写实绘画,realistic painting
1)realistic painting写实绘画
1.Either traditional or modern realistic paintings usually express certain conceptions and views by certain language forms.无论是传统写实绘画还是现代写实绘画,都经常通过一定的形式语言表达一定的观念和主张。
2.Photography,inspired and facilitated by traditional realistic painting ,comes to challenge the latter during its existence and development.因追求传统写实绘画的“立存此照”的纪实功能启发并产生了摄影技术 ,而摄影技术的产生和发展反过来对传统的写实绘画提出了挑战 ,艺术家们在寻求绘画的出路和超越的探索中 ,产生了现代绘画。
3.Nowadays art diversified environment under, because of realistic painting with photograph in the overlap on the function, the demand that the nationalization of the oil painting turn, the impact of the modern art current of thought influence the development direction of the realistic painting.在当今艺术多元化的环境下,写实绘画与摄影在功能上的重叠、油画民族化的需要、现代艺术思潮的冲击,都影响着写实绘画的发展方向。

1.Comparative Study between Classical Realistic Painting and Contemporary Realistic Painting古典写实绘画与当代写实绘画比较研究
2.On Development of Traditional Realistic Painting in View of Contemporary Western Representational Painting;从当代西方具象绘画看传统写实绘画的发展
3.A Talk about the Influence of Chinese Contemporany Realism Made by the Realism of Wyeth;论怀斯写实画风对中国当代写实绘画的影响
4.Research and Exploration over the Direction of Contemporary Realistic Painting Style;当代写实绘画格调取向的研究和探讨
5.Training on Color Perception in the Basic Teaching of Realistic Painting写实绘画基础教学中色彩感觉的训练
6.They were members of what was called the Ash Can School of realistic painting.他们是写实绘画的烟灰缸画派中的成员。
7.An Experimental Study on Effects on Children s Drawings of Visual Realism;某些影响儿童视觉写实绘画因素的实验研究
8.Light is important statue element and principal features in the west traditional painting.光在西方传统的写实绘画中是一个重要的造型元素 ,也是西方写实绘画的一个主要特征。
9.In his realistic portrayal of the grand scene, the painter did not stick to Western sketching, perspective and color rules.在写实手法的描绘中,画家在透视和色彩的处理都没有严格地按西方写实绘画中的素描要求,
10.The Significance of Super-realistic Painting in Specialty Design Teaching;超写实绘画在艺术设计专业教学中的意义
11.Painting Work Is the Reflection the of Painter s Internal World;绘画作品是画家内心情感的真实写照
12.Forms and Strokes of Traditional Chinese Painting:On Realistic Painting and Freehand Brushwork;中国古代绘画的形和笔——写实和写意谈
13.The painter does not copy nature as it is.画家描绘大自然,并不是完全写实的。
14.Realism and Its Evolution of Chinese Traditional Painting中国传统绘画中的写实主义及其演变
16.France Realistic Pictorial Screen Structure Research in 1919世纪法国写实主义绘画的画面结构研究
17.He changed his painting style from realistic to more spiritual expression.他的绘画风格开始从写实转向更为写意。
18.The Differentiating and Analysing of Realism and Realistic Painting Vocabulary;关于写实主义、现实主义绘画词汇的辨析

super-realistic painting超写实绘画
3)an objective painting写实的绘画
4)realism (painting)写实派绘画
5)the Local Realistic Paintings乡土写实绘画
1.During the historic time between the late 1970s and the early 1980s when the new was being replacing the old, there occurred the Local Realistic Paintings.20世纪70年代末至80年代初,新旧交替的历史状态中我国艺术创作领域出现了乡土写实绘画
6)New Realism Painting新写实主义绘画
