女性主义艺术,Feminist art
1)Feminist art女性主义艺术
1.Feminism has experienced the development of women s rights - women - women in three stages, feminist art in tandem with the development of feminism has experienced three periods.女性主义发展至今经历了女权——女性——女人三个阶段,女性主义艺术的发生也随着女性主义的发展经历了这三个时期。
2.Both feminist art s practice and its theories inevitably have tendencies of some ideology and radicalization.不仅仅在中国,女性主义艺术在世界各国的美术领域都处在相对弱势的情境之中。
3.As an independent subject, the establish of Feminist Art is in 1960s,but it s origin may retroactive to the first wave of Feminist movement.首先,本文从现代主义和后现代主义两个时间段分析女性主义艺术发展的内因,强调大的文化背景之影响,同时质疑社会现存的意识形态;第二,系统研究女性主义艺术的语言形式。

1.Female Words In Arts - from the Arts of Feminism从女性主义艺术看艺术中的女性话语
2.Self-Narrative Characteristic and Feminism --On Feminist Artist Sherman;自述性与女性主义——女性主义艺术家舍曼解读
3.Feminist Art Plays a Leading Role in the Vanguard of Feminism Sculpture;女性主义艺术中起着先锋主导作用的女性主义雕塑
4.Judy·Chicago feminine principle artistic creation and cultural practice;论朱迪·芝加哥女性主义艺术创作和文化实践
5.Femine Artist Sherman combines post-modernistic art and photography together.女性主义艺术家舍曼将后现代艺术和摄影融于一体。
6.Retracing female tradition,reconstructing female history--On the Feminist Artistic Techniques in Possession by A.S. Byatt;追溯女性传统 重构女性历史——评A.S.拜厄特小说《占有》的女性主义艺术手段
7.Female Artists Probe into the Female themselves after Post-modernism;后现代主义之后女性艺术家对女性本体的探索
8.The Comparative Research on Feminist Films Arts of Mira. Nair and Ning Ying;米拉·奈尔与宁瀛女性主义电影艺术比较研究
9.Deconstruction and Reconstruction-A Challenge to Modern Art History from Feminist Criticism;解构与重建——女性主义批评对现代艺术史的挑战
10.Road to the Soul--Reflections on Contemporary Chinese Female Arts through Feminism;通往心灵的路——透过女性主义对中国当代女性艺术的反思
11.Post-modernistic art in the French Lieutenant s Woman;《法国中尉的女人》的后现代主义艺术
12.From gender politics to zoology politics: the marching way of western art of feminism;从性别政治到生态政治:西方女权主义艺术的进路
13.Analysis of Five Art Songs (I);一曲现代女性主义的叹与颂(上)——沟上日出夫五首艺术歌曲分析
14.Transformation: An interpretation of life;变:人生的另一种解读——评析梅根·特利的女性主义戏剧艺术
15.Feministic Reading of Kate Millet Vs Artistic Creation and Ideology of D.H.Lawrence--On The Woman Who Rode Away米利特的女性主义读解与劳伦斯的艺术创意和思想之对抗——《骑马出走的女人》之评析
16.Modernism,Modern Aesthetics and Artistic Aesthetics现代性、审美现代性与艺术审美主义
17.Scopic Division in Modern Art Research: Modernism, Avant-guarde, Post-modernism;现代艺术研究中的范畴性区分:现代主义、前卫艺术、后现代主义
18.The balance art between realism and modernism;现实主义与现代主义的平衡艺术——兼评劳伦斯的《虹》与《恋爱中的女人》

Feminism Art movement女性主义艺术本体
3)Cultural characteristics of feminism art女性主义艺术文化特征
4)the art of feminism女权主义艺术
5)female art女性艺术
1.Another Perspective of "Sex" --On "female art";“性别”解读的另一种眼光——关于“女性艺术”的思考
2.Female Art in the Visual Field of Postmodernism;后现代视野中的女性艺术
3.Female art is the art of improving oneself, praising oneself, analyzing oneself and developing oneself.二十世纪中国女性画坛的女性艺术是一种提高自我、赞美自我、分析自我、发展自我的剖析自我的艺术;是一种女性视野、女性艺术种类和女性艺术家群体日益宽广的艺术。
6)Feminine Art女性艺术
