精神美,spiritual beauty
1)spiritual beauty精神美
1.The lacquer material s aesthetic representation in packaging design was explained from the perspectives of the material aesthetic feeling,the technologic beauty,and the spiritual beauty.从漆的发展历史背景和现状入手,通过质材美、工艺美、精神美几个角度来阐释漆质在包装设计中的美学表现,以实现漆质在包装设计中的现实意义。

1.The beauty or spirit in women's triple jump is that it can stimulate the people's spirit of enterprise, of striving and of creation in life.女子三级跳远的精神美在于她能激发起人们在生活中的进取精神,奋争精神与创新精神。
2.On the Failure of American "Financial Spirit" Replacing "Industrial Spirit"美国“金融精神”取代“工业精神”的失败
3.Bacchus s Spirit--A Doughty Beauty Rhyme of Western Aesthetics;“酒神精神”:西方美学的“刚美”意韵
4.National Committee for Mental Hygiene美全国精神卫生协会
5.Towards greater spiritual wealth建设更美好的精神生活
6.The Revelry of Dithyramb s Spirit and The Rules of Sun God s Spirit--A Kind of Expound of Mallarme s L Apres-midi d um faune;“酒神精神”的狂欢和“日神精神”的规约——马拉美《牧神午后》的阐释一种
7.Comments on Mallarme s The Herd God s Afternoon;“牧神精神”的狂欢和“日神精神”的规约——评析马拉美的《牧神的午后》
8.A Perfect Annotation of Traditional Virtues and the Epochal Spirit --An Analysis of the Connotation of Zhang Jiu-jing s Spirit;传统美德和时代精神的完美诠释——张九精精神内涵探析
9.residential treatment facilityph.1. 【美】【婉】(精神)疗养所,(精神)休养所(即精神病院,疯人院)
10.Spirit of Traditional Chinese University and Spirit of Classical Chinese Aesthetics;中国传统大学精神与中国古典美学精神
11.The Relation Of Aesthetic Quality, Aesthetic Spirit and Modern Society;审美素质、美学精神与现代社会的关系
12.On Aesthetic Mechanism “Void and Quietness”and Chinese Aesthetic Spirit;“虚静”的审美机制与中国审美精神
13.HOLY MATTER, HOLY MIND--An Aesthetic Approach to the Functioning of the Mind;神圣的物质 神圣的精神——心灵活动的审美探讨
14.On Two Kinds of Aesthetic Utopia:Dionysian Spirit and Carnival Spirit--An Aesthetic Dialogue between Nietzsche and Bakhtin;两种美学乌托邦:酒神精神与狂欢精神——论尼采美学与巴赫金美学的对话关系
15.I feel that America is my true spiritual home.我觉得美国是我真正的精神家园。
16.A new spirit entered American fiction.一种新精神注入了美国小说。
17.What happens to the pioneer spirit?美国人的开拓精神哪儿去了呢?
18.They give steel to the backbone of America.他们为美国的精神脊梁浇铸了钢筋。

aesthetic spirit审美精神
1.This paper aims to analyze the dissatisfying aesthetic spirit among these college students and propose strengthening aesthetic education and cultivating poetic flavor from such pers.文章分析了理工科大学生审美精神和诗意情怀缺失的现状,提出加强审美教育,从生命意识和生态人格、超越意识和审美精神、栖居意识和诗性智慧等方面培养理工科大学生的诗意栖居情怀。
2.But teaching mode, which is constructed under the aesthetic spiritual pursuit may cause students to realize per.而在审美精神追求下建构出的教学模式,可使学生实现人格的完满。
3.The development of mankind has experienced three kind of spiritual pursuit: the moral spirit,the scientific spirit and the aesthetic spirit.人类的发展经历了三类精神的追求:道德精神、科学精神和审美精神,在不同的精神追求下教学模式也相应地表现为不同的特点,同时人类对精神的不断追求也促使教学模式不断走向完善。
3)American spirit美国精神
1.Cowboy is generally considered to be the representative of Americans, while "cowboy spirit "the "American spirit".牛仔是美国的代名词,“牛仔精神”被称为美国精神,就连布什政府的对外政策也被为牛仔政策。
2.Yan an spirit and American spirit are two different spirits emerging in two different lands,but can be identical with each other in nine aspects of.延安精神与美国精神是在不同的国度中产生的两种不同的精神,但却可以在经济繁荣、群体和谐和国家安全这三个国家政治目标的基础上统一起来。
3.The cultural conflicts between Confucianism and American spirit represented by the two generations of mother and daughter are revealed,which are the conflict between the pecking order of family members in Chinese family and the equality idea in American family,the conflict between Chinese modesty and American frankness,the conflict between .本文从伦理学的角度分析了美国华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)的小说《喜福会》中四位母亲和她们的四个女儿之间的相互冲突和相互融合的心灵历程,揭示了母女两代人所代表的儒家思想和美国精神之间的文化冲突。
4)approach of upholding beauty尚美精神
1.Spirit of pursuing truth is the soul of editors of learned journal;matter-of-fact attitude reflects the sense of responsibility and mission;approach of upholding beauty is the distillation of the spirit of editing.学报编辑的批判精神主要表现为求真精神、崇实精神、尚美精神。
5)esthetic spirit审美精神
1.Contemplating the esthetic spirit of Song Dynasty feminine literature from the image of plum;试从“梅”意象来观照宋代女性文学的审美精神
2.The esthetic spirit of a harmonious society,is not only the realistic need for the social development,but also the need for carrying forward the outstanding Chinese national cultural tradition.和谐社会的审美精神,既是社会发展的现实需要,又是中华民族优秀文化传统发扬光大的需要。
6)aesthetic spirit美学精神
1.For half of the century,Inner Mongolia drama art has formed its aesthetic spirit of the combination of idealism and realism,time features and national features,and the classic features and the styles.半个多世纪以来,内蒙古话剧艺术形成了理想主义与现实主义的结合、时代特色与民族特色的结合、艺术的经典性与时尚性结合的美学精神。
2.The game attribute of aesthetic spirit may lessen or dispel the practical attitude,leading to the individual s perfect and harmonious development,while the spirit of transcendence helps people to transcend themselves from the trivialness without leaving the real world,shaping the real world with higher aesthetic vision,thus improving the living quality of human being.美学精神是一种游戏精神,是一种超越精神。
3.Hence, it has influenced deeply a wide range of aesthetic concepts and manifested in the traditional works the aesthetic spirits-focusing on life essence, pursuing the artistic context, etc."天人合一"不仅是中国传统哲学中最重要和最根本的一个哲学命题,同时也是中华民族的一种思维方式和基本处事观念,因而也深深地影响着中国美学的各种审美范畴,并在传统文学作品中表现出一种注重生命本体、交感、整体直观、意境追求的美学精神。

精神分裂样精神病精神分裂样精神病schizophreniform psychosis  精神分裂样精神病(sehizophren主fo:功psyehosis)1939年兰菲尔德(Langfeldt)首先提出这一概念。他曾在奥斯陆进行过一项随访研究,发现精神分裂症可分为预后不良的过程性精神分裂症(proeess sehizophrenia)和预后良好的精神分裂样精神病。过程性精神分裂症类似克勒佩林(Kraepe一in,E.)提出的早发性痴呆(dementia praecox),病人表现情感淡漠,缺乏主动性,具有原发性妄想。而精神分裂样精神病常有明显诱因,伴有意识模糊和情感症状。后来发现这种区分并不能准确地预断精神分裂症的预后。目前这一术语具有完全不同的含义。美国《精神疾病诊断和统计手册》(第三版)和我国精神疾病分类(1984)规定,“精神分裂样精神病,,分别用于病期不足6个月和3个月的精神分裂症。 (赵亚忠撰刘协和审)