张萱、周昉及他们的绘画看唐代人物画的艺术特点和价值
4.Zhang Xuan and Zhou Fang were two representative artists of the time.张萱和周舫就是在这样的社会背景和绘画发展趋势下登上人物画画坛的。
5.And Pei-yao, Huei-fang and Ahhsuan will have to be there, too!"佩瑶,四妹,阿萱,全得去
6.then Ah-hsuan looked up quickly in bewilderment to see that Wu Sun-fu was frowning.阿萱是茫然仰起了脸,荪甫是皱着眉头。
7.From the dining-room came the clatter of mahjong-tiles and the sound of Ah-hsuan's laughter.牌声从大餐间传来,夹着阿萱的笑。
8.Study on Comparative Anatomy of Hemerocallis L. in Ji Lin Province;吉林省萱草属植物的比较解剖学研究
9.Cytology and Fertility of Hemerocallis in Sichuan Province;四川萱草属植物细胞学及繁育学研究
10.Studies on Cultivation and Drought Resistance of Daylilies萱草新品种的引种栽培及抗旱性研究
11.Introduction to Study Records of Modern Masters of Chinese Traditional Learning Written by BIAN Xiao-xuan书介卞孝萱:《现代国学大师学记》
12.Studies on the Rapid Propagation of "Hongbaoshi" Hemerocallis hybrida by Tissue Culture“红宝石”萱草的组织培养快繁技术研究
13.Ah-hsuan gave a low, despairing laugh.阿萱轻声笑。 那笑声幽幽地像是哭不出而笑的。
14.Tissure Culture and Application of Hemerocallis middendorfii Trautv. et Mey. cv. Betty wods大花萱草新品种‘奶油卷’的组织培养和生产应用
15.The Classification, Selection and Hereditary Background Analysis of Hemerocallis Varieties;萱草品种分类、筛选及部分品种遗传背景分析
16.The Effect of Shading and Water Stress on Physiology Characteristic of Hemerocallis Middendorffii;遮荫及干旱胁迫对大花萱草生理特性的影响
17.Pathological Observations on Central Nerve of Rabbits Induced by Hemercoallin;萱草根素对家兔中枢神经损害的病理学研究
18.Study on Cultivars Evaluation and Influencing Factors of Seedlings Production of Hemerocallis Middendorfii;大花萱草品种评价及其种苗生产影响因素研究

Zhao Ji Mo Zhang Xuan Guoguo Furen Youchun Tu Juan赵佶摹张萱《虢国夫人游春图》卷
1.Study on aromatic constituents of Jinxuan oolong tea;金萱乌龙茶香气成分的分析研究
4)Hemerocallis hybrida萱草
1.Root Induced in Callus Culture of Hemerocallis hybrida;萱草(Hemerocallis hybrida)再生植株过程中根的诱导
2.Study on tissue culture and propagation technique of Hemerocallis hybrida;红花萱草离体繁殖技术研究
3.Studies on the Rapid Propagation of "Hongbaoshi" Hemerocallis hybrida by Tissue Culture“红宝石”萱草的组织培养快繁技术研究
5)Hemerocallis fulva萱草
1.Study on Drought Resistance of Two Plants of Urban Green Land:Hemerocallis fulva and Zoysia japonica;城市绿地植物萱草和结缕草的抗旱性研究
2.Study on Sterile Culture and Rapid Breeding Technique of Hemerocallis fulva Seed;萱草种子无菌培养及快繁技术研究
3.Effects of salt stress on osmotic adjustment substance in Hemerocallis fulva;盐胁迫对萱草细胞膜透性和渗透调节物质的影响
6)Hemerocallis fulva L萱草
1.Establishment of the Optimum Reaction System for ISSR-PCR of Hemerocallis fulva L.;萱草ISSR-PCR最佳反应体系的建立
2.Experiment of Hemerocallis fulva L. Planting on Sand-hill Land in North Henan Province;豫北沙岗地萱草种植试验
3.The pollen development of Hemerocallis fulva L has been observed by traditional methods.采用传统的细胞学方法,对萱草的花粉发育进行了观察,结果表明:花粉粒的发育过程和大多数单子叶植物相似,小孢子核从中央位置移至一端后,花粉开始第一次有丝分裂,形成生殖细胞和营养细胞。
