审美欣赏,aesthetic appreciation
1)aesthetic appreciation审美欣赏
1.Aesthetic appreciation in the process of emotionalfactors as aesthetic experience and the needs and the role of aesthetic experience andachievement, but not the main cognitive judgment.从科学心理学角度,在认知与情绪关系的层面上,对审美欣赏过程进行研究,认为:在审美态度的产生过程中,认知评价因素起着重要作用。
2.Zhuangzi also further discussed the state of Diehua,the highest state of aesthetic appreciation."相忘"本意于其人生哲学,但庄子追求的人生是诗意的人生、审美的人生,这就使得"相忘"真实地揭示了审美欣赏时审美主体的心理状态特征。
2)music aesthetic appreciation音乐审美欣赏

1.An Experimental Study to the Influence of Music Aesthetic Appreciation on the Undergraduate with Depressive Symptoms;音乐审美欣赏对大学生抑郁症状影响的实验研究
2.An Experimental Study of the Music Aesthetic Appreciation Effect on the Mental Heath of Undergraduates音乐审美欣赏对大学生心理健康影响的实验研究
3.Music Aesthetic Quality Cultivation and Music Appreciation in Teaching;音乐审美素质的培养与音乐欣赏教学
4.The education of aesthetic ability in college music appreciation;大学音乐欣赏教育中审美能力的培养
5.On the Primary and Secondary School Music Teaching in the "Aesthetic Experience"论中小学音乐欣赏教学中的“审美体验”
6.The perspective on the beauty of music plays an important role in aesthetic appreciation.音乐审美在音乐欣赏中占有重要的位置。
7.Aesthetic Quality Education in College Music Appreciation Course普通高校音乐欣赏课中的审美素质教育
8.The Selection and Social Impact of Music Appreciation;刍议音乐欣赏审美活动的选择性和社会功能
9.On the Practical Way of Appreciation in the Primary and Secondary Schools Music Teaching;论中小学音乐欣赏教学的审美实践途径
10.Views on rational cognition and aesthetic evaluation in teaching music appreciation in universities;大学音乐欣赏教学中的理性认识与审美评价
11.A Brief Talk on how to Improve the Students Aesthetic Judgement by Music Appreciation Courses;浅谈如何通过音乐欣赏课提高学生的审美能力
12.appreciation of music对音乐的欣赏 (力)
13.A Probe into the Training of Beauty Enjoyment of Artistic Gymnasts in Enjoying Music Process;艺术体操运动员音乐欣赏过程中审美能力的培养
14.On the Reform of Music Appreciation Education in China from the Music Appreciation Education in American, German and Japanese Schools;从美、德、日三国学校音乐欣赏教育看我国音乐欣赏教育改革
15.insensibility to art, music, beauty, etc对艺术、 音乐、 美等无欣赏能力.
16.Wherever you go, you can enjoy the charms of music.您不管到哪里,都可欣赏到美妙的音乐。
17.Talk About the Esthetic Idea of "Sadness Being Beautiful";论汉代“以悲为美”的音乐欣赏观念
18.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the same is true for both the appreciation of art and music.美在观察者的眼中,美术和音乐的欣赏也是如此。

music aesthetic appreciation音乐审美欣赏
3)On Education of Aesthetic Judgement论审美欣赏教育
4)cultivating aesthetic judgement审美欣赏能力培养
5)aesthetic psychology of music appreciation音乐欣赏审美心理
6)Discussing on Empathy and Aesthetic Appreciation论移情与审美欣赏
