西方传统文化,Western Traditional Culture
1)Western Traditional Culture西方传统文化
1.A Debate on the View of Life Between Chinese and Western Traditional Cultures;中西方传统文化生命观论略
2.The Confucian theory that man is an integral part of nature plays a leading role in Chinese traditional culture,while the theory that man is an independent part of nature plays a leading role in Western traditional culture.中国传统文化是以儒家的"天人合一"思想为主导,西方传统文化是以"天人相分"思想为核心。

1.Action of Western Traditional Culture on Science Innovation;论西方传统文化在科学创新中的作用
2.Two Metaphors and Traditional Western Culture in Le Petit Prince;《小王子》中两个隐喻与西方传统文化
3.Study of the Location of Modernization in Oriental and Occidental Cultural Traditions;现代化在东西方传统文化中的定位研究
4.Comparison of Transpersonality Mode and Paradigm of Traditional Cultures in West and East;东西方传统文化的超越性人格模式与范型比较
5.Comparison between the Traditional Cultures of China and the Western and its Influence on Technology Innovation;中西方传统文化比较及对企业技术创新的影响
6.On Political Culture Tradition of Western "Citizen Culture";西方“公民文化”之政治文化传统论评
7.Western Modernistic Literature and Christian Culture;西方现代主义文学与基督教文化传统
8.There is a deep-rooted tradition of rationality and religion in West culture.西方文化中有根深蒂固的理性传统和宗教传统。
9.Chinese traditional culture arouses the admiration of foreigners.中国的传统文化使西方人非常羡慕
10.This is a traditional western culture.可能这是西方的传统文化造成的吧。
11.On the Traditional Values of Western Political Culture of Multiple Reference;论西方政治文化传统价值之多重借鉴
12.Conflict between the Western Management Theory and Chinese Traditional Culture;西方管理理论与中国传统文化的冲突
13.Cultural Contrast between Chinese Traditional Sports and Western Sports;中国传统体育与西方体育的文化比较
14.The Confliction between Western Logic and Chinese Traditional Culture in Education;西方逻辑与传统文化在教育中的碰撞
15.Comparison of Chinese traditional leisure culture and Hesperian leisure values;中国传统休闲文化与西方休闲价值观
16.A Comparison between Chinese Traditional Harmonious Culture and Western Citizen Culture;中国传统和谐文化与西方公民文化的比较
17.A Comparison between the Traditional Legal Cultures of China and Those of Modern Western Countries;我国传统法律文化与现代西方法律文化之比较
18.The Traditional Chinese Sports Culture and Its Merger with Modern Western Sports Culture;中国传统体育文化与现代西方体育文化的融合

the western and the eastern culture tradition东西方文化传统
3)poetic civilization of the west西方诗学文化传统
4)western literature tradition西方文学传统
5)cultural traditions in China and West中西文化传统
6)traditional culture in China and the West中西传统文化

传统文化  社会学与其他社会科学研究的重要课题之一。有广义与狭义之分。广义指所有的文化都是传统的文化。文化是人类社会的一份遗产,每一代人只能从上一代人那里继承这份遗产。狭义专指工业社会以前的文化,是文化中更古老的部分,如民风、民俗、民德,这些都是世世代代相传的,通常称为传统文化。它是一个文化体系中本来就有,且通过世代流传下来的那些文化元素和文化集丛。传统文化具有历史的连续性,是过去若干代的文化积累。经历多久始为传统文化,学术界似无明确的界定。参照历史学对人类历史的分期,以及社会学界对传统社会与现代社会的划分,可把人类进入工业社会以前的文化称作传统文化,把工业社会以来产生的文化称为现代文化。    人们对传统文化的赞誉和批评参半,足见对其作出价值判断是十分困难的。然而,一个有趣的现象是:当人们在变革社会时,通常反对法古,对传统文化多持否定态度;当社会处于平稳发展状态时,人们多半赞扬传统文化。从一定意义上说,传统文化可视作社会控制的手段。