岩彩画,rock painting
1)rock painting岩彩画
1.With the modernization trend of the Chinese art circle, there has appeared "rock painting", a new form of painting, which, superficially speaking, may result from the revolution of materials and renovation of techniques.中国画坛在由传统走向现代的大趋势下 ,出现了“岩彩画”这一新的绘画样式。
2.But because of the change of the historical and cultural background, the rock painting is totally different from the Dunhuang fresco in both the exterior (line, color, and painting techniques) and the subjective view (view of co.因此,敦煌壁画和现代“岩彩画”虽然同是天然矿物颜料作画,但是由于他们存在的时代背景、文化熏陶的不同,他们所呈现出来的面貌也是截然不同的,不论是在外部形态(如线条、色彩、技法)方面,还是在主观形态(色彩观、审美)方面。

1.A Probe on Material in Grotto Fresco and Colorful Rock Paintings石窟壁画的材料表现与岩彩画的探讨
2.Comparison between Primitive Rock Art Materials and Modern Rock Painting Materials原始涂绘岩画材料与现代岩彩画材料之比较
3.Rock Painting:an Amazed Art Reversion岩彩画:一种奇异的艺术返祖现象
4.Copy of Buddhist Murals and Rejuvenation of Rock-Color paintings;佛教壁画的科学临摹与岩彩画的复兴价值
5.Then it discusses the practical integration of freehand brushwork spirit and rock painting freehand brushwork from practice.在此如出上,又从实践出发来谈到了岩彩画与写意精神的具体结合及岩彩写意画的特征。
6.The Shallow View of Comparison and Study with Modern Mineral Painting and Glue Painting in Taiwan;浅议大陆地区现代岩彩画与具有台湾本土特色的胶彩画之比较研究
7.Cultural Understanding of Rock Color Painting and Its Teaching under Different Historical Circumstances基于不同历史环境下岩彩画及其教学的文化理解
8.Draw with markers, draw with markers.用彩笔画画,用彩笔画画。
9.paint in watercolors用水彩颜料画,画水彩画
10.The lines of the paintings are compatible with the stone color but contain subtle changes.岩画的纹路和岩石的色彩既一致,又有微妙的变化。
11.As the sandstone rocks on Mount Sanwei did not take well to fine carving, the art works in the caves are either murals or clay sculptures.因三危山属沙砾岩,不宜雕刻,所以洞室里的都是壁画和彩塑。
12."Painted rock carvings are a very ancient art form, and I wonder they were all alike."彩绘岩画是一种非常古老的艺术形式,但它们都是相同的吗?
13.The Comparison of Chinese Mineral Paintings of Wei, Jin, North-South Dynasties in the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes and Kezier Cave浅议魏晋时期莫高窟与克孜尔石窟岩彩壁画表现的异同
14.So far many murals and painted rock carvings are found in all parts of China. Here I would like to introduce you two.目前为止.中国各地都发现了许多壁画和彩绘岩画。下面,我给你介绍两处。
15.The artist chose the medium of oil for the portrait.那画家选用油彩画肖像.
16.He paints nicely in water-colours.他水彩画画得很好。
17.Several clay figures were created later to accompany the paintings.壁画画好后,再配以彩塑。
18.drawings in ink, pencil, pastel, and crayon;钢笔画、铅笔画、彩色粉笔画和蜡笔画;

Rock-Color paintings岩彩画
1.Copy of Buddhist Murals and Rejuvenation of Rock-Color paintings;佛教壁画的科学临摹与岩彩画的复兴价值
3)rock color painting岩彩画
1.From social environment in different historical periods of China and Japan, and from attitude towards foreign cultures,this article analyzes the developing process of rock color painting art which has multi-cultural factors and its teaching.本文从中日两国不同历史时期的社会环境和对待外来文化的心态入手,分析具有多元文化因子的岩彩艺术的演变及其教学的发展历程,并从文化理解的视角对中国大陆、台湾地区与日本著名高校近现代的岩彩画教学进行调查,初步分析中日各高校岩彩画的教学现状,通过比较近现代岩彩画在日本各高等艺术院校的教学形态,与我国大陆各高校岩彩画以及台湾地区胶彩画教学模式的异同;发现中国大陆目前各高校的岩彩画教学由于起步较晚,还没有形成系统的教学模式,存在着结构上的不合理。
2.Furthermore,it reveals that the material-expression and replication of grotto frescos have an instructive function and aesthetic meaning for the contemporary rock color painting.首先对传统石窟壁画的制作以及壁画材料性质特征的简要介绍;其次探讨壁画的现状模写与一般临摹的区别以及现状模写的实际意义,并且提出石窟壁的画材料表现、现状模写对当代岩彩画的指导作用和当代岩彩画的审美等问题;最后简要回顾了现代岩彩画发展的基本轨迹,以此来论述传统石窟壁画材料表现在当代的继承与发展。
4)New rock-dyestuff painting新岩彩画
5)Coloured drawing or pattern of frescos彩绘岩画
6)freehand brushwork from yancai岩彩写意画
1.The article which beginning from congnizing relation of yancai brushwork and chinese painting, analyze the feasi bility of combining of yancai brushwork and spirit of freehand brushwork,and bring forward the conception of"freehand brushwork from yancai"which fusing the two essentials of freehand brushwork spirit and skill recombination.文章从认识岩彩画与中国绘画的承继关系入手,分析了岩彩画和写意精神结合的可能性并提出融会写意精神和技法重组这两大要素的"岩彩写意画"概念。

白云石,白云岩,石灰岩CAS:1317-65-3中文名称:石灰石;电石灰岩;石灰石粉;霰石,文石;方解石,碳酸钙晶体;碳酸钙,白垩;白云石,白云岩,石灰岩;石灰石,石灰石;大理石,大理岩,云石,玻璃球;波特兰石;白垩,磨细白垩粉,白垩粉英文名称:Limestone;Agstone;agricultural limestone;aragonite;atomite;bell mine pulverized limestone;calcite;calcium carbonate;carbonic acid, calcium salt;chalk;dolomite;domolite;franklin;lithograpic stone;marble;natural calcium carbonate;portland stone;sohnhofen stone;whiting;limestone,powder;flux lime