一脉相承,come down in one continuous line
1)come down in one continuous line一脉相承
1.In this dissertation, a system of Marxism theory on human all-around development, in which those content not only come down in one continuous line but also innovat.本文试图运用马克思主义的立场、观点和方法建构一个既一脉相承而又与时惧进的马克思主义人的全面发展理论体系。

1.The three representatives":the theory comes down in a continuous line with Marxism;三个代表”:一脉相承的马克思主义理论
2.Three Representatives" and Marxist Comes down in One;“三个代表”与马克思主义一脉相承
3.Mr. XX firmly believes everything derives from the Almighty and that all the other living organisms have the same origin as humans.“万物与天一脉,众生同我共根”。X先生相信所有的生命是一脉相承
4.Firstly, they are an integrate scientific system that can be traced to the same origin;首先,它们是一脉相承的统一的科学体系;
5.Annie: It sounds like coming down in one continuous line with the "higher, faster and stronger".安妮:听起来好像与“更高、更快、更强”一脉相承
6.Different in Approach but Equally Satisfactory in Result, Come down in one Continuous Line --the Analysis of Finery Style of Ancient Greece or Rome异曲同工 一脉相承——古希腊、古罗马服饰风格分析
7.The basic spirit of Taoism is keeping natural, which, in Taoism, is considered as an ideal state.关于“道”的思想,庄子是和老子一脉相承的。
8.A Continuous Study on Genetic Epistemology--The Explore of Piaget s Theory;一脉相承的认识发生研究——皮亚杰理论探析
9.Overall Planning and All-Round Consideration:the CPC s Developing Methodology CPC Coming Down in a Continuous Line;统筹兼顾:中国共产党人一脉相承的发展方法论
10.Establishing Socialism Harmonious Society Derived from the Same Origin of Marxism;一脉相承:构建社会主义和谐社会与马克思主义
11.Consistent with Communist Thought and Developing with the Time--On the Three Progenies in the Sinicization of Marxism in China;试论“三大理论成果”一脉相承又与时俱进
12.On the Succession of “Three Represents” to Marxism;一脉相承:“三个代表”重要思想与马克思主义
13.An Discussion of Three Pairs of English and Chinese expressions;论英汉表达的“形似神异”,“异曲同工”和“一脉相承
14.The State of Being Direct Succession and Keeping up with Times of the Important Thought of "Three Representatives";“三个代表”重要思想的一脉相承性和与时俱进性
15.The Choice Coming Down in One Continuous Line--On the Creation of Stories for Children by Mao Dun;一脉相承的选择——论茅盾的儿童小说创作
16.A Link between Scientific-Development Viewpoint and Deng Xiaoping s Development Viewpoint;科学发展观与邓小平发展观具有一脉相承
17.Important Thought of Three Representation Is the Some as Maozedong s Thought;“三个代表”重要思想与毛泽东思想一脉相承
18.On localization of Marxism in China and a continuous line with Marxism;论马克思主义“中国化”与马克思主义的“一脉相承

1.These principles fully reflect the succession of solving Taiwan issue and also reflect the determination and sincerity of deve.在这一历史进程中,党的四代中央领导集体始终坚持“坚持原则,维护主权;和平统一,促进发展;实事求是,与时俱进”的重要思想理论原则,充分体现了中国共产党和中国政府解决台湾问题方针政策的一脉相承性,体现了中国共产党和中国政府发展两岸关系、促进祖国统一的决心和诚意,有效地维护了中国主权和领土完整。
3)born in the blood血脉相承
4)The arteries are connected in one vein一脉相连
5)bring out the best in each other相辅相承
6)approximate and inherited相近相承
