民族风情,national customs
1)national customs民族风情
1.Based on the choice of the things used to compare with, a general introduction of national customs and practice is made in the novel.作者在将人物生动形象化的同时,将笔触伸入到人物内心世界作深层次的刻镂;从喻体的选择角度,对其民族风情作“一斑”的窥见,有利于傻子视角的确立;其意蕴比显现的形象要深远,能为人们的解读提供更为广阔的空间和多种可能。

1.In Search of China' s Minorities中国少数民族风情
2.Ethnic Investigation of "Six Mountains and Six Rivers"and Guizhou s Tourism Development of Ethnic Customs;“六山六水”民族调查与贵州民族风情旅游开发
3.The Development of Sanjiang Dong Nationality Custom Tourism and its Cultural Upgrade Project Team of "the Research on Toursm Culture System of Sanjiang County of Liuzhou";三江侗族民族风情旅游的开发与文化提升
4.Xiaoliang mountain is one of the well-preserved places that Yi ethnic culture is kept untouched with a strong tinge of folk customs.小凉山是彝族民族风情保存较为完好的地区之一,具有浓郁的民族风情
5.It unfolds to us an aesthetic picture scroll of southwest minorities.边寨风情》为我们呈现了一幅唯美的中国西南少数民族风情画卷。
6.and activities based on the Quebecois folkloric lifestyle, such as canoe and dogsled races.和充满魁北克民族风情的活动,如独木舟和雪橇。
7.Classification and development of ethnic cultural resources of China;中国民族风情旅游资源分类与开发研究
8.III. Yunnan will fully display its rich and unique natural scenery and ethnic folklore during the International Horticultural Exposition三、云南将在世博会期间全面展示丰富独特的自然风光和民族风情
9.Dali, Lijiang and Weishan have been designated nationalfamous historical cultural towns.大理、丽江、巍山3座国家级历史文化名城,与众多民族文化和民族风情融为一体。
10.The production design showing originality, the character shaping is vivid, with the dense nationality amorous feedings.产品设计独具匠心,人物造型栩栩如生,民族风情浓郁。
11.building the urban characters of regional culture: planning of the Erdaoqiao Street of nationalities features in Urumchi城市地域文化特色塑造:乌鲁木齐二道桥民族风情一条街规划
12.Beautiful Colors of the Western Region, Women s Awareness and Diverse Ethnic Customs: A Group of Women Writers in Gansu;西部色彩·女性意识·民族风情——甘肃女作家群创作简论
13.Ethnic Education in Perspective of Anthropology;教育的风情:人类学视界中的民族教育
14.On the Personalitics and Styles in the Sino-U.S War Films from the Point of View of National Comples;从民族情结看中美战争电影的个性与风格
15.Teaching aims: Teach the customs of minorities and increase their pride and love for our country.教学目标:认识并了解我国少数民族的风土人情,激发民族自豪感和爱国热情。
16.Development and Management of Ethnic Tourist Spots in Longsheng--An Investigation;龙胜少数民族民俗风情旅游景点开发与管理现状的调查研究
17.“ FOLK SONG& DANCE PARTY”,“ FASHION SHOW PERFORMANCE” will be featured monthly.定期举办的“民族歌舞会”和“时装表演”,使您能领略到异域风情。
18.The Analysis of the book that the Mongolian Folklore Studies and its Value;多维视野下的蒙古族民俗研究——《蒙古风情》及其价值评述

vase of national amorous feeling民族风情瓶
3)Ethnical Park民族风情园林
4)minority folk-custom少数民族风情
5)ethnic customs performance民族风情表演
1.As increasingly the higher level of spirit enjoyment,the unique ethnic customs performance became a new growth point for the ethnic cultural tourism industry development.随着人们日益追求更高层次的精神享受,独具特色的民族风情表演已成为民族地区文化旅游产业发展新的增长点。
6)the non-localized development of ethnic cultural tourism民族风情旅游异地化
1.In the mean time, the non-localized development of ethnic cultural tourism has been expended, the non-localized development of ethnic cultural tourism mainly refers to the large-scale tourism exploitation phenomena .与此同时民族风情旅游异地化也得到了极大的发展,民族风情旅游异地化主要是指自1991年以来以深圳中国民俗文化村为代表的,主要发生在旅游客源地的以民族文化为载体的大规模的非原生态民族文化的旅游开发现象。
