文徵明,Wen Zhengming
1)Wen Zhengming文徵明
1.Wen Zhengming is one of the most important characters who represent the spirit of the Literature in Wuzhong district in the middle of Ming dynasty.文徵明作为明中叶吴中风雅的主盟人物之一,博学而多才,诗、书、画均著称于世。
2.The main intention of this article is discussing for the painting,appreciation and reason about painting of the Peach Blossom Spring in Jiangnan during medium-term and terminal-term of the Ming Dynasty,especially in the literate circle at the core of Wen Zhengming.本文研究的主要目的是探讨在明代中晚期的江南地区,尤其是以文徵明为核心的江南文人圈,对于《桃源图》题材绘画的创作、欣赏及其文化原因。

1.The Wens in Changzhou:How Heritage of a Scholarly Family Contributed to the Making of a Great Master长洲文氏的家族积淀与文徵明的出现
2.The Embodiment of Nature and Temperament --Comparison between Zhu Yunming and Wn Zhengming;气质之别与性情之辨——祝允明、文徵明比较
3.The tablet carrying the carved inscription based on the calligraphy of Wen Zhengming of the Ming Dynasty was cracked by fire with the result that the inscription is now hardly legible.明代文徵明重书的一块碑石也因火灾破裂,字迹残缺不全;
4.On WEN Zheng-ming s Resignation--Inspired by WANG Chong s Living Sketches;文徵明致仕考略——由王宠行书札《起居贴》引发出的问题探索
5.a thesis crowded with references to other sources有旁徵博引附注的论文
6.a style marked by precision and wit以精巧为特徵的文体
7.Finally, with the introduction of refrigerator-freezers came the ice cream shop, which has become a symbol of American culture.最后,因为有冰箱冷藏室的发明,于是有了冰淇淋商店,也让冰淇淋成为美国文化的一种象徵。
8.All my children share a strong family likeness.我的孩子都有明显的家族特徵.
9.No specific phenotype on imaging was concluded and may overlap with that of primary adrenal carcinoma.这些肿瘤在影像学中并无明确的特徵,甚至有些影像类似恶性表徵。
10.In some culture, a crow is associated with badness.在某种文化中,乌鸦是不吉祥的象徵。
11.A Study on the Quotation Type of Exegesis in Lishan s Annotations on Wenxuan;李善《文选注》徵引式训诂体式研究
12.Wang Zheng Who Transmitted European Science and Technology and Culture to China;王徵——欧洲科学技术与文化的传播者
13.The power of the before mentioned elves is magical and justifies the reason for their numbers.小精灵当道,说明它神奇有效、所当然的特徵。
14.Wang Zheng s Activities on Translation and Publication in theLate Ming Dynasty and their Historical Influences;明末王徵的翻译出版活动及其历史影响
15.a requisition form, order, etc徵用单、 徵用令.
16.sign of the existence of sth bad(坏事的)徵兆, 徵候
17.The Macanese Cultural Characteristics in Fernandes Novels;从飞历奇小说看澳门土生葡人的文化特徵
18.The facial expressions of two young children underneath the ring resemble our school children, being vigorous, agile, happy and healthy.光环下两个半月形儿童,象徵崇明国小的学童个个活泼、爱、康、乐。

A Study of WenZhengMing s Poetry and Article文徵明诗文研究
3)Wen Zhengming Xiyuan Shi Juan文徵明《西苑诗》卷
4)Wen Zhengming Zhenshangzhai Tu Juan文徵明《真赏斋图》卷
5)ancient literatures quoting文献徵引
1.Historicism of Western Classical Furniture (Ⅱ)--Ancient Greek Civilization and Its Furniture(Part Ⅰ);西方古典家具史论(二)古代希腊文明及其家具(上)
2.Historicism of Western Classical Furniture (Ⅲ) ——Ancient Greek Civilization and Its FUrnitUre(Part Ⅱ);西方古典家具史论(三) 古代希腊文明及其家具(下)
3.Ecological anthropology perspectives on environment issues in the periods of civilization evolution;文明演进中环境问题的生态人类学透视

文徵明文徵明(1470~1559)中国明代画家,书法家,文学家。初名璧,后以字行,更字徵仲,号衡山居士。长洲(今江苏苏州)人。出身仕宦之家,早年攻诗文、书画,师事吴宽、李应祯、沈周,中年后以岁贡生荐吏部考试,授翰林院待诏,4年后辞归故里,以诗文书画自娱。擅画山水、人物、花卉、兰竹,尤以山水著称。其山水师法沈周、董源、赵孟、王蒙、吴镇,多画吴中山水,主要表现文人生活题材。作品早年以工细为主,中年后粗细兼具,但细笔是其主要面貌。其画景致平和恬静,构图层叠而上,笔墨清秀含蓄,苍劲秀润,天真生拙,富有书卷气,反映了文人的审美情趣。人物师法李公麟,笔致细秀,风格清雅高古。花鸟兰竹,笔墨劲健而秀逸。其书法擅篆、隶、楷、行、草等书体,尤精行、楷,取法晋唐宋诸名家,笔致遒劲,书风清俊秀逸。与祝允明、王宠合称吴中三家。文徵明绘画作品有《烟江叠嶂图》、《湘君湘夫人图》、《林榭煎茶图》、《惠山茶会图》、《江南春图》、《古木寒泉图》、《真赏斋图》、《溪桥策杖图》、《古木疏篁图》、《春深高树图》等传世,书法有墨迹《上吴愈尺牍》、《真赏斋铭并序》、《南窗记》、《诗稿五种》册、《西苑诗》等传世。 文徵明《春深高树图》文徵明诗文亦富有造诣。其诗接近柳宗元、白居易,诗风淡雅秀丽,清新自然,多为感兴、纪游、题画之作。散文长于叙事、夹叙夹议,清新流畅。著《甫田集》35卷,附录1卷。与祝允明、唐寅、徐祯卿并称吴中四才子。文徵明在当时影响极大,他与沈周同为吴门派创始人,画史将他与沈周、唐寅、仇英合称明四家。追随者甚众,本家有文嘉、文彭、文伯仁、文俶,弟子有陈淳、陆治、钱榖等,或承家学,或出其门下,均成为名画家,使吴门派形成煊赫声势。