创作主体,creative subject
1)creative subject创作主体
1.This paper takes Zhang Ailing as an example and point out that Zhang , as a creative subject , has shown signs of unstable outlooks in both value and creation in the latter half of her writing career ,due to the interior and exterior conflicts that she finds hard to overcome .审美创作主体是沟通艺术世界和现实世界的“过滤器”,在创作过程中其主体作用是极其重要的。
2.In the course of integrating political ideology and the form of folk culture,Zhao Shuli took the receiving subject as the centre of his creation,whereas Lu Ling stressed the creative subject itself.在《讲话》的影响下 ,赵树理和路翎在 2 0世纪 40年代都达到了各自的创作高峰 ,在整合政治意识形态和民间文化形态的过程中 ,赵树理以接受主体作为创作过程的核心 ,路翎凸现的则是创作主体本身 ,二人均拓展和丰富了小说这一文体的美学意蕴。

1.On New Immigration Novel Authors and Their Motivations;新移民小说创作主体及创作动机管窥
2.Intergrated observation on features of literature-creating subject and mainstream literature in Song Dynasty;宋代文学创作主体和主流文学特质的整体观照
3.The Thinking of Creating Contemporary Novel--The Writers and the Themes Influenced by Film and Television关于当代小说创作的思考——论影视影响下的创作主体和小说主题
4.On Psychological Imperfection and Integration of the Main Body in Web Literature Creation;网络文学创作主体的心理缺失与整合
5.Recuperation of Man──Making the Author Function;人的复归──叙事文学创作主体的重建
6.DIANLUN, LUNWEN (典论·论文):Subjective Creative Value;关于《典论·论文》对创作主体价值的探析
7.A Philosophical and Aesthetic Interpretation to HuFeng s Subjective Fighting Spirit and Creative Subjective;胡风主观战斗精神与创作主体的哲学美学阐释
8.A Study on the Observation Styles of the Creative Subject in Western Modern Painting;西方现代绘画艺术中的创作主体观看研究
9.Playing the Principal Role of Technology Innovation and Forming the Technology Innovation System of Enterprise;发挥技术创新主体作用 构建企业技术创新体系
10.The Principle Role of Enterprises in National Innovation;建设创新型国家与企业的创新主体作用
11.A Study on the Communication Subject's Creative Consciousness with Verbal Language;有声语言传播主体创作自觉问题研究
12.The Cooperative Innovation System of Industry,University and Research I nstitute and Independent Intellectual Property;产学研合作创新体系与自主知识产权
13.From Creation to Appreciation --Thinking about the Subjectivity of Painting;从创作到欣赏——关于绘画主体性的思考
14.Respect the Student-Oriented Method,Cultivate the Creative Talents;尊重学生主体作用 努力培养创新人才
15.On the Dynamic Role of the Subject in Artistic Creation and Its Realization;论艺术创作中的主体能动性及其实现
16.The Type、Character and Function of Agricultural Technical Creation;农业技术创新主体的类型、特征与作用
17.Exerting the Students' Main Role,Constructing Harmonious and Highly Effective Teaching Class发挥学生主体作用 创建和谐高效课堂
18.Discussion on How to Improve College Students Writing Ability;主体与创作——论大学生如何提高写作能力

1.Net literature creator s "self-social integration",includes three ingredients:social perception,social communication and social adaptation.网络文学创作主体"自我与社会的统合,"由社会知觉、社会交往和社会适应三大维度构成。
2.The article reveals the connotation from three side: creator,creating process,creation.本文从创作主体之真趣、创作过程之灵趣、创作客体之逸趣三方面揭示张问陶“趣”的内涵。
3.KANG Hai and WANG Jiu si are the representatives of the creators in the early stage.其创作特色集中表现为创作主体强烈的情绪性及其现实的批判精
3)creation subject创作主体
1.The self-consciousness of literary creation after his relegation made Liu Zongyuan carry out a deep review on literature theory,and he believed that the creation subject should meet three main requirements: first,acting in the text with faith;second,reading books by various schools to communicate;the third is expressing the sense of indignation in the poem.贬谪以后文学创作的自觉使柳宗元对文学创作的理论进行了深刻的检讨,他认为创作主体应该做到三个方面的要求:一是文以行为本,在先诚其中。
1.Passing through the Light-and-Image Cyberspace - On Impact of Internet on Writers of Children s Literature;穿行在光影交错的空间里——略论网络对儿童文学创作主体的影响
2.The prosperous mass culture brought the prosperity of film and television,the film and television prosperity has af- fected directly the creation of contemporary novels,therefore the writers\' creative ideas and content have profound changes.因此创作主体在影视文化的夹缝中保持自己文学创作的独特性,维护独立的文学精神,显得尤为重要。
5)creation main body创作主体
1.As one kind of spiritual creation process,literature and art congealed and have displayed humanity s survival scheme,and have their creation main body.作为凝结和表现人类生存图式的一种精神创造过程的文学艺术,是有着其创作主体的。
2.This article,from mature creation main body,literary style divergence,performance content and manifestation obtains,revealed soul prose s historical status in literary history.从性灵散文创作主体的成熟、文体的分流、表现内容及表现形式等方面入手,揭示了性灵散文在文学史上的历史地位。
6)subject of creation创作主体
1.The view of genius has started a method of considering essence and discipline of literary from the subject of creation,which has its meaning and value nowadays.古代天才观紧扣文学实践,将"学"、"识"、"胆"纳入"天才"的应有之义,并对"才"进行了细致的划分,开辟出一条力图从创作主体入手去把握文艺创造本质与规律的道路,迄今依然具有积极的现实意义与价值。
2.Under the context of network,the subject of creation constituted by public netizen has features of generalization and virtualization in the dissemination of literature and presents emotional vent,and heart relief in the psychology of creation.在网络语境下,由大众网民构成的网络文学创作主体在文学传播中具有泛化与虚化的特性,并呈现出寻求情感宣泄与心灵突围的创作心理。

《建国十年文学创作选·曲艺》  曲艺作品选集。1959年为庆祝中华人民共和国建国10周年出版。选集按作品形式分册出版,曲艺分册由《曲艺》月刊编辑部编选。书中收选了鼓词、相声、评书、快板、山东快书及其他形式作品54篇,其中包括蒙古族曲种好来宝作品两篇。曲种多样,题材广泛,文字清新,运用各种说唱形式歌颂了中华人民共和国成立10年以来各条战线上的成就和新人新事新风尚。其中相声《夜行记》等作品流行全国,鼓词《考神婆》、《飞夺泸定桥》曾广为传唱,评书《登记》被改编为戏曲等多种艺术形式进行演唱。赵树理、陶钝为该书作了序言。